Table of Contents
To begin with
The best way to learn a language is to practice. If you are a beginner in Python, you surely need to put your hands together for those code-typing sessions. But the question is what to practice? To answer this, you must have a list of Python project ideas.Â
To master a subject, you need to give plenty of hours studying it, 10000 to be precise. But landing a job and learning through the curve is a better approach. These Python project ideas will not mount you to work immediately, but you can use them to build an initial understanding. Python is a language that is getting more popular day by day. If you are getting into data science or data analytics, the prerequisite is to learn this language. Â
Python is a language you can have fun with all the time. So to start with, let us take some basic projects and move up the ladder with some complicated ones.Â
Python Project Ideas
This section is about Python project ideas. There are a few different projects that you can do to practice your Python skills.
1. Odd or EvenÂ
There are many different projects that you can do with Python. One of the most popular ones is to write a program that will tell if a number is odd or even. There are many different ways to solve this problem, and a good project for beginners because there are so many resources available online.Â
Output Example:
Enter a number: 47
47 is Odd
Enter a number: 4
4 is Even
2. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Rock, Paper, Scissors is a game where players try to predict their opponent’s next move. Two or more players can play this game. This project will teach you how to build a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Python. This project idea is just for fun, but the code is a little lengthy. It will teach you random choice statements with conditionals and functions.Â
Output Example:
Enter choice
1. Rock
2. paper
3. scissor
User turn: 1
User choice is: Rock
Now it's the computer's turn.
computer choice is: paper
Rock V/s paper
paper wins =>computer wins
do you want to play again?
3. Hangman Python Project
Hangman is a game played with paper and pencil(traditionally). The game’s objective is to guess letters to form words while avoiding the wrong letter that would lead to the player hanging.
In this project, we will create a Hangman game using Python. This project will also be helpful for those who are new to Python project ideas as it introduces some basic concepts like loops, lists, and functions.
Output Example:
| |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Guess a letter.
4. Dice Rolling Simulator
In this project, we will be building a dice-rolling simulator using Python programming language.Â
The dice rolling simulator is a tool that generates random numbers. It will also provide the probability of each number generated. The user interface will consist of a text box to input the number of dice to roll and another text box for the number of sides on each die. This is just a dice rolling simulator. It does not do anything fancy, but it is a good project to learn Python.
5. Python Story Generator
Python Story Generator is a project idea that will allow you to create stories using the Python programming language. You can select from a variety of sentences and start your own story from scratch with a funny ending. You feed the input as a name, place, or character, and the program will randomly generate a story.
Output Example:
Once there was a guy. His name was Maei. All he did was lie. Then he cried.
6. Word CounterÂ
Python has always been an interesting programming language, and after a quick search of Python project ideas, we found this word counter project.
The goal of this project is to create a tool that will count the words in a given text. This is done by reading each line of text and counting the number of words. The word counter will then print out how many words there are at the end of each line.Â
The original string is : Henry Harvin teaches many courses.
The number of words in string are : 5
7. MadLibs Generator
This is a python project where the goal is to create a MadLibs generator.
The objective of this project is to create a program that will be able to generate a story with the help of user input. This project generates funny mad libs to amuse the reader. There are two ways to use this generator: generate mad libs by typing in the desired words and generate new mad libs by clicking on a button.Â
8. Random Password Generator
This project is a Python script that generates random passwords. We use this generator to infuse the command-line tool.Â
The script will generate a password of the user with the desired length and with the number of digits, upper-case letters, lower-case letters, and symbols. An example of the Random Password Generator is-
eg. ksjjdfihas34jknduuh9*&%)uÂ
9. Typing Speed TestÂ
If you are a coder, you must have a fast typing speed to code. Why not build your own game? This typing test gives you random sentences and you need to type as quick as you can to get a result. It not only improvises your typing but also your Python language skills. To work with the graphics, we must use the Pygame library. To build this game, you must have a beginner’s knowledge of python and a pinch of curiosity.Â
10. Horoscope
Horoscopes are a popular form of divination used to predict the future. In this project, we will create a horoscope with Python. The first step is to import the necessary modules and libraries. We need to import the DateTime module, which will allow us to get the current date and time from our computer. We also need to import the pytz module to convert our local time into Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). You can add mean and funny results when someone adjusts their date and time in the input.Â
11. Bitcoin Price Notifications
In the emerging world of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has been a success from the start. If you are interested in knowing the price of Bitcoin, this 50-line code can help you get notifications on the Telegram messaging app. The project teaches you to connect HTTP requests to appropriate request packages. Also, you will learn to connect Webhook via Python and link it with an external application. Once you learn to settle one notification, you can similarly try other cryptocurrencies.
