While most of us prefer to relax at our homes during summers, that is bound to get boring eventually. An enticing way to increase your productivity while having fun is to enrol in a summer school.

What Is A Summer School?

A summer school is a school, or a programme usually sponsored by a school that offers lessons and activities during the vacations.

  • Why should one opt for Summer School?
  1. Summer schools present an excellent opportunity to not only contribute to your educational progress, but also gives you hands-on experience, all while learning in a fun environment.
  2. With the added benefit of looking good on your portfolios, they also allow you to meet many new, like-minded people and share a memorable summer.

Participation in summer schools is highly encouraged, even more on an international level, where there is a chance of learning from the top academics and professors along with the aforementioned advantages.

Read on to find the top 10 summer schools you can apply to in Colorado.

Why Colorado?

Aside from being ranked among ‘the most educated states in the US’, its research and engineering facilities are all top-notch, providing the best equipment and amenities to the students.

And a trip to the mountains assures a much-needed break from studying, the weather around that time bordering on just breezy.

This balance between its scenic beauty and its top-tier education system makes Colorado the perfect place for you to enrol in a summer school, and recharge at the same time.

Following is a list of summer schools that you might want to look into if you’re leaning towards Colorado:

1.Henry Harvin Summer School Academy

About: Henry Harvin Teen Academy is a leading career and competency development organization with a focus on value creation.

With a range of courses available, such as Content Writing, you are certain to enjoy every single minute of it, all while honing your skills and developing your personality.

Participants: High school students (ages 14-18)

Official Website: Henry Harvin Teen Academy

Henry Harvin also provide these Courses

Junior MBA course

Business Accounting and Taxation course

Data Science Course

Business Analyst course

Also Check the Review of Henry Harvin Summer Internship Program

2. Lamont School of Music Summer Academy:

Name of university: Colorado University of Denver

Location: Denver, Colorado

Course Offered: Music

About: Equipping pre-college musicians for success, The University of Denver Lamont School of Music Summer Academy provides a 2 weeks long intensive music experience in state-of-the-art facilities with outstanding faculty.

The curriculum entails:

  • Private Lessons / Coaching
  • Chamber Music
  • Recitals
  • Theory
  • Auditions
  • Large Ensembles: includes Wind ensemble, Choir and Orchestra

Participants: Instrumentalists, singers, pianists and composers (ages 14 –18)

Certification/Merit Provided: The summer academy offers several scholarships such as MTNA Competition Winner Scholarship and DYAO Conductor’s Choice Scholarship, though prior applications are needed to be filled for these Designated Scholarships.

Official Website: Lamont School of Music

3. LYNX National Arts and Media Summer Camps:

Name of University: Colorado University of Denver

Location: Denver, Colorado

Course Offered: Media and Arts

About: LYNX National Arts and Media Summer Camps are one week and two weeks long programmes. The camps are designed to provide students with an educational preview of the college programs offered in the College of Arts & Media while also providing students with an inspiring and memorable experience.

Camps offered:

  • Music Industry
  • Film Making
  • Photography
  • Animation and Design
  • Arts Preview Week

Participants: High school students (ages 14-18). Any student who has finished 8th grade and has not yet started college is eligible to attend.

Official Website: LYNX Summer Camps

Colorado University of Denver

4. Dance Lab:

Name of University: Colorado State University

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Course Offered: Dance

About: CSU Dance Lab is committed to offering excellent technical and artistic instruction.

This pre-College Dance Seminar package provides mentorship in choreography, writing, and orientation to dance in higher education.

Enhance Your Understanding In:

  • Classical and contemporary dance techniques
  • Theory
  • Reflective writing
  • Choreography and composition

  Participants: High school students (ages 15+)

 Official Website: Dance Lab

5. Regis University Summer Reading:

Name of University: Regis University

Location: Denver, Colorado

About: This summer reading program is designed to help participants become stronger readers and better students. Students work with experienced educators, participating in engaging activities, and read interesting books and materials.

Skills Developed:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Study skills
  • Reading fluency

Participants: Programmes are available for students entering 9th-12th grade, along with college students. They’re also available for younger students.

Official Website: Regis Summer Reading Programme

6. Women In Construction Management:

Name of University: Colorado State University

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Course Offered: Construction Management

About: Participants will develop confidence in their abilities and gain an understanding of their opportunities in construction management and related fields through field trips, classroom sessions, and hands-on activities.

Participants: High school students (ages 15-18)

Official website: Women In Construction Management

7. Colorado School of Mines Summer Engineering Camps:

Name of University: Colorado School of Mines

Location: Golden, Colorado

Course Offered: Engineering

About: The objective of the camp is to guide participants through a fun and rewarding hands-on experience of authentic engineering design practices.

Participants work in teams to design and build an engineering device to meet a set of performance specifications. The team markets the device to a general audience through a poster session and competition.

This exciting adventure creates an opportunity to practice engineering design, i.e. the design and construction of processes, components, or systems.

Participants: High school students (ages 14-18)

Official Website: Mines Summer Engineering Programme

8. Summer Discovery Pre-College Enrichment Programmes:

Name of University: Colorado University of Boulder

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Course Offered: STEM

About: Summer Discovery at CU-Boulder is a pre-college experience that offers STEM Research, STEM Academies, and CU Scholars Credit Academies. The courses are specifically crafted to engage students collaboratively.

Participants: High school students (ages 14-18)

Official website: Summer Discovery

9. Global Business Academy:

Name of University: Colorado State University

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Course Offered: Business

About: The Global Business Academy is a summer programme that’ll develop students’ business skills and give them an overview.

This two week long interactive programme will help students to not only meet people from around the globe, but also increase their self-confidence and interests to explore.

Curriculum Entails:

  • Participating in a variety of team building exercises
  • Building your leadership and critical thinking skills
  • Visit business enterprises and engage with business executives
  • Participating in outdoor excursions and day trips

Participants: High school freshmen, sophomores and juniors

Official Website: Global Business Academy

10. The CSU Writing Project:

Name of University: Colorado State University

Location: Fort Collins, Colorado

Course Offered: Content writing

About: During the immersive workshops, participants experiment with creative writing techniques in various genres, work in writing groups, and learn from published writers, and break out into small, supervised writing communities.

Participants: High school students (ages 14-18)


While all the profile building and working on your college applications may seem like a hassle, the overall experience can be made fun with summer schools, especially in a scenic landscape like that of Colorado.

Hope one of these summer schools/programmes caught your attention!

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