The new generation teens just want to barge out of their houses and start their own businesses in collaboration. Some teenagers have the dream to work with big firms and M.N.C’s.


“SO Hey! it’s time to wake up”, as it’s not that easy as you think, because thousands of teens wake up dreaming for the same

But why is it not that easy ?

Have you ever wondered, when you will go to companies for interview they will require you to have a good number of experience and certification from a renowned firm .

So what, we will achieve them when we will go to colleges.

I know as it has happened with all of us, it’s not easy enough .

Yes, certification matters but what also matters is the name of firm as most of the high status companies only collaborate with and employ people who are graduated from renowned institutional firms and the Ivy leagues.

And for  getting  admission in the best colleges you need to start working on your M.B.A skills right from this age.

But how do we start doing that ?

The Answer Is-  There are many institutions who have their own TEEN M.B.A or Mini M.B.A online programs going on.


  2.  Rutgers’ Business School Executive Education
  3. The University at Buffalo School of Management’s  Online Mini MBA Certificate Program,-

As I have already told you about the benefit of these programs, now I am going to tell you about the skills that you are going to become familiar with during  these programs.


Leadership skills is one of the  most important skill as it is no longer limited to people who are at high posts. As the structures of organization are changing with time, there are team leaders for every projects that companies take up.

2. People Management

As most of the wise leaders know a project is impossible to be made if the right people are not provided with the right kind of work. As we know “Too many cooks spoil the broth”,  however the quote misses one thing that, until they are provided with work they are specialized in.

3. Communication

The most basic and the most important skill that every TEEN M.B.A should be equipped with is communication. Because if you have ideas and you are not able to or hesitate to communicate them with people in your workplace, then you are just wasting your talent.   

4. Problem-Solving

If a TEEN M.B.A knows how to get past every situation and how to solve every problem that are met in the work place, then he is the person that every company would be searching to employ.

5.Time Management

Time Management is the best skill that a M.B.A student is equipped with because time never comes back and it waits for no one, therefore the person who has time in his hands can achieve anything .


So go and start your journey to become a TEEN M.B.A and remember to work wisely and do not forget to tell me how you begin your  journey to become a  TEEN M.B.A.

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