There is a lot of information that is required in every field to make any service or product easy to be understandable for users. Technical Writing Courses in India cover that part of writing which constitutes writing for occupational fields like computer hardware, aeronautics, engineering, biotechnology, finance and many other industries.

Technical writing is one of the most important forms of writing and this is the reason technical writers in India are paid reasonably good than many other writing jobs the reason is that their job is a very important job for all industries as they provide detailed content on the product or service provided by the company.

One of the most popular types of document which is written by technical writers is training manuals which are very important for users. There are a large number of companies that are searching for professionals who can deliver the best technical writing content which sums up the need for technical writings for the industry.

There are many institutes that provide technical writing courses in India but one of the best institutes in India for Technical writing courses is Henry Harvin. There are professional trainers who deliver the most quality lectures. It is very important to do at least a certification to understand the needs of the market and prepare for jobs taking the industry-centric perspective.

Let us look at the Top 10 Technical Writing Institutes-

1. Henry Harvin– Technical Writing Courses in India

The boss in the Technical Writing space in Hyderabad is the Henry Harvin foundation. The establishment offers 16 hours of live online intelligent study hall meetings, 24 hours of live online review meetings, and 50 hours of E-Learning access. Likewise, up-and-comers will attempt live industry projects during preparation. One year of Gold membership participation with the organization’s composing institute involves plenty of advantages including getting Henry Harvin graduated class status and systems administration with 18,000 recognized graduated classes around the world; admittance to recorded recordings, games, projects, contextual investigations; 12-month to month look over meetings for INR 6000 for nothing; and unique work and temporary job support. 

Top Benefits of Henry Harvin’s Technical Writing Courses

There are a few advantages of doing the Technical Writing course with Henry Harvin. These incorporate further developing specialized composing abilities, monitoring the morals in logical correspondence, being able to plan thorough exploration proposition, utilizing free programming to make references in a flash, investigating and recognizing various kinds of writing, realizing what to write in all aspects of each examination paper, adequately imparting specialized subtleties to non-specialized crowds, smoothing out one’s creative cycle to accomplish more excellent writing in lesser time, and being able to compose a postulation and examination papers for diaries. 

Tools Covered

Tools covered incorporate creating apparatuses like MS Word, Notepad, and Google Docs; screen catch devices like Snipping device, Tech smith Snagit, Fire shot, Green shot and Light Shot; picture altering instruments like Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Snagit; Spellcheck devices like Grammarly and; show and format infographics like Canva, Piktochart, and Venngage; Video altering devices like Open shot and VSDC. 

Educational plan 

The educational plan incorporates a prologue to specialized composition, documentation measure, specialized creative cycle, syntax, and altering specialized composing programming instruments, segments of a specialized report, specialized composing procedures, how to make a specialized record layout, an outline of organizations of specialized archives, delicate abilities improvement, and resume composing. 

Course Types, Benefits, Fees:

To Know More Information about Fee Structure please check it here:-

Cities in India offering the Technical Writing Course –

Bangalore, Coimbatore, Mumbai, Cochin, Nagpur, Chennai, Pune

Henry Harvin also provides these Courses:

Henry Harvin® Technical Writing Course Ranks #1 in India by The Tribune

 2. Tech Total Systems – Technical Writing Certification

Assuming you need to turn into a substance author and can’t help thinking about what the work and calling might include, this current establishment’s Technical Writing courses in India will acquaint you with a thrilling and compensating vocation in specialized correspondence. 

The course’s span is 30 days and end-of-the-week classes are likewise accessible to work experts.

Who can take Tech Total’s Course? 

The individuals who can attempt Tech Total’s Technical Writing apparatuses incorporate any alumni or designer, content authors, editors, business, content and examination experts, corporate mentors, applicants with any IT experience, computer programmers, clinical transcriptionists, call focus chiefs, mass correspondence, and reporting understudies, BA in English understudies, instructors, educators, teachers, researchers, and specialized scholars who wish to refresh their specialized abilities. 

