An experienced writer, whether seasoned or beginner, carefully selects engaging topics for content writing creation. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned writer, it’s crucial to consider the appropriateness of your chosen topics. There are some topics that never change. They consistently make your target audience’s life better.

content writing topics

But picking a topic may be challenging, especially for newcomers. When you initially start out writing material on a certain topic as a Content Writer, it’s common to feel conflicted and confused. Not only are there several ideas vying for your attention in your mind, but you also need to be aware of your preferences. Below is a list of the top ten trending content writing topics.

Top 10 Trending Content Writing Topics

Let’s now examine the top 10 topics for content writing that authors may select from. They give you the choice of being diverse. You may also assess your adaptability by trying to write articles about these subjects.

1. Digital Marketing

Content development options abound in the ever-expanding sector of digital marketing. Writing about digital marketing is vital as the internet is turning into a vital tool for marketing. Content writers can also find inspiration in digital advertising, SEO, email marketing, inbound marketing, and online reputation management. It’s crucial to include significant news and information about these subjects in their writing, ensuring a large readership and engaging content.

2. Health and Lifestyle

The health and lifestyle industry is constantly evolving, with various topics and topics being published to address the growing need for a healthy lifestyle. The need for high-quality content on diet instructions, exercise, nutrition, supplements, and also with related elements is evident in numerous health magazines. To create successful articles, one must understand the health and lifestyle industry, research topics, and the unique needs of different individuals. The content should inspire confidence and inform readers, backed by facts and statistics.

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3. Enhanced Visibility through SEO Optimization

One of the most important aspects of content authoring is still search engine optimization, or SEO. By making their work search engine friendly, authors may expand their readership and become more visible. Moz highlights that for higher search engine ranks, it’s critical to use relevant keywords, optimize meta tags, and organize content. By using these SEO techniques, writers may make sure that their intended audience can find their material.


4. Cracking Interviews

An interview consists of an applicant and employee exchanging job related questions and answers. In the process of looking for work, an applicant must attend interviews in order to get hired.

Gaining a job interview is rarely a simple or straightforward process. Everything relies on the kind of abilities needed, your familiarity with the position, your background, your credentials, etc.

The majority of new hires struggle during job interviews. They eagerly anticipate doing online searches and learning more about the same topics.

Professionals who are new to the field as well as others look for advice on how to ace challenging interviews.

As a result, one of the most popular content writing subjects in recent years is imparting interview skills.

5. Voice Search-Friendly Writing for Expansion

Say it has to do with a hectic schedule or something else, but voice search is currently more effective at finding information than typed queries. Considering the past, it is anticipated that in 2024, given the growing popularity of voice search, more focus will be placed on adhering to its requirements. For instance, voice-based virtual assistant technologies have long been in the lead. They respond to our spoken commands, gather information, and provide it to us in a matter of seconds. Interacting with them is very easy and natural, and we can receive information on the same subject repeatedly even if we ask the same questions over and over again.

6. Popular Subjects

The things that mostly attract and fascinate target readers are considered trending topics. Look up popular subjects in a given nation or industry. A number of results will appear, and this reveals the reading preferences of the audience. People’s curiosity leads to popular themes. They create trends for subjects. You therefore have a clear notion of what to write about.

For instance, there are a number of political, COVID-19, and Indian Premier League stories trending if you look up today’s hot topics for India. Trending subjects are very competitive..

7. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Under Interpret, a machine or information system processes language, text, translation, and understanding meaning of written materials from one language into another; this tool found use in web content creation where it helps one generate text out of structured input data. Grammarly, copy cape, Hemingway App,, among others are spelling and grammar checkers that help to avoid copying other people’s work while at the same time making sure that search engine optimization (SEO) is optimized too.

Based on a few words or sentences, the deep learning system GPT-3 can produce content on any topic that is cohesive and useful.

Also Read- Top 40 Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers to Know Before Your Next Interview

8. Working For Yourself

Freelance employment is gaining popularity as it offers a unique and complex career path. Content writing is a popular and interesting subject, with freelance employment available in various industries such as web design, coding, marketing, and transcription. As content writers, you have the opportunity to educate your audience about the field. However, the freelance industry is still relatively young and untested, with uncertainty surrounding it. Trending themes for Content Writing include freelance rates, career opportunities, and future prospects. Investing time and effort in this field is a valuable experience.

9. Makeup, Skin And Hair Care Tips

Topics in beauty blogs cover topics like skin care, hair care, makeup, and skincare. Topics include product reviews, seasonal trends, beauty advice, gift ideas, cruelty-free vegan items, makeup styles, routines, diets, SPF, masks, and also anti-aging skin recommendations. Hair care blogs cover hair coloring, tools, oils, masks, spas, and techniques.

10. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is simply a version of online cash but only digital money for buying other digital money products and services of all kinds. It can be seen as a new concept in the internet world where there are more than 100 cryptocurrencies today including Bitcoin. One would expect it to have higher benefits than demerits since it does away with intermediaries like banks and credit cards but unfortunately this is not true anymore especially with regard to cyber-attacks on its infrastructure due to the absence of central authority responsible for its development. Understanding cryptocurrency is crucial for anyone interested in investing in this emerging asset class and that is why we are looking into it right now”.

Content Writing Course with Henry Harvin

Henry Harvin runs the Fair Writers and Experienced-Certified Content Writer Course and offers education and certification.

The course examines all facets of content writing and illustrates all issues related to it, including both conventional methods and studies that are rapidly gaining popularity.

The best qualified, experienced, skilled, and competent certified writers with exceptional expertise in content writing, numerous crafts, marketing, and innovative teaching techniques cover and address all the essential and trendy topics relevant to the content writing course. They are unquestionably a strong factor in Henry Harvin’s ability to provide the best content-writing training in Coimbatore and other Indian cities.

Recommended Reads

  1. Content Writing Tutorial for Beginners
  2. What is Content Writing: A Complete Guide -2024 Edition
  3. 5 Benefits of Content Writing Course to Housewives in 2024 [Updated]
  4. Content Writing Services Online in 2024 [Updated]


In conclusion, these are the 10 subjects for content writing topics that you may write about. The qualities of excellent communication, powerful language, creativity, and coherence should all be included in your themes. When you accomplish them, your website and reputation as a writer will probably take off.

It takes effort and time to produce material that positively affects people. Your ultimate goal should be to give your target audience value by educating and informing them. Your content subjects will only then be useful. You will know you have become a great content writer as soon as you begin to address the concerns and queries of your intended audience.


1. Firstly, what is content writing?

 Content writing is the process of organizing, creating, editing, proofreading, publishing, or uploading content for personal pages or website promotion.

2. What is the role of a content writer?

Yes, a content writer writes text for a variety of platforms. Content writers are employed by organizations to create content. Content writers should adhere to the company’s principles and ethics when creating content.

3. What are the steps to begin working as a freelance content writer?

Indeed. Making a strong portfolio should be your first priority. Offer jobs that you are confident you can do.

Publish your writings on Linked In, social media, and other platforms. Participate in further training sessions. Begin with a little.

4. What is the annual yearly salary of a content writer?

Indeed. The annual salary range for a content writer with 0–2 years of experience is around Rs. 1,20,000–2,16,000.

5. What guidelines apply to content writing?

Content writing guidelines include creating brief sentences, and concise paragraphs, minimizing acronyms, using animated language, focusing on a specific idea or goal, including keywords, using relevant pictures, and also closing with a strong statement.

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