Leading a project team to its goal and achieve success, takes a lot of work in planning and execution and it definitely needs skill, education, and skill to simplify these educational skills of amplification.

Well, yes this is nothing but “how to manage and lead a team to the given project to its success with planning”.

PMP professionals are very much needed everywhere. Even during this epidemic, there are PMP professionals who are planning and reorganizing strategies and have a vision for many things in detail ahead for us.

They contact, coordinate, organize, control and execute their work and they do it well planned.

Whenever there is a growth in any structure it is definitely from the roots and then does it grow upwards, PMP is the same, or we can say it not only grows upwards but will also make the roots of the project strong.

Well we can say  “planning when done properly paves its way to its goal in flying colors”

PMP Delivers Guidelines

  • What work to do
  • What good and materials are necessary at what time and when
  • Who can be involve and why
  • Ways to state and finalize every step

They follow these guidelines or rules from the beginning till the end, which makes the planning organized, systematic, and co-ordinated at every phase of the work/project.

This definitely looks simple but is powerful and need lots of experience to be judgemental with decisions.

A big team, no of tasks and plan according to every aspect and last but not the least –  on-time delivery.  Yes, the name suits it well alright. Managing a project with proper planning.

Phases of Project Management

Just like the moon, Project management Professionals go through phases of planning and organizing the project.

This is nothing but dividing the work into levels from the starting point to execution and till they reach the finishing line. It’s basically A GET-SET-GO THEORY with an organized and manageable step in each level.

Project Lifecycle Management- (With images) | Image search, Image


The first phase of the project is to initiate where a project and its goals are to have a discussion and ideas are pouring in like a storm. This is also where the other phrases are to decide and allott with a dedicated team and a designated time with desirable resources for the making.

This makes the project and its conception to the next level and we can say the project has started to show its own concept in the making.

A venture is officially begun named, and at an expansive level during this stage. Undertaking supports and other significant partners due persistently choose whether or not to focus on a task.

Contingent upon the idea of the venture, attainability examines are led. Or then again, as it might require, in an IT anticipate – necessity social affair and examination are acting in this stage. In the development business, a task sanction is finishing in this stage.

Project Initiation: How to Start Off a Project Right


Planning has to be a part of PMP, not to mention its in the name itself. Like I have to mention before anything is done and bring to execution with proper and precise planning paves its ways in flying colors.

This step is basically a map with GPS or a set of planned instructions for every member of the team to follow to execute the project.

This is where the project takes its shape and is developing. Time, quality, quantity, and expenses all come into shape in this phase.

A venture the board plan is grown thoroughly of individual designs for – cost, scope, length, quality, correspondence, hazard, and assets.

A portion of the significant exercises that mark this stage is – making WBS, improvement of the calendar, achievement diagrams, GANTT graphs, assessing and holding assets, arranging dates.

Also, methods of correspondence with partners dependent on achievements, cutoff times, and significant conveyances.

An arrangement for overseeing distinguish and an unidentified danger is resolved as this may influence parts of a task later on. Hazard the executives arranging incorporates: chance recognizable proof and examination, chance alleviation approaches, and hazard reaction arranging.

The planning not only shows  “how, where, and when” to go but it is also ready to handle “what if, why and which”.

Yes, they also have to plan what sort of problem they might or have to face during the project and be ready for it to clear them and a smart way. Problems relate to budget, time, and resources are common in the planning of o project as it may wary anytime comparing with the time of the execution of the project till the finishing of one.

This is definitely a GPS undoubtedly GPS- Goal Plan Strategically


After GET-SET now its Go, yes this is the phase where the project is set to go on the starting line to run its course. This phrase can be one of the longest or the hardest or both for a team to set an execution.

This phase is connecting thoroughly with the planning phase. Planning is doing well execution going well in performing and initiating this phase.

It involves a lot of decision making and executing like:-

•  Tracking system setups

•  Developing a team on every plan

•  Plan the execution

•  Resource distribution

•  Meeting and presentations

•  Scheduling the project time

PMP Executing Process Group - YouTube

This also involves modifying the plan according to situation and execution.

A venture deliverable is creating and finishing, clinging to a mapping-out arrangement.

A lot of assignments during this stage catch venture measurements through undertakings like status gatherings and task announcements, different status reports, human asset needs, and execution reports.

A significant stage as it will assist you with understanding whether your undertaking will be a triumph or disappointment.


After setting on the track, its time to check whether the project is running on the track according to the planning. This is the phrase where the Project management professionals monitor the project according to the 2ND and 3RD phrases of PMP.

This monitoring inturn showcases the performance of the execution and indicates the stage of the plan, whether its on track or moving slowly.

Constant guidance and monitoring with distant controlling are necessary for this phrase.

This happening simultaneously as the execution stage, this one for the most part manages to estimate the undertaking execution and movement in understanding the task plan.