Assortment and Span of courses 

Tech absolute offers a few courses in Technical Writing. These incorporate an accreditation course in Technical composition with one month’s term, a compressed lesson in specialized composition with 15 days length, a declaration course in informative planning with one month’s span, a full-time endorsement course in specialized composition with 90 days span, dominating specialized composing apparatuses with 15 days term and in conclusion dominating educational planning devices with 15 days term. 

In-study hall Curriculum 

Aside from offering courses in specialized composite

Tech complete’s study hall showing educational program incorporates specialized composition, programming improvement lifecycle, specialized creative cycle, record conveyance life cycle, report expectations, SME meetings, and project arranging, HTML and XML introduction, composing abilities, style guide, and principles, specialized composing programming instruments, MS word, Adobe RoboHelp, Adobe FrameMaker, Snag IT, MS-Visio, PowerPoint, Photoshop, surveys, conveyance, and distribution, continue planning and certificate. 

Internet preparing 

TechTotal gives a special and strong stage for web-based preparing in specialized composition. Internet preparation is given through the organization’s remarkable, devoted Learning Management System (LMS) through which the preparation is conferred more than 15 meetings. The preparation is conveyed through intelligent meetings over the web. It imitates the homeroom climate yet without any issues. The student is profited with master direction without being attached to one specific spot. The establishment’s LMS course can be gotten to all day, every day, 364 days a year, now and again that suits understudies. Along these lines, it is self-guided. Guidelines are given a whiteboard and voice/text talk. 


The organization’s course accreditation in Technical writing has a length of 5 a month and a half and costs INR 25,000, though the foundation’s affirmation in specialized composition with neglected temporary job course has a span of 3-4 months and orders a course charge of INR 50,000.

3. Knowledge Buffer – Technical Writing Courses in India

Aside from offering courses in Technical Writing, this organization additionally offers courses in E-Learning and was quick to present virtual homeroom preparing for preparing as right on time as 2003. Furthermore, it was quick to present Adobe Captivate in Technical Writing even before Adobe presented that as a component of its Technical Communication Suite. The establishment additionally helps understudies abroad in their University seminar on Technical Communication (another name for specialized composition) to finish their ventures. The organization’s openness and involvement with Printing, Publishing, E-Learning, and Multimedia, can give a superior point of view to its understudies. The organization has prepared near 8000 understudies and is intending to show another 10,000 more through its online stage. 

The establishment offers 3 courses in Technical Writing remembering a recognition for specialized composition, a post-graduate confirmation in specialized composition, and a testament program in specialized composition. 

The Term, Depiction, and Qualification for the Foundation’s Technical Writing courses in India.

The organization’s recognition course has a span of 40 hours spread more than 2 months. This course is planned for any individual who wishes to work in the field of specialized composition. It centers around producing equipped specialized essayists who can pass on complex data in a straightforward manner Applicants qualified for this course incorporate anybody with fundamental PC information and energy for composing, proficient and section level specialized journalists, content authors who wish to get into the field of specialized composition, educational planners, designing alumni, and consultants. 

The establishment’s postgraduate certificate in Technical Writing has a term of 60 hours spread more than 90 days. This course is proposed for any individual who wishes to have practical experience in Writing. It is an absolute necessity have for experienced specialized journalists who wish to upskill themselves and get seen by managers. Up-and-comers qualified for this course incorporate anybody with fundamental PC information and pizazz for composing, mid-level and senior specialized journalists, content authors who wish to get into the field of specialized composition, educational architects, designing alumni, and consultants. 

The organization’s testament course in Technical Writing has a term of 20 hours spread more than 30 days and is expected for any individual who wishes to get confirmed in specialized composition. The course is an ideal decision for competitors who can pass on convoluted data or interactions about a particular item or administration to the end clients. 

Educational program

Information Buffer’s certificate in Technical Writing courses in India has a fluctuated prospectus. It incorporates specialized composing presentation; sorts of specialized composing which incorporate procedural composition, section composing, report composing and composing for electronic media; distributing ideas in Microsoft Word; Writing measure; mechanics of works; archives advancement lifecycle; programming improvement lifecycle, Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications; capacity of development model; composing various kinds of specialized records including programming prerequisite determinations, strategic plans, client guides, contextual investigations, and white papers; instruments covered including Adobe FrameMaker (unstructured), Adobe Robo Help, Adobe Photoshop, Tech Smith Snag IT, Microsoft Visio. 