12. Leap It
This Python project gives you the program to learn whether a year is a leap year or not. For this code, you must know about Python Operators and if-else statements. For the information, the leap years are exactly divisible by four. You can try years from the past, present, and future to test the code authenticity. The output of the code might look like this when you enter a value-Â
2012 is not a leap year
1900 is a not leap year
2017 is a leap year
13. Find Out Fibonacci
The Fibonacci series is very interesting. If you add two numbers to the series, you get a Fibonacci number. The series is as follows- 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…. and so on. So if the previous two numbers add to be a new number, the formula must be Nth term= (n-1)th term + (n-2)th term. So when you enter the numbers, the program prints these amount of Fibonacci numbers on the screen. The output looks like this-Â
How many terms? 6
Fibonacci sequence:
Similarly, you can go for the addition and division of these numbers with a set of new codes.Â
14. Tic-Tac-Toe
We all played tic-tac-toe when we were little children. We could still find some initials on the back of the rough work copies. In this game, we use Os and Xs in a grid to cross a diagonal line. To renounce those childhood days, let us see a code to build this game. For the program, you need to install a Pygame library. You also need to set up a display with images and functions. With the loop function, you can play this game infinitely. The output image will look like this-Â
15. Number Guessing
In this project, you choose two numbers upper limit and lower limit. Then the program gives you n number of chances you feed in the code. For example, you select seven chances in the program. The program gives you a number to guess, and you win if you guess the number correctly. The coder must understand the basic algorithm. After this, they can contribute to additional features.Â
Output Example:
$ python
Guess the randomly generated number from 1 to 100
Enter the guessed number: 50
-> Your number is less than the random number
Enter the guessed number: 75
-> Your number is less than the random number
Enter the guessed number: 90
-> Your number is greater than the random number
Enter the guessed number: 85
-> Your number is greater than the random number
Enter the guessed number: 80
-> Hurray! You got it in 5 steps!
16. Website Blocker
It is usual for you to get distracted while working on a project. So this python idea will help you block websites like Facebook, youtube, and Instagram during your working hours. The program allows you to block multiple sites, and if the site is already blocked, it shows a prompt. For implementing the GUI, you need a Tkinter library. It is a GUI library that is useful for applications. You make a display window in which you enter the website URL, and it blocks it for a given time.
17. Simple Calculator
We are going to make a simple calculator program using mathematical operators, conditional statements, functions, and processing user input. The purpose of the command-line calculator program is for a user to select between various operators. A command-line calculator program uses each of the operator’s symbols to allow users to make their choices, so if a user wants division performed, they would type in /. The calculator will continuously read the user input, and depending on user input, perform certain calculations.
18. Countdown Timer
Ever seen a bomb ticking off in a movie?. You experience a protagonist diffuse it before the timer goes off. Jokes apart, this is one of the simple python project ideas in action. You can set the timer for a particular period, and when you run the program, the timer starts.Â
19. Temperature ConvertorÂ
There are two units to measure the temperature that is Celcius and Fahrenheit. This program converts one unit to another using a mathematical algorithm- T(°Fahrenheit)=(T(°Celsius)*1.8)+32.
 It is a simple Python project idea that you can carry with minimum knowledge.Â
Temperature value in degree Celsius: 27
The 27.00 degree Celsius is equal to: 80.6 Fahrenheit
20. Days Calculator
You can use this program to calculate an exact number of days between two days. Python has a set of DateTime modules that help solve many problems related to dates and time. As input, we provide two dates in the program. The code subtracts the two dates to the number equivalent to days between them.Â
Henry Harvin Python Courses
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Now that you have a list of Python project ideas, you need to gain your educational certificate. Henry Harvin is a global edtech firm that provides online and offline certification in Python programming language. Companies prefer candidates with some professional experience. They will ask you to showcase some previous projects. Henry Harvin provides plenty of projects with industrial expert tutors. Let us look at some available certification courses–Â
Business Analytics Certification Training with Python
This course teaches you to make data-driven decisions in a business using Python. Business analytics is a trending job in the market.Â
The duration of the course is 32 hours which is instructor lead. You will learn all the tools required to be a business analyst.Â
The total fee for the course is ₹ 15000.
Marketing Analytics Certification Training with Python
This course leads you to become an analyst who studies the marketing activities of a company. They are responsible for making solutions based on the analysis of the data. The course duration is 32 hours with an instructor and 24 hrs of brush-up sessions.Â
The total fee for the course is ₹ 15000.
Financial Analytics Certification Training with Python
A financial analyst creates ad hoc analysis and makes predictions based on data. Financial analytics involves shaping the strategy through facts rather than assumptions. The duration of this program is 32 hours, and the fee is ₹ 15000.
Python for Data Science Course
Data science is in demand in the markets, and you need a python programming language to pursue this course