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Extension confirmation and control happen to check and screen for scope creep, change control to follow and oversee changes to extend prerequisites.

Computing key execution pointers for cost and time are done to quantify the level of variety, assuming any, and in which case, restorative measures are resolving and recommending it to keep a task on target.

To forestall venture disappointment, consider why tasks are probably going to come up short and the approaches to forestall disappointment.


 The last and final phase of PMP, the one which is awaiting since the start. This is when the GET-SET-GO has reached its finishing line. The large project has been through various process of incubation and is finally a colorful butterfly ready to fly.

The team is given recognition for its work and they also discuss the lessons learning during the process which they put forward for their own improvement and for the projects in the future. This is a form of Self-evaluation on every team’s part.

Final documentation is made for all forms of details which is need for the closure of the contract and handing over the Finished Project.

A venture is officially shut.

It incorporates a progression of significant errands, for example, conveying the item, assuaging assets, prize and acknowledgment to the colleagues, and the formal end of contractual workers in the event that they were utilized on the undertaking.

What is the undertaking life cycle?

The venture life cycle incorporates the means required to effectively deal with a task all the way.

There are 5 stages to the task life cycle—starting, arranging, executing, observing/controlling, and shutting.

Every one of these task stages (additionally called the 5 procedure gatherings) speaks to a gathering of interrelated procedures that must happen.

This procedure may include:

•   Delivering the undertaking

•  Hosting an after death or exercises got the hang of meeting

•  Archiving venture records

•   Celebrating or recognizing the accomplishment

•   Officially disbanding or discharging the group

The significance of this last advance of the venture life cycle can’t be exaggerated, particularly as more associations are embracing the Hollywood model of work, where brief groups meet up around a particular undertaking.

Afterward, disband and pull together for another task, much the manner in which film teams work. Each film creation closes with a “wrap party,” thus should each significant work venture.

Complex undertakings that are extensive in scope, asset substantial, and are high in vital signs will require more elevated levels of venture the executive’s information. Having an essential comprehension of the venture life cycle.

The 5 procedure gatherings of the task the board—starting, arranging, executing, observing and controlling, and shutting. It will help venture chiefs accomplish steady and repeatable undertaking achievements.

Numerous private companies enlist people to fill a specific position, however then duties outside that individual’s set of working responsibilities gather around their work area after some time.

One of the most well-known extra undertakings workers wind up taking on is venture the executives, or if nothing else inclusion in the task the executive’s procedure.

Colleagues are normally ready to take on additional obligations varying to lead a venture to progress, however that doesn’t mean they’re constantly excited about it. Entrepreneurs can begin to help by assigning a few representatives as task chief leads.

The best applicants will be the individuals who are normally exceptionally composed—they will have the option to incline toward that solidarity to work out the correct venture process for your business.

As they find the best techniques for driving your undertakings to finish, those can execute between and across offices to help even long haul ventures to progress.

Characteristics to Look

There’s nobody hypothesis of the task the executives, yet there are unquestionably perfect characteristics to look for in a venture the boarding procedure. The first is consistency.

The procedures for documentation, correspondence, and quality administration ought to be the equivalent from task to extend, however various individuals may complete them. The second is adaptability.

Each task will have its fluctuations and difficulties that emerge, and your group won’t succeed on the off chance that they can’t adjust to them.

Last, the best venture the executive’s forms are straightforward. This is particularly evident with regard to how colleagues are utilizing assets, including their time.

Project Management and Leadership

In the event that your work is more advanced than physical nowadays, consider a task the board programming to keep everybody in your group associated and refreshed about any cutoff time or spending changes.

You may even find that utilizing an undertaking the executives programming related to a visit/file share administration like Slack or Google Chat/Drive works best.

Coordinate, DON’T INVADE

What is the undertaking of the executive’s procedure?

Which procedure bunches are incorporating in the task of the boarding procedure?

What is the connection between these ventures the board procedure gatherings?


The following is an outline of the total task life cycle, including the 5 procedure gatherings of undertaking the board and the means required in each stage overall information regions.


The project management process definitely is a very essential sort of management we need in every form of industry around the world.

Planning, execution, organizing, monitoring, controlling, and finally the submission of a project or a plan requires skill, experience, leadership skills and a pinch of patience in one to be a professional in Project management.

These professionals make these plans and execute them so other workloads carry on efficiently.

To take the present situation of COVID-19, many such professionals are on the backend working on many types of planning and are executing it in their own ways to control the spread of the virus.

By implementing the strategic analysis of various categories: medical, economic, educational, financial, etc.

Well, no one can predict the exact fact but I can say they are on it even now and they are one of the reasons many things were executing and monitoring well.

Project management professionals are and always will be on great demand as nothing can go well unless plan by a professional and his team.

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