The organization’s postgraduate confirmation in Technical Writing incorporates a prologue to specialized composition; kinds of specialized composition, printing and distributing ideas; distributing ideas in Microsoft Word; mechanics of composing; archive advancement lifecycle; programming improvement life cycle; Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, ability development model which incorporates composing various sorts of specialized reports, programming prerequisite particulars, strategic plans, client guides, contextual analyses, and white papers; DITA – both hypothesis and practice; API documentation; XML and organized creating; primary instruments which incorporate Adobe FrameMaker (both organized and unstructured), Adobe Robo Help, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Indesign; and extra devices which incorporate Snag IT and Microsoft Visio. 


The establishment’s certificate course in Technical Writing’s maximum is INR 38,000, however, is presently offered at a limited cost of INR 30,000. The foundation’s postgraduate recognition in specialized composing is valued at INR 56,000 but is presently offered at a limited INR 40,000. Additionally, its testament program in specialized composing was valued at INR 25,000 however is presently offered at INR 18,000. 

4. Author Tech – Technical Writing Training in India

Some time ago known as the Institute of Technical Writing and being set up in 2007, the organization is into preparing and documentation administrations offering an all-inclusive resource for all specialized composing needs. The establishment produces compelling reports, PowerPoint Presentations, offers, and a wide range of technical records including client guides, design guides, instructional booklets, establishment guides, or instructional exercises. 

Educational program 

The organization’s educational program incorporates the most recent devices on the lookout, with each apparatus, shrouded top to bottom. Likewise, the establishment makes competitors work on three sorts of reports, for example, client guides, establishment guides, and API documentation without any preparation. 

The organization’s nitty-gritty prospectus incorporates Style guides, MS Word 2010, MS Visio 2010, Snag IT 11, Adobe FrameMaker 11, Adobe Robo Help 10, XML essentials. 

Notwithstanding the previously mentioned course, the organization additionally offers an independent course containing recordings and instructional exercises for working experts whose timetable is too rushed to even think about going to classes. Its point-by-point prospectus incorporates MS Word 2010, MS Visio 2010, Snag IT 11, Camtasia 8, Adobe Robo Help 10, Adobe FrameMaker 11, XML, Manual of Styles, Author IT, Media Wiki, Captivate, MadCap Flare. 


The course charge is INR 22,000 for the two courses that are payable either as a single amount or in 2 or 3 portions.

5. Confair Solutions – Technical Writing Courses in India

Situated in Hyderabad Confai Solutions offers three distinct courses in Technical Writing, specifically, recognition courses in Technical Writing, DITA or XML confirmation courses, and API documentation certificate courses. 

Length, Essentials, and Active Preparing 

The organization’s confirmation course in Technical Writing will be bestowed through web-conferencing instruments like Skype. Applicants will actually want to see and converse with the teachers and the educators, thus, will want to see the work competitors are doing on their frameworks. The preparation will be actively preparing and up-and-comers will be given undertakings and activities during the instructional course to create their abilities. Competitors can likewise bring questions up in meetings. During the preparation, up-and-comers will be given tasks that are relied upon to be finished at intersection-level instructional meetings. 

The foundation’s declaration course in DITA/XML has a term of multi-week with 5 working days and every meeting being one and a half hours. For requirements, up-and-comers ought to have some information or involvement with specialized composition. This course is an involved preparing program. Hence, aside from the hypothesis, competitors will be made to make DITA documentation. By going through the entire life pattern of Dita documentation, up-and-comers acquire information, experience, and certainty. 

The organization’s API documentation certificate course has a length of multi-week, with 5 working days and every meeting being one and a half hours. 

Educational program 

The organization Technical Writing confirmation course itemized schedule incorporates a prologue to specialized composition, which incorporates characterizing specialized composition, sorting specialized records and prologue to DITA and single-source idea; report improvement life cycle, which incorporates nonexclusive improvement life cycle, client and errand investigation, and archive testing; specialized composing style issues, which incorporates standards of viable specialized composition, specialized composing style issues, and specialized altering; show and drawing apparatuses, which incorporates an introduction to designs for specialized essayists, Snag IT, Microsoft Visio; creating devices like Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe Robo Help, and progressed MS Word. 

