In the world we are living right now, is very essential to learn and execute digital marketing. Today most of the business runs 24×7. So, it is very important to learn and understand digital marketing. Due to the COVID -19 situation, the digital marketing platform has broadened. Digital marketing is the need of the hour and it can’t be ignored. Every single business whether it is big or small it has to be implemented with amazing business skills. Mastering Digital marketing can be costly. and it is not easy for everyone to afford it. Institutes and business colleges ask a lot of money for the course. So, sometimes it becomes difficult for the students. So, in this blog, I’m going to share some best Digital marketing courses and digital marketing SEO.

In digital marketing, the role of SEO can’t be ignored. Now, what is search engine optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search  Engine Optimization refers to the process of making the web page find, crawl, and categorize. It also helps in getting traffic from the free and natural results. SEO helps the customers in finding your business from thousands of results. I also help in advertisement and creating awareness of the launched product. So, first, we should know what is the best word count for SEO in digital marketing. Actually first we have to write articles sound 100 words,200,400,500,100,1500, and now 2,000 words. Now,2000 words is ideal for the content.

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It seems that every year the marketers are told to write longer content. Actually the more long and relevant the content is, it increases ranking in google’s search engine result page. (SERP). Every year it seems google changes its algorithm.

But, now it has been revealed that word count is not the best way to get traffic. In August 2019 Google’s webmaster trends analyst John Mueller said word count is not a ranking factor. A few days ago Mueller provided some additional insight. He tweeted that simply making your article word count more is not enough to make your page rank in google.

How does word count affect your SEO?

While it is clear that the long word counts are not still enough to make your page rank on the google page. So, does it mean that word count has no effect on digital marketing SEO.? It is not really like that. Mueller said word count doesn’t impact on ranking factors. similarly how meta descriptions aren’t a ranking factor but they influence the click rate, which is a ranking factor. In general, we can answer the higher the word count the better answer the user gets and the increase in opportunity for backlinks. Word count does not equal quality content. The quality of the content should be relevant so it will help in ranking.

Digital marketing SEO plays a very important role in the ranking of the page. You should always pay attention to the quality of the topic. The topic should be relevant because if your topic is overwritten and goes off-topic then it might hurt SEO. It should be always relevant according to the user’s search.

  • .How to write content that will rank?

The most important factor to rank the content is its relevance. the content should be relevant to the search of the users. According to Ahrefs advice “ Don’t shoot for a particular word count- just make sure you cover a topic in full. Whether that takes 500 words or 10.000 the key is that you are creating the best resource available for your target keyword.”

Ultimately you are going to write for the user’s answers. If you are looking towards your word count. Then it is recommended to always use above 750 more than words for your content. It is also considered as the best digital marketing SEO. When you have listed the articles or points and you are able to give an answer to the audience then you can make your article shorter also. When a topic is asking for more information then you should provide it. The majority of the word count for this is 1,200 and 3,000 words for blog articles and more than 8,000 words for pillar pages. The most important advice is to write until you’re done. Google also agrees with this.

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So, What is the ideal blog post length for SEO?

In this blog, we will further discuss word length for SEO in digital marketing.

We are looking towards this question as an SEO expert. According to some SEO experts, some suggestions are:

  • Short tail Keywords: over 4,500 words.
  • Mid-tail keywords: it is between 2,000 and 4,500 words.
  • Long-tail keywords: It is between 1,000-2,000 words

Short tail keywords are the keywords that the users type and they contain only 1-2 words keyphrases. But one problem is with these keywords. First, they are very competitive. They will give a lot of search results, with more competition and more results it becomes very difficult for your blog to rank higher in google page. Especially if you are a small website for a low domain authority. Small Keywords also do not indicate specific content. It also makes it harder for google to show the specific results. So, this is a very important factor. You should select your keywords properly. So, that might be helpful for you.

Keeping these factors in mind if you have written a 10,000 words blog then also your blog will never find its position in google ranking. If your keywords are a  mid-tail keyword then it is sufficient for the keyword searches but again the competition is higher. But compared to the short-tail keywords there are chances of its ranking well. For these keywords , the ideal length for your blog post will depend on your keyword.

