Undoubtedly, after its introduction in India, Data Science has managed to gather the attention of people in different sectors of jobs. At this time, this is one of the most popular and looked-up courses in the education field. Indeed with its increasing trend, data science has also been introduced in schools. So, that children can begin to learn about data, what is data ethics, and its uses in the early stages.


Importantly, this field offers plenty of benefits and applications. But every cloud has a silver lining. In order to prevent misuse of our data we must be aware of the data ethics. With this in mind, this blog is written to inform the readers about what is data ethics in Data Science.

what is data ethics

What is Data Ethics? — Basic Concept

what is data ethics

Firstly, we are all aware of the term “cookies” when we visit a website. So these cookies are a door that allows companies to recover our data from the database. In order to protect our data, from falling into the wrong hands, the Concept of Data Ethics was introduced. 


Thus, Data ethics is a separate part of ethics that deals with handling— How is

  • Data generated,
  • Gathered,
  • Protected,
  • Shared, and 
  • Utilized by the collectors in the entire data cycle process. 


To sum up, in simple words, it is a set of rules and regulations that an organization should follow when collecting and spreading data. Particularly, it makes sure that our data is collected ethically without risking leaks of personal information that can lead to negative effects on people.

Briefly, to understand what is data ethics we need to know why is it so important.

What is Data Ethics – Why To Learn?

what is data ethics

We know examples of data breaches and privacy misuse. And so fair knowledge about what is data ethics makes it even more important to a data scientist.

Companies are largely hiring people with expertise in this field in both private and public sectors. 


Especially they want individuals who can look after the process of handling data without risking the moral obligations of consumer data policies. Besides this, there are many reasons and benefits to knowing the importance of what is data ethics. Such as:


  • Firstly it lays the foundation of a successful trustworthy relationship with the customers. Furthermore, it helps in building the name and position of the company.
  • Along with this, a happy customer will also help to raise the economic prospects of a company.
  • Also, Data ethics has appeared as a potential source of jobs for data scientists.
  • Apart from this, it supports non-biased decision-making practices and protects data from harm.
  • It should be noted Data Ethics Policies must come under the guidelines laid down by the government to protect customer privacy and user rights.
  • Lastly, knowing what is data ethics helps to keep safely the sensitive information of customers and prevents legal problems.


What is Data Ethics— Key Principles of Data Ethics

Initially, now that we have an idea of what is data ethics, let’s dive into knowing what are the principles associated with it.

what is data ethics



  • Accountability– means that the company that collects the user data is responsible for it. In case there is any mishandling in data management the company is held guilty of it and should take steps to solve the issues.


  • Consent– this principle states that the user must be made fully informed and know— why, how, and for what reasons their data is being collected. Also, the free will of the user should be exercised on their data use. They can’t force the user to give information.


  • As a rule, there should be continuous monitoring and improvement of data practices to show the organization’s dedication to data ethics.


  • Fairness and neutrality– Above all, there must be equal and non-biased handling of all data practices for decision-making processes.


  • Privacy concerns– Obviously this is one of the most important principles. The company should have a security protocol for personal data storage to ensure data safety. This is necessary in case of — data breaches and leaks. 

Additionally, the user should have access to change, or delete their given information.


  • Limited data storage and minimization– Overall the data that is of great interest and importance should be collected. Limited and accurate Data Collection helps to build trust with the customers. Additionally, this also allows organizations to provide a safe and secure environment.


  • Lastly, data transparency is another principle of knowing what is data ethics. To clarify the user has a right to remain informed of the entire data cycle process steps. And they should know that the company should be open and clear with its purpose for their collected data.


To summarise, these are some of the points of what is data ethics principles are that a data scientist must know when beginning their career in this field.

Real-life examples of knowing what is data ethics better-

Subsequently, after realizing the challenges and importance of what is data ethics many companies have made valuable changes in their data practices. To demonstrate this below is a list of some of the companies that follow data ethics-


  • The Apple company shows great dedication to ensuring the privacy of its users. And has taken several steps that follow the above-mentioned principles. It highlights on-device processing and limited storage of user’s data.


  • Similarly, Microsoft also takes responsibility for managing its data practices. And gives the user complete control over their data.


  • IBM company’s has an AI ethics policy following the data ethics regulations.
  • After having a data scandal, Facebook has updated its data policies.


  • Not only this the government has formed regulations for data protection, AI Use, and platform regulations. For example—

 GDPR, CCPR and CCPA, EU AI Act, Digital Services Act, and more.


Now that the reader has a fair idea of what is data ethics, the only goal remains is find the right course to add your knowledge.

Henry Harvin’s- PG Program in Data Science Course

what is data ethics

If you want to expand your learnings this gained information on what is data ethics as well as Data Science look no further!


Definitely, this program will provide you with the right platform to jumpstart your career in Data Sciences. Henry Harvin is one of the oldest Edtech companies in the market with all the expertise to make you an expert. Additionally, it has many accreditations and affiliations. For example: ISO, NSDC, Nasscom, and more. Henry Harvin has been providing its services in education and upskilling for more than 11 years.


Moreover, by enrolling in this course you will also join the mega 4,60,000+ global alumni network. Nonetheless, they have partnerships with many major corporations and institutions.

Highlights of the PGP in Data Science Course-

  • 10-in-1 course with a gold membership that provides sufficient training along with projects, internship, and placement support.
  • Instructor-led live classes of 192 hours in addition to master classes and doubt sessions.
  • Also includes 288 hours of self-paced learning.
  • Not only this it includes Capstone projects but also Industry Case studies.
  • Apart from this Hands-on experience with Cloud labs.
  • Also — Quizzes, exercises, assignments, and mini projects.
  • Additionally, learn from well-experienced trainers who teach the most recently designed syllabus.
  • Check out the Data Science Training Syllabus Details here!


Last but not least some of the tools, skills, and languages covered in this program namely:

  • Python,
  • Jupyter, 
  • SciPy, SQL, 
  • Power BI,
  • Tensorflow,
  • Scrapy,
  • Excel,
  • Tableau,
  • Machine and Neural learning, Deep learning,
  • in addition to many more.

Course fee-

2 way interactive online classes: INR 2,98,000

Self-paced: INR 2,68,200

Altogether Henry Harvin has an entire section of the School of Data Science and Analytics with many courses from which the students can select a course per their needs.


The field of Data Science is evolving and progressing at an increasing rate. It has great potential to help and benefit the population. But with advancing technology comes the problem of data ethics issues like bias, data misuse, privacy invasion, and more. Therefore it is the responsibility of every Data Scientist to carefully and rightly address these issues. 


Thus,  having sufficient information on what is data ethics-  its guidelines, principles, and applications and making strategies to solve such issues.

Recommended reads-

  1. What is Data Science? definition, examples, jobs, & more
  2. What is AWS big data?
  3. Ten Analytical Skills necessary for a successful career in Data Science
  4. What is data warehouse?


1. What is data ethics?

Ans. It is a set of guidelines and principles that must be followed while dealing with data.

2. Who should know about data ethics?

Ans. All data scientists who are looking to expand their careers should know about data ethics.

3. Are there legal actions against data ethics issues?

Ans. Yes, there are legal actions taken against the data ethics issue.

4. Which government agencies are responsible for data protection?

Ans. GDPR, CCPR, and CCPA are responsible for data protection.

5. Where can I use my learnings?

Ans. This knowledge can be used by

  • Software engineers, 
  • Machine learning / AI  engineers
  • Project managers
  • Data scientists
  • Product managers.

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