Confai’s DITA/XML affirmation course’s point by point schedule incorporates a prologue to DITA, which incorporates what DITA is and what issues it addresses; understanding XML, which incorporates what XML is, HTML contrasted with XML, and Introduction to XML data displaying; DITA basics, which incorporates theme-based composition, essentials of subjects, guides and specialization, DITA and reuse; Introduction to themes, which incorporates theme arranged composition, undeniable level subject components, pictures and figures; the base sorts of themes, which incorporates ideas, errands, metadata, and imperatives; maps, which incorporate what guides are, assortments, and gathering content in a guide; and Linking, which incorporates connecting and reusing themes, Congress and Ditaval Syntax. 

The organization API documentation confirmation course’s itemized schedule incorporates understanding API, which incorporates what is API and sorts of API; understanding API documentation, which incorporates understanding the reason for API documentation and its general construction, principles for API documentation like RAML, Swagger; getting API information, which incorporates a change in perspective – getting what you can’t see, instruments to see APIs; Planning API documentation, which incorporates planning report structure, choosing the documentation design and devices for API documentation; making and checking on API documentation, which incorporates recognizing single-use and reusable components, archiving models and test code for APIs, API documentation and DITA/XML. 


The organization’s charges for the recognition course in Technical Writing comprehensive of assessment is INR 17,700 and USD 290 for applicants outside India. The organization’s charges for the DITA/XML confirmation course are INR 9,000 and USD 190 for abroad applicants. The organization’s charges for the API documentation confirmation course are INR 9,000 and USD 190 for abroad applicants.

6. Learners Spot

This Hyderabad-based organization offers online courses in the field of Technical Writing. It primarily centers around the utilization of instruments as a strategy for granting preparation. The excellence of this course is that it is self-guided, competitors can learn whenever it might suit them. There is no organized timetable for learning. In addition, the meetings are balanced and are directed for one hour on Skype, AnyDesk, or GoToMeeting. 

Educational program 

The organization’s definite educational program incorporates MS Word, which incorporates the creation and changing of styles, chapter by chapter list, bookmarks, cross-referring to and hyperlinks, staggered number posting, and format planning and bringing in; Adobe Robo Help, which incorporates a concise prologue to Robo help, making and adjusting styles, import and planning of pictures, hyperlinks and broken connections, DHTML and restrictive labels; Adobe FrameMaker, which incorporates about labels, section fashioner, list of chapters and file and header and footer; Camtasia, which incorporates picking up everything about Camtasia, alter and managing, voiceover and portrayals, video in the image, picture in the image; Snag It, which is a picture altering/catching instrument where you can catch and picture and alter it; also there is some out of the schedule content, which incorporates a rundown of archives ready by scholars with an itemized depiction, readiness of inquiries questions, and questions and replies.



In this organization, course expenses vary as indicated by the contrasting points. For MS Word, the course charges are INR 3,000, for Adobe Robo help the expense is INR 3,000, for Adobe FrameMaker the expenses are INR 2,500, and for Snag IT and Camtasia, the course charges are INR 2,500.

7. TExpertsIndia – Technical Writing Courses in India

The foundation is a Technical Writing and configuration administrations supplier taking into account the requirements of a worldwide client base. It furnishes the business with the best counseling and preparing ability in specialized composition and related abilities. The establishment’s index incorporates a wide range of preparing material including educator drove preparing, courseware, E-learning, learn at home, and a wide range of independent learning assets. 

Targets of the course 

Toward the finish of the course competitors will want to foster specialized records like limited time pamphlets, enlightening leaflets, promotions, flyers, lists, end-client documentation like online assistance, web-help, and web content turn of events; create and compose proposition focusing on the worldwide market; list key advances and normal slip-ups in a documentation cycle; use configuration instruments important for creating client end reports like Adobe Robo Help, Snag IT, Adobe FrameMaker; plan and apply the standards of viable Technical composition. 

