Your content symbolizes a website, so the content which you place on your website should always attractive and grab the attention of the readers.

There are a huge number of websites that exist, which google searches every day, hence it’s difficult to attract the readers.

It’s becoming challenging to write website content. Always writing the good content will beat this challenge. Well written website content using appropriate keywords optimizes your content. Create your content easy to read.

Use short paragraphs, keep short sentences. Avoid jargon, passive tense, and needless repetition of the words.


Don’t panic! Here are the few rules you can follow to enhance your website writing, readability, and search engine optimization (SEO) effectiveness of your website.

Check Also- Why Henry Harvin Content Writing Course?

1. Know Your Audience

Whenever you start writing any content it’s essential that you have to keep your audience in the mind. It sounds very simple but very important. Many times it happens that without thinking about to whom you are addressing you will finger to keyboard.

Before Starting Your Website Writing Always Consider These Questions:

  • Who is my audience?
  • To whom my content should influence?
  • How will the audience find my writing online?

Anticipating who will be reading your writing is key to effective writing. This will help you to decide on voice to use. The voice in the literary terms the style of writing.

Usually, readers will find content from many sources, such as social media sharing, links from other websites, email sharing, and search engine results.

So, it’s very important to optimize content, however, your content could be extremely informative, if it’s not optimized for SEO your content will not reach the expected audience.

2. Focus on Creating a Strong Headline

An effective headline stimulates and attracts your readers. Out of 100, 80% of the readers will just read your headline and only 20% of them will go through your content.

Most of the people even though they will go through half of your content they will judge you, make an argument about your content, and defines who you are, so be specific about your headline and make sure your content follows your headline. Don’t be out of focus!

Give them a curious headline and make them get engaged in your content. So take time to create your headlines. Try a few and select one among them.

That is the base where your readers will decide whether they want to read your article or not.

3. Write Short, Simple Sentences

The short and simple sentences appeal to both audience and SEO. So if you have many things to explain, split your sentences into short scannable chunks.

If you place long-running sentences in the web content it will exhaust your readers’ mood soon so that they might skip reading valuable information.

Always focus on using nouns and verbs. Use adverbs and adjectives sparingly. If you’re not sure what grade level your writing is just check the text readability score tools. In general, the easier your content is better the readability.

There are plenty of free online content reading tools to help you find out the readability of your text. These tools crawl through your content, verify your vocabulary, and rate your readability by grade level.

  • Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease
  • Flesch Kincaid Grade Level
  • Gunning Fog Score
  • Coleman Liau Index

4. Shadow the “Inverted Pyramid” Style

The inverted pyramid is the most journalistic way of placing your content. In this writing, a writer introduces the important information first then proceeds with explanatory and supporting details in the order of most to least important.

Any content you are writing starts with the explanation or overview, next discuss the content and finally draw your conclusion.

Usually, web readers will not go through entire content so it’s important to keep all the eye-catchy and informative content at the top of the page to seize the attention of the readers. So that your reader will go through the entire webpage.

5. Don’t Plagiarize Your Content

Plagiarism is nothing but stealing ideas and content from other websites as your own without crediting the source. The plagiarized content will lead to penalties and also the chances of removing the website from the search engine.

When you can think your own why you depend on other’s content, correct?

Before starting your writing you can refer to plenty of other’s work to get ideas, and after all, reading is just to gain subject knowledge on any particular topic.

Whatever you have read is just information, but you have to build your ideas after reading them and put them in your writing.

6. Confine to Active Voice

Stick to active voice rather than passive voice, this will help you to specify your subject. An active voice helps to create succinct and reader-friendly content.

It will help your audience in more engaged in the content. Like “Read this article” is more appealing than “This article has been read by me”

Usually, the active voice gives more essence to your writing and attract your audience. The usage of active voice always makes your readers get clarity in the content.

Also, the usage of an active voice in the call-to-action generates a stronger connection with your reader.

7. Provide Answers

People are not so patient to sit and read your entire article to get puzzling answers. Instead, they will go to google or any other search engines to get their doubts clarified. In this way, Google is the ultimate tool to get better results.

If you give any problem to google it will shoot out plenty of solutions along with the images, links, and videos and which makes things understand easily.

8. Deliver Added Value

Your content should add value to your readers. It should be informative. Few of the cases we have seen that there will not be any connection between the heading and the produced content.

The heading will be attractive whereas the body will hardly explain the content which will lead to a bad impression on your website.

Website content should always offer value to your readers with insightful ideas and actionable tips. If you want to earn good traffic and get a good rank in the search engine give your reader a parting gift.