This is one of the best word counts for Digital marketing SEO.

For these keywords, the ideal length for your blog-posts is between 2,000 to 4,000 words. And lastly, we come to the long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are considered to be the best in Digital Marketing SEO. They are a great opportunity for small blogs to rank higher and do well. Although they are less competitive so, the ideal blog post length will be shorter. The ideal blog length for long-tail keywords is 2,000-3000 words. Although there are a lot of competitions in the market, you have to write more.

Now, we can have a look at the length recommended by the authoritative sources

   1.Hubspot: In a recent study the marketing automation platform Hubspot gathered data from the 50 most read blog posts in 2019. They found that the articles were around 2,300 words long.

  2.Yoast: Yoast is a search engine optimization plugin in WordPress. According to the Yoast, the ideal blog post length is 3,00 to 1,000 words.

  3. Semrush: The ideal length according to semrush is 1137 word

  4.backlinko: According to backlinko the ideal word length is 1890 words. Before a couple of years ago, it did an extensive survey for about 1 million google search results.

In fact, its result became so popular that it was widely spread by so many digital marketing companies. Its word length of 1890 words gave one of the best Digital marketing SEO.

So, the final answer is 2000 to 3000 words. One thing you have to do you have to find out the exact average number of keywords.

  • Go to google and type the exact keyword that you want to rank so far.
  • In a new tab open
  • Take the first search result and paste the URL.
  • It will give you the exact number of words found in that URL.
  • Repeat with the next 4-5 search results.
  • Now, you will get your average number.

   There are a lot of ranking factors that we will see now

1. The number of the outside that are linking to your website matters a lot more than the length of your blog.

     2. Keywords in subheadings also is also an important thing to rank your blog.

     3. Having a targeted keyword is very important. If you are not putting your 

keywords properly than your blog might not rank higher. So, it will be just a waste of time

  4.  The blog that Hooks the readers at the beginning wins the race. Spending time on your website is a very important thing. If people bounce off from your website quickly then it will definitely affect your rankings.  

5. The shorter the post is, it’s likely to be read by the readers. It is definitely true that human beings want shorter posts. It also helps in SEO rankings. 

Elements of a perfect blog post for best Digital marketing

  •    Always have targeted keywords. Use Ahrefs or SemRush to identify things people are searching.
  • Use a video or an image to gather people’s attention.
  • Use bold or bigger text in the beginning , use a question, a promise value to get them to continue reading.
  • Always use bullet points for your paragraph. Don’t write long paragraphs as it becomes very boring for a reader to read.
  • Use the keyword at the beginning and at the end of your post . Always use it in your head
  •  Support your keywords with data and examples.
  • Always include FAQs in your blog. It helps in Digital marketing SEO.
  • Always use a short link URL so, that someone could easily share it on social media

  How to focus on Quality rather than Quantity

This is the most important part of blogging. If you are doing blogging from the SEO point of view or digital marketing point then the most important part is that you have to focus on your content. It has to be good, relevant and catchy.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post

What does content creation mean?

  • Try to introduce new concepts always when you are writing a blog you should come up with new things. People don’t like repetitions.
  • Think about what kind of media would enhance your content creation There are a wide variety of things that can enhance your work. You can take the help of Images, videos, gifs, memes, graphs, diagrams, infographics, Quizzes, and calculators.
  • Always consider the intention of the people’s search to give them the best answer. If people are reading your article and your article is not that relevant or it does not satisfy them then they will have a very bad experience. This can hurt your SEO.
  • If you want to increase traffic on your site then you have to follow these steps.

   Blog Post length-Best Practices

  1. Always do keyword research before starting your blog is really helpful in getting the traffic. You can take the help of
  2. Always determine your distribution strategy. If you are doing the promotion with Facebook or LinkedIn, it is ok but if you are doing promotions for google then definitely you need a good strategy.
  3. Always average the blog posts of the top ten blogs.