Qualification for the course 

There is no proper instruction needed to foster a vocation in the field of Technical Writing in India. Any degree or recognition holders are qualified. Reporting or mass correspondence, English writing, science, or IT graduates with great English language abilities have an additional benefit. 

Target gathering and design and term of the program 

Any alumni with superb composed and verbal abilities in English and essential PC information (fantastic word preparing abilities are an additional benefit) can participate in the program. 

The flow will be run 2 hours per day, five days seven days with a multi-week to three-month program. Applicants will go to homeroom meetings on Monday, Wednesday, engineers. Useful meetings will be held and Tuesday and Thursday. 

Learning strategies 

There will be participatory learning dependent on addresses, singular perusing and activities, entire conversations and gathering work out, worked with specialized composing activities and companion appraisal, and perusing of readiness material made accessible to applicants. 

Educational plan 

The point by point educational plan of the establishment’s overall preparing program in Technical Writing incorporates direction, what’s really going on with it, which incorporates the idea of Techincal Writing, what is a specialized essayist and preparing objectives and goals; letters and reminders, which incorporates details of business letters and business updates, models and representations; item depiction and pamphlets, which incorporates determinations of item portrayals and handouts, models and delineations; manuals and instructional exercises, which incorporates particulars for specialized manuals and client guides, models and outlines; reports and proposition, which incorporate determinations for reports and recommendations, models and representation; advertising yourself, which incorporates steps to get a full time specialized composing position and steps to dispatch an independent specialized composing vocation; covers and continues, which incorporates introductory letter designs, continue organizes, your introductory letter as an attempt to sell something, continue styles, fundamental resume construction and length, tips on brief resume composing, the goal explanation, profession change resume and utilizing catchphrases, activity action words, numbers adequately. After the itemized schedule has been finished up-and-comers are required to finish a one-month constant venture. 

Course charge 

The length of the previously mentioned program will be one month and the course expense will be INR 35,000.

8. Information Developers Foundation – Technical Writing Certification in India

Established in 2009, InfoDev is one of the head foundations offering Technical Writing courses in India. The establishment offers both online just as offline Technical Writing courses in India. 

Its Technical Writing courses in India are separated into 15 areas, every one of which covers and few themes. The excess educational plans are canvassed in the last meeting which is a long-distance race meeting. There is additionally the last task to finish before being affirmed. When the meeting and undertaking are finished by up-and-comers one is granted a culmination endorsement. 

Qualification of the course 

The course is available to any alumni from any field who has essential PC information just as working experts in the field of specialized composing who wish to upskill themselves. 

Another remarkable reality about InfoDev is that it permits you to take a free preliminary with free classes tossed in. Just if you feel the organization is giving bang to the buck, do you need to settle up for the full course? 

Educational plan 

The establishment’s Technical Writing courses in India is horde and covers plenty of subjects. It involves a prologue to the IT business, continue composing and meeting tips, for what reason are technical essayists required, outsourcing, jobs, and obligations of a specialized author, Scrum preparing, profession way, business correspondence like email behavior and meeting reports, standards, prologue to DITA and API documentation, DDLC and SDLC, Software and apparatuses like Madcap Flare, Adobe Robohelp, and Adobe FrameMaker, specialized writing in Agile climate, editing and altering procedures, basics in specialized correspondence, content improvement measure, language structure center for technical journalists, Screen catching devices like SnagIt, Jing, segments of technical archives like client manuals, investigating guides, establishment guides, and so on, Advance MS word.

9. Symbiosis

Since its beginning in 2001, the organization has become the main distance training foundation in India. The establishment offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Technical Writing. This AICTE-supported program incorporates both hypothetical just as reasonable instruction in Technical Writing. After finishing the course applicants get abilities and diverse vocation roads open for them like specialized journalists, business essayists, specialized web writers, and so forth.

Qualification and span 

Any alumni or up-and-comer anticipating last year’s results can apply for this course. The length of the course is 2 years. 

Educational program 

The course is sub-partitioned into four semesters. Semester one involves a presentation, data advancement, composing style, and altering. Semester two involves programming apparatuses, progressed ideas, a project dealing with specialized correspondence, different practices. Semester three involves business talk, exploratory writing in business composing, progressed documentation. Semester four involves the most recent composing apparatuses, research measure, project. 