That can be a link to other reference websites, social media, or informative videos. Your reader will expect many things from your writing please don’t disappoint them by giving junk ideas.

9. Never Self-edit

Writing a beautiful piece is easy, whereas editing will be difficult because there are chances of slipping errors while editing your writing. No matter how expert writer you are but editing your content will always feel tough.

This is because your mind already set for your content and it will not identify your errors easily.

Keep your mind away from the content for at least a few hours, it’s always better if you take a day or two then come back and edit your content. So that your mind will be free from the content whatever you have produced.

There are many free online tools like Grammarly, Copyscape, Quetext and many more to edit your content. Make use of it and produce error-free web content for your reader.

10. Pause to Jargon

Your reader needs ease and informative content for better understanding, they will never expect from you specialized terminology which is hard to digest. So always keep your web content simpler.

When you use more jargon to express your ideas, it will hardly reach your readers and it’s obvious that any one of us tries to read the content which is easier to understand if a content required a dictionary we will not even turn towards those content. So, explain your thoughts in a layman language.

Explain complex or niche teams in simple words, better if you hyperlink your content to the other writings for the better engagement of your audience. Spell out acronyms on first reference.

This mostly applies to technical or commercial sites, where you want to attract your customers who are non-experts in particular fields.

Keep in mind that you are writing to your audience. Write in an easy language that will be accessible to a non-technical audience as well.

11. Use Quickly Grabbing Texts

Your web content is written in such a way that it should not take much time to understand the concept. So always put the most important content at the top and use ease language so that, it will quickly grab your reader’s attention.

These are the few tips for writing quick grabbing texts:

  • Instead of heavy lengthy sentences, use bulleted or numerical lists.
  • Include breathing space in between the paragraphs to give an eye appeal for your web writing.
  • Add elements like suitable images
  • Incorporate related videos
  • Divide your content into sections with different headings and sub-headings

All these elements not only helps your readers to navigate your webpage but also it will help search engines to find your content.

12. Usage of Multimedia

Multimedia is a crucial element for websites. Multimedia in a website contains different elements than text. Such as

  • Images
  • Graphics & Infographics
  • Videos
  • Interactive Content

Without the usage of multimedia elements, your website will look like a huge mountain of text. This kind of website filled with full of content will never attract any visitors.

This multimedia helps you to break your content into pieces and go through the content in a flow. Multimedia elements also help to consume the essence of your web content.

It’s always said that an image or infographic or video is worth than thousand explanatory words. Researches have proved that visual content transmits the information to the human brain than written content.

So, use a few eye-catchy topic related images and videos in your web content. Your content will provide your readers with an eye-appealing approach. Images help in breaking up your content and make your web page easier to read.

13. A layer of Website Content

The most important task of a web content writer is that make your visitors in navigating your web content easily from one page to another page.

Use hyperlink your content to other related resources so, that they will get more information regarding the same topic. This will help to engage your readers on the website and go through the entire website easily.

The effective usage of hyperlinks will improve your SEO and make your content user friendly. The importance of hyperlink is very high due to their ability to provide a web reader with good quality information and play a role in ranking your sites by modern search engines.

Hyperlinks also help in increasing

  • The credibility of your content
  • Increase your page view
  • Reader-friendly

14. Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

A good website page will always end with catchy call-to-actions. These eye-catchy call-to-actions will force your readers to navigate to the linked page or to directly contact you in person.

An effective call-to-action will also increase page views, that is when you hyperlink any of your other articles and blog pages which is related to the same subject. A strong CTA will also improve the marketing of your website more effectively.

Whenever a visitor visits a website they like to do things. Give them CTA linked with a hyperlink, so that they will click on them and grab more knowledge about the topic.

The top reasons why a CTA important for any article

  • Strong credibility
  • Upturns page views
  • Increases SEO
  • Assists the Call to Action
  • Usability

15. Effective Placements of Word Choice

Word choice is definitely an important part of any type of writing. Making an important word bold or italic will make your webpage more interesting.

This also helps in creating a vivid picture in your readers’ minds. The word choice gives a hint for you how to tweak any important word in a more positive tone.

The effective usage of words will drag your readers into your website. Use of Word clouds will help you to vary in the content which makes the readers visually appealing.

Usually, a plain text will make the readers feel bored and lazy. Make real use of word choices to make your content more attractive.

Usually, it’s very easy to attract a reader with a beautiful image but making your word attractive is difficult. A well-selected word will remain in the minds of the reader. It gives weightage to the content as well.

Why the word choice is important in writing?