 Now we will learn how to do digital marketing. For this, it is not necessary that you have to be a very good digital marketer. It is actually a marketing strategy that uses search engine optimization, content marketing, social media, email campaigns, and online advertisements. The world of digital marketing is vast and overwhelming. But, once you have practice and you know the basic strategies it becomes easy.

Here are some best methods of digital marketing.

  1. Optimizing search engine results: Search Engine Optimization is a marketing strategy based on the keyword research that basically google does. Always use search engines like, google to look for the terms or the keywords. Make a list of such terms that are used by the companies which are the same as your own. Look at the related searches. It is one of the best digital marketing strategies.
  1. Optimize your website by putting the keyword in URLs: the URLs are the address of your webpage. So, always include your keywords in your URLs.This will help in ranking your website. Always use simple URLs that are easy for the customers to remember.
  1. Use keywords in the content of your website: Always use relevant keywords that match your business. But, beware of excess putting your keywords which is known as keywords stuffing. Keyword stuffing makes your website rank lower.
  1. Use keywords in title tags and meta tags: Use keywords in title tags and meta descriptions.title tags is the name of the web page link. while a meta description is a 2-3 lines short lines description under the title tags. Both of these are great places to use the keywords.
  1. Creating  Marketing Content: Capture the potential of the audience. It is a marketing strategy that involves the creation and sharing of content in social media, images, videos, and blog posts. The main goal of these kinds of marketing is creating brand awareness, increasing sales, creating loyal costumes. It can also reduce your total marketing cost. It is also one of the best Digital marketing.
  1. Target the audience: When you are doing any ads or campaigning or you are launching any product then you should always know your audience. How they are? what age group they belong to? Always get feedback from your customers.
Influence marketing
Target your Audience
  1. Maintain an online blog to engage your customers: An online blog is a wonderful place to post videos, images, and the information about the products or your services.
  2. Use of social media: Social media allows us to create and share content worldwide.Before you start your advertisements always target your audience. This will help in your work. You can also make a business page in Facebook for marketing. Even you can use Instagram as an advertisement platform. Instagram offers tools to help you target and engage your customers.
  1. Creating a targeted email marketing campaign using your mailing list: If you are launching a new product or you are making some announcement, sending an email to relevant contact is easy. There are some companies like Mailchimp and constant contact. They use software and tools that do mass emailing.
  1. Using Pay Per Click advertising: Pay per click ads appear when some customer visits your site and clicks on it. If your ad content is good then it can drive traffic to your page.

   To become a Digital Marketer it is very important that you should do a good course from a good and renewed institute or a college. There are a lot of institutes in India. Henry Harvin also provides one of the best Digital Marketing Course.

  • It provides 32 hours of live virtual training, 1 year of free brush-up sessions,50 hours of E-learning.
  • Training by well trained and experienced trainers.
  • Guaranteed internship with Henry Harvin.
  • Get the Alumni status of Henry Harvin.

    For more information, you can visit our site@Henry


        1.   What are the latest digital marketing trends?

     Some of the trends are: Use of a voice search, smart chatbox options, email  marketing, video, marketing, etc

2. How can we improve ranking on the google search engine?

We can do it with the help of SEO. There are 2 types of SEO. On-page SEO and off-page SEO.

3. What is the average blog post length?

The average blog post length is 2000 to 3000 words.

4. How short can the blog posts be?

The blog posts can be 300-600 words long or above 750 words.It really depends on the subject.

5. How long does it take to write 500 words?

A 500 words blog specifically takes 30-40 minutes based on your speed.


In this blog, I have mentioned the best word count for SEO in digital marketing. The best word count however is 2,000 -3,000 words. But it can be 1800 words too. It basically depends upon the Topic. The word count is one way to rank your page higher in Google searches, but there is also another way. The topic should be more relevant to the searches. There should be quality in the content. We should insert proper keywords in our title tags and meta description. Which will make the content rank higher. So, there are various methods for implementing good SEO. SEO is of two types On-page SEO and Off-Page SEO. You have to work on both to rank your website higher.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and was informative and useful to you. 

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