Course Fees 

The charging design of the foundation is sub-separated into application expenses, fundamental course expenses, and assessment charges. For application charges, while Indian residents need to pay INR 1,200, worldwide SAARC understudies need to pay INR 7,200, which is non-refundable. For the primary course expense, while Indian nationals need to pay INR 50,000 with more limits for military and police faculty, global and SAARC understudies need to pay USD 2,400 and UDS 1,300 individually.

10. Instructional Solutions – Technical Writing Courses in India

Course outline 

Reports are the backbone of dynamic and observing in business. In a perfect world, they give pertinent, verified data that permits a peruser to handily comprehend both setting and suggestions and settle on an educated choice. Notwithstanding, again and again, significant data is covered and the association is jumbled. Furthermore, composing a report can feel like a period of depleting trouble. 

These Technical Writing courses in India show you the ideal arranging and creative cycle to pass on specialized and complex data successfully. Furthermore, you will figure out how to compose reports all the more proficiently, saving you time and lessening disappointment. 

The course also remembers a live one-for-one instructing meeting to audit your last report and guarantee future solid reports. 

After Finishing the Technical Writing Courses in India You will be able to:

Utilize a proficient interaction for arranging and putting together data.
Dispose of “data unloading” in reports and pass on specialized data unmistakably
Expertise to incorporate unpredictable, specialized data and present it justifiably to perusers 
See how to level data suitably in reports to coordinate with different crowd needs, including both sidelong and chief perusers 
Guarantee report content passes on data for business choices, inside a promptly consumed design 
Kill language and deadwood to smooth out the business message
Lessen the measure of time needed to compose and peruse reports
Compose a leader outline that firmly sums up the report

The most common types of technical writing include repair manuals, end-user documentation, consumer products, press releases, technical marketing, etc. It is very important for a technical writer to provide the right set of information and this is possible only when the writer himself has a deep understanding of the subject which means a person who is from the same educational background is usually preferred when it comes to technical writing.

Some of the requirements of the industry for technical writers are their creative thinking and organizing of the content that they write. There are a set of qualities which all technical writers must possess.

Some of them are:

1. Detail Orientation

This means that a technical writer must always know how to explain or write things in detail. It must be very clear to them as to how to count each and every step and make things understandable to the end-user or the reader. The technical content written by the technical writer must be so good that the reader does not even have to read again about the details that he has read once.

2. Teamwork

This is one of the most important qualities that a technical writer must possess. Technical writers work along with many other teams and groups of people in the company as their work is to gather information and they can take the help of all the team members if they are team players and they can be good in people skills.

3. Writing Skills

While technical writing is a totally different type of writing still it is very important to have the base of a writer and to fulfill all the parameters that a writer does by his/her writing. It is very important to write the right content with checking the information twice as in technical writing there is hardly any scope of writing anything wrong as it is all about facts.

4. Imagination

It is very important for a technical writer to have a good imagination. They must be able to think and produce the content in such a way that they can be a writer and reader at the same time. It is important for them to imagine how a product or service would work even without technically experiencing or watching it.

5. Focussing on details

A technical writer takes care of the minute details as their work is also to provide the user with the various details. It is very important for a technical writer to be able to understand the technical details to deliver them in the best way. Sometimes it is important for the technical writers to have a technical background to understand the working of a particular product and write about it and this is the reason many companies choose people who are from a technical background to work as technical writers.

It is very good if you choose to do a technical writing course in Bangalore as this is the place where a large number of multinational companies have good opportunities for people and getting a job is easier, also there is more exposure in Bangalore than in many other cities as there are more facilities and opportunities available in the city. One of the best institutes for technical writing courses in the city is Henry Harvin.

6. Benefits of Technical Writing Course:

There are a large number of benefits which are associated with the technical writing course which you can choose to do before doing any job related to technical writing and there would be assured benefits of doing the course. Doing a technical writing course in Delhi would be really good if you live in the city as there are a large number of job opportunities in the city and once you complete the course you would have an upper hand than the people who have done a course. 

