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Enhance your career prospects with Henry Harvin® Full Stack Developer Pro Course | Gain a comprehensive knowledge of front-end and back-end development while mastering multiple programming languages and frameworks | Learn to handle end-to-end web application development and effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams | Develop problem-solving skills, database management expertise, and responsive website design capabilities
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There's a reason that 95% of our alumni undertake 3+ courses as a minimum with Henry Harvin®
Join the highly acclaimed Henry Harvin® Full Stack Developer Pro Course. Throughout this course, you will gain a deep understanding of both front-end and back-end development, enabling you to create dynamic and interactive web applications. We will cover essential programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React and Node.js. By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies. Our expert instructors will guide you through hands-on projects and practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios. Join us on this exciting journey as we dive into the world of full-stack development.
Become a part of the Elite Coding Academy of Henry Harvin® and join the 4,60,000+ large Alumni Network Worldwide.
Know the complete offerings of our Full Stack Developer Pro Course in San Antonio
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It is a trajectory that offers complete growth of an individual incorporating the two most significant focus areas of contemporary learning:The Competency Development and The Career Development .
Competency development is about building capabilities that not only meet current job demands but also anticipates the future needs. It includes:
3: Student Engagement & Events Free Access to #AskHenry Hackathons and Competitions & many other facilities from Henry Harvin®
Career Development lays focus on the essentials for acquiring a good career or diving into a highly competent one. It includes:
7: Hallmark Certification + License Distinguish your profile with global credentials and showcase expertise with our Hallmark Completion certificate with Professional License
9: Entrepreneurship Mentorship Mentorship from Young Successful Entrepreneurs to set up a sustainable & scalable Business from scratch at both Freelance and entrepreneur levels
Programming Basics, Data Types and Code Flow
Input, Output, and Exceptions
If statement, Loops and Code flow
Time and space Complexity
Bit Manipulation
1-D Array
2-D Array
Array List and Linked List
Application of Stack
Applications of Queue
Tree (Traversals)
Tree (Construction of tree from traversals, height of tree, mirror of tree)
Tree (LCA, Diameter)
Dynamic Programming
Graph (BFS, DFS)
Graph (Cycles in Graph)
Graph (DFS, BFS on matrix)
Graph ([Dijkstra Algorithm, Flood Fill Algorithm])
Graph [Minimum Spanning Tree, Floyd Warshall, TopologicalSorting]
Linear Search and Binary Search
Ternary Search
Two Pointers
Bit Manipulation
Simple Array Sorting and its implementation
Sorting using Divide and Conquer and implementation
Getting started with NodeJS
Interactive node with REPL
Node Module System
File system & streams
Web servers with HTTP module
Understanding Cluster & Working threads
Introduction to Express
Building Restful APIs using express
Building Restful APIs using express II
Express Middlewares
Express Middlewares continue
Database Integration - MongoDB
CRUD with Mongoose & MongoDB I
CRUD with Mongoose & MongoDB II
Mongo Data Validation
Modelling Relationships
Autentication, Authorization I
Profanity Filtering and Post Moderation
Caching & Performance
Caching & Performance continue
Protecting express App
Getting started with Git
Working with Git repositories
Branching and merging
Git workflows
Using Git in IDE
Git server adminstration
Introduction To Web Development
How Web Applications Work
An introduction to HTML and CSS
Tools for Web Development
How to View Deployed Web Pages
Five Critical Web Development Issues
The HTML syntax, Images, Basic Skills for Working with Images
Advanced Skills for Working with Images
Related Skills for Working with Images, Forms, How to Use
Forms and Controls, Other Skills for Working with Forms
How to Use the HTML5 Features for Data Validation, How to Use the HTML5 Controls
A Web Page that Uses HTML5 Data Validation
Using CSS to Format the Elements of a Web Page
An introduction to CSS
Measurements and Colours, Selectors, Cascading Style Sheets
How to Work with Text
A Web Page that Uses External Style Sheets
Introduction to Media Queries
Creating applications with Mobile-first Approach
Difference between Desktop-first vs. Mobile-first
Creating Your First Web Page with Bootstrap
Including Bootstrap's Files via CDN, Bootstrap Grid System,
Creating Fixed, Fluid Layout with Bootstrap
What is Responsive Web Design or Layout?
Bootstrap Typography, Tables, Lists, Forms, Input Groups, Buttons, Images, NavBar etc
Creating a form using Bootstrap
Creating a Static Site with Bootstrap
Introduction to JavaScript Language, Using Script Tag, Inserting
Java Script into Tags, Linking Java Script from Separate Files,
JavaScript Expression and Operators, Defining and Naming
Variables, Data Types, Expression, Returning Values from Functions
Function: Advanced Concepts
Function as Data, Anonymous Function, Callbacks, Self-invoking
Function, Inner (Private) Functions, Functions that Return Functions
Function: Rewriting itself, Variable Scopes, Function Level, No Block Level, Global Level
What Are Objects?
Objects and the Dot Syntax, Creating an Object with a Constructor,
Properties of the Object, Methods of the Object
Introduction to ES6 Features
JQuery Introduction
Install and Use jQuery Library
Un-Obstructive JavaScript
First jQuery Example
jQuery Syntax
Basic Selectors, Filters
ReactJS Fundamentals
Introduction to ReactJS, React and SPA
The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure, React Introduction,View Technology
React and SPA, The Create-react-app CLI, Project Structure,
Understanding What React Is, What Problem React Solves
First React Project, Code Formatter Setup, Building Static Site
Using React, JSX, Introduction, States and Properties, Stateless
Components, Stateful Components, Styling Approach in React
Component Lifecycle Events, Event Categories, Event Definition,
Mounting and Unmounting Events, Components and Props, State
and Lifecycle, Handling Events
useState, useEffect, useRef
Working with Hooks Example
Fetching Endpoint with Hook
Working with Lazy Initialisation with Hooks
Introduction to useContextRedux for State Management, Introduction to Redux, Basic
Building Blocks, Store, Actions, Action Types and Action Creators,
Dispatch Mechanism, Vanilla Redux for Better Understanding,
Redux with ReactJS, The Application Flow, Choosing the Right
Model for Store, Implementing Redux for a Basic Application
Introduction to React Router
Route Configuration – Link, Navigate, Route, Router
Creating AWS Account, Understanding ec2 Instance
Deploying Spring boot Application with Containerisation
Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
S3 Regions, Buckets and Objects
Create Bucket in S3, Upload - Make Public - Rename - Delete File in S3, Delete and Restore Files in S3
Testing : JUNIT, JEST
Know the complete offerings of our Full Stack Developer Pro Course
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Front-end development
Back-end development
Database management
Server management
Version control systems
Web framework development
Post-successful completion of the course, earn Henry Harvin® Full Stack Developer Pro Course Certificate and Post it on social media, get it framed, and increase your value in the industry.
The practical knowledge and actionable skillset you've gained working on projects, simulations, and case studies will set you ahead of the competition
Talk about it on LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, boost your resume, or frame it - tell your friends and colleagues about it.
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