  • Communicate urgency
  • Offer color and detail
  • Directly increase sales
  • Cultivate your digital presence
  • Uphold consistency

16. Humanize Your Content

Your content should always approachable and informative to your readers. No one likes the content if it sounds like it’s copied from a dictionary or narrated by a robot. Try to be natural while placing your content.

Make your web content more interactive to make your readers engage in your website. Write as much as possible down-to-earth and readers-friendly content.

Your site visitors will appreciate the personal connection with you so make your CTA more attractive.

Your readers expect new exciting ideas that show your human side. To achieve this, make sure to post different types of content. Explain with different examples to keep your readers more engaging

Humans are emotional beings. So, if you want to give them more engaging content, provide emotional content. Ask their opinions in an emotional touch.

This emotional touch doesn’t mean you should make them sad or happy. Make them passionate about the services and products offered on your website.

17. Avoid Overpraising Your Product or Service

A quality product will always have promotional and non-promotional content. It is 100% sure that your purpose is to promote your website content and your offerings to the public.

This doesn’t mean that you should bombard invitations to your readers to sign-up or to buy your products. Provide them the valuable information and purpose of your website.

Always giving too much verbal praising also end up in downfall, it means your readers don’t want your praising words on your web content or website. They will expect promising or trust-worthy approaches to get solutions for your problems.

18. Give Your Reader a Reason to Read from the Beginning

Writing a good introduction is hard, still, try to give some background. Make your readers walk in the worm path of the main topic. Your website is not a literary work to use nuanced language or a measured flow.

They give information or a solution to a problem. If you don’t give them a proper reason to care about your writing, they will go in search of some other sites.

Give your reader complete details on why this site is important, how this will fulfill your dreams, and remind them why they need your website.

Every piece of your content should intimate your readers about why they should spend their valuable time on your website. Make them understand the below questions.

  • How will your web content help them?
  • How they will accomplish their goal through your website?
  • Why should your reader care about your website?

19. Hyperlink Your Website

As time goes your content will become out of date. So, make sure you will create topic-related blogs and post them in different social media accounts.

Which posting your blogs don’t forget to hyperlink your previous website to them.

Writing new blogs and hyperlink your website will revamp them to bring in new visitors. In addition to constantly analyzing social shares, pingbacks, and web traffic, you should screen your web shares for the keywords it’s presently ranking for.

Usually, you’ll get effective results with longer and more informative content. But shorter writing will also create astonishment when it goes viral, and start ranking for keywords you weren’t even aiming.

Revamp your content through the valuable posts, update your content with the most ranking keywords and you will see how your page will start ranking in the search engine.

20. Create Engaging Content

An engaging reader will take all the essence of your content. So give them a promising introduction. Usually, we wonder how people make judgments on any blog or an article.

Most probably your readers decide reading a few sentences is that content worth reading or not. So tell your reader what is the take away of your content and how they are benefited from your website.

Most people love stories, so try to use an anecdote in your introduction or have a story laced into your blog post. Many times stories can also provide a solution to a problem. The addition of stories also makes your readers get to engage in your content.

How this can possible?

  • Add new ideas to your web content
  • Web content should be more informative
  • It should inspire your readers
  • Unexpected laugh
  • It should entertain your readers

Writing exclusive web content is never easy. When it becomes easy when you write it on the topic of what you are passionate about.

The wonderful part of writing is timeless and you shouldn’t complete your content on one shot, take time to refer to the other resource. Try to refresh yourself before you are touching any topic.

Don’t beat around the bush, try to give your suggestions, solutions, or information directly, because your readers will come to your content to gain more knowledge in a short period. So, always your content should be direct.

Want to write effective and engaging web content?

I hope this article will help you in full filling your dreams. Try to go through this article where we have discussed the tips to write effective and engaging web content.

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  1. Why placement of word choice is important in writing?

    Word choice is definitely important in any writing as such. The effectively usage of words easily drags readers attention towards your work than a plain mountain of texts.

  2. What do you mean by know your audience?

    Before you pen down its necessary to make clear to whom you are writing. Know your audience is essential because every readers identifies a writer through their style of writing. If you know your reader is specialist in some area you can pensive a different style of writing.

  3. What are the 3 questions a web writer should consider?

    *Who is my audience?
    *To whom my content should influence?
    *How will audience find my writing online?

  4. What are the tip for writing quick grabbing texts?

    • Instead of heavy lengthy sentences, use bulleted or numerical lists.
    • Include breathing space in between the paragraphs to give an eye appeal for your web writing.
    • Add elements like suitable images
    • Incorporate related videos
    • Divide your content into sections with different headings and sub-headings

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