Here are some of the Benefits Associated with Technical Writing Mentioned Below:

There would never be a decrease in the demand of technical writing and it would rather always increase but to get the best salary in the industry it is important to stand aloof from the crowd and you can do this only if you have done something different from them. Henry Harvin is one of the best institutes in India working to make you different from that crowd.

There is a very good opportunity to learn if you choose to do the technical writing course in Gurgaon or in any other city of India as there are a large number of industries which require technical writers and while getting to know so deeply about the products and services which will increase your knowledge about the technical details of the things.

You will get to enhance your communication skills as you will be writing content that has to be very clear and user-friendly. Apart from writing you will learn how to deliver the content efficiently which means that this is a great opportunity for learning what needs to be one of the strongest in the industry which is communication.

There are a large number of firms which hire technical writers to be the mediators between the user and the company and this makes them one of the most important interlinking factors between the clients and the user. For any company, the most important part is their customer and when they are relying on you with giving you the responsibility to make their customers understand things, you are playing a very vital role for the organization.

It is better to invest and do something different from others than to do what the crowd is following. It is the technical writing course that can make a big difference as this will give a better direction to your career. Undeniably, help you to grow in a way you need to by brushing up your skills and making you understand all the important parameters which you need to take care of while doing technical writing.

There are a large number of job opportunities but just like they want the professional who is best among all if you want to work for a company which will be the best and will give you the best opportunities. Obviously, you need to work hard for that and in this case Henry Harvin proves as a great help for you as they are one of the best institutes for technical writing.

There are some of the roles of a technical writer which need to be in place for the best outcomes. Some of the work which technical writer has to do is given below:

Technical documentation needs to be completed by them which is very important to be taken from a user point of view.

Supporting content for the products needs to be written by the technical writers. They also organize the content written by them. This is the reason that doing a technical writing course is very important.

Technical writers need to study product samples and understand every detail about them so that it is easier to write a detailed description of the products.
They need to be on good terms with the designers and developers of the product so that any kind of help which they need for their content can be provided by the experts who are very well aware of the practical aspects of things.
Work with the technical staff of the company for the better understanding of the details and so that it is easier to reach out for any kind of help required for the same.

One can choose to do technical writing course in Delhi NCR as this is the part of the country which sets apart with a large number of companies with varied number of industries, one can choose to do the course from Henry Harvin and it will be very easy to get a job.

Some of the companies in India which are providing technical writing jobs for people have been counted as some of the best companies in the world for their best services and user experience are listed below. Once you have completed the content writing course from Henry Harvin institute you can choose any of these companies as a choice to build your career.

Amazon India PVT LTD
Aeronube Technology
Stemmons Business Services Pvt. Ltd.
Arise Global Services Private Limited
Mphasis Limited
ThinkApps Solution Private Limited

The list is very long but what is most important is to become suitable for the job role. One can choose to work with any of these companies if they have something different which others do not have or some certifications which they can show as a part of their achievements, there will be a better possibility of getting placed in MNCs like these.

All that one needs to do is to focus on their goals and understand the need for being industry-ready to be a complete professional.

After doing the technical writing course; you will have a better understanding of how the industry works and all the fine details that you need to take care of and all the set parameters which cannot be missed while writing technical content.

Types of Technical Writing Courses in India

Technical content writing is divided into many subsidiaries relating to the topic that one is dealing with. Some of the types of Technical Writing Courses in India are as follows,

  • Manuals for the products, repair manuals, user guides, product descriptions and documentation relating to the product in a detailed manner. 
  • Reports containing a complete analysis for a particular task that contains within every detail regarding to it
  • Formal writings such as writing white papers, emails or letters with sufficient databases regarding the project and so on. 

Skills Required

One must need exemplary vocabulary and have the ability to write precise articles that would deliver the required information to the audience. As in the title itself, a Technical Writer should also possess extensive knowledge on the technical aspects that the job requires for the writer to translate any complex and technical elements into simple terms with quality. The writer should keep in mind this would be the information that everyone peruses so it should encompass the entirety of the subject matter with the standard. 

