Sarika Shrivastava, 4.6/5 Henry Harvin Copywriting Course Reviews

I am Sarika Shrivastava. I was looking for a career change but I needed confidence and some mentorship. I am happy I joined Henry Harvin’s Copywriting Course because it gave me both. This course introduced me to a copywriting style that is relevant in the current job market.
Their study material is quite detailed and up-to-date with the latest techniques and tools. I loved doing the variety of assignments that are there as a part of the course and challenges each task presented. I was also introduced to some excellent online resources I probably would have never found by myself. I feel more confident now that I have gathered some copywriting skills, I can build upon and study material that I can refer to.
My trainer has been exceptionally helpful, prompt and always ready to guide me. At times I misunderstood her judgement. However, she has been very patient to explain where I went wrong while doing my assignments and how I can improve on it. I completely trust her feedback on my work. It is a blessing to have such a professional trainer who can correct your mistakes and get you back on the right track.
In my Henry Harvin copywriting course review, I would like to share with my fellow aspirants that every copywriting course teaches the students about different types of copy, copywriting techniques and useful tools. But Henry Harvin goes an extra inch and trains you how to invest time, focus and craft your words well to generate a good copy.
I find the Henry Harvin copywriting course well-worth the money and time I invested. I recommend this course to all who want to ramp up their writing skill levels. I learnt a lot at Henry Harvin and am looking ahead to a successful career.
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