Technical Writing Courses in India Jobs

Allow us additionally to see precisely if the work of a Technical Writer as an engineer varies dependent on the business dependent on the organization they work for and the business they are utilized in. Their duties go a long way past simple composition. They regularly need to comprehend minute subtleties of ventures, from project undeniable level objectives to insights regarding execution.

They likewise fill in as middle people between technical staff and less technical perusers. They foster correspondence systems by working with these groups. Specialized journalists play out an assortment of undertakings. These incorporate creating proficient documentation, illustrating and conceptualizing liberated from any errors for a wide scope of clients; conveying specialized ideas including assembling and designing cycles, PC applications, natural and monetary guidelines, operations; to impart complex data through reports by applying exploration and assessment; arranging a substance show, plan, and tone and dissecting objective crowds to characterize project necessities, utilizing outlines, records, pictures, headings, and infographics to configuration archives and increment coherence. 

Technical Writers can work for a solitary organization or independently for a few customers.

Technical Writing in India is one of the most sought-after professions right now. This is a common job found in almost every huge company. The jobs for technical writers are found mainly in the field of IT, software development, engineering and medicine. Freelancing is also a good option for Technical Writing.  They need to be doing the writing from proposals to manuals to white papers. The job of a Technical Writer is vital for a company for it represents the company itself. 

Salary of Technical Writing Courses in India

On the whole, the pay range for Technical Writing is mostly above average in India. The average salary that a good, technical writer makes is handsome. Some range from 2.29 lakhs per annum to 10 lakhs per annum. A beginner technical writer can earn from 20,000 to 23,000 or more for a month depending on the company and performance of the writer. On the other hand, the salary of the freelancer also averages up between the same as the whereas the addition of experience can make the payment up to 20,000 per month and a reputed and experienced freelance writer can make more than that. 


The field of Technical Writing is quickly filling in India and there are various occupation possibilities. The worldwide market has seen the interest for Technical Writing developing at a pace of 26% each year and is required to see a comparable development till 2021 with a blast popular for Technical Writing from that point.

PCs, burners, camera’s and grass furniture all need talented essayists to clarify how these things work and how to work and keep up with them. Additionally, today, with an increment in re-appropriating being finished by organizations, this field has also seen unstable development in worldwide business sectors. Content authors with 2-4 years of involvement who change to Technical Writing can expect pay rates going from 2-3 times their present compensation too. Notwithstanding, while the possibilities of specialized writing in India and abroad are gigantic, one must be cautious loaded with transient administrators who wool you of your cash and convey nothing. Thus, one must be cautious while choosing organizations.

Choosing the right organization with a decent preparing system and master workforce, at the ideal opportunity is critical to one’s turn of events and achievement. Likewise, even experienced Technical Writers need to refresh their abilities and in this manner pick great foundations to update themselves. It is trusted that this assortment of foundations will keep you educated and help you in your excursion to turning into a specialized essayist.


Q1. What type of documents a technical writer is expected to create?

A1. Technical writers do work that consists of designing and generating technical documents like user manuals, training manuals, administration guides, reference guides and installation manuals. The content of technical documentations revolve around products, technologies, or processes.

Q2. In which field is Technical writing most used?

A2. A good technical writer has to adhere strictly to consistency and accuracy of data. Based on their experience technical writers produce manuals, documentations and journals. Technical writing is extremely efficient and helpful within the fields of technology, science, engineering and medicine.

Q3. What are the good institutes to learn technical writing in India?

A3. If you are looking for a good institute for doing a Technical writing courses in India, Henry Harvin’s technical writing course is one of the best options. There are many other institutes too that are known for their technical writing courses like Coursera, Udemy, British Council, Tech Total System and more.

Q4. Does technical writing have good career prospects?

A4. Yes, technical writing has very good career prospects. One can be absorbed in big companies like Microsoft, Sony, Google, HCL, Wipro and more. Many smaller companies also recruit technical writers and pay them a handsome salary.

Q5. Why is technical writing in India difficult for a lot of people?

A5. Technical writing is difficult for a lot of people because it requires specific skills, one has to be able to understand the technical terms themselves and in turn, convert them into simpler language that can be easily understood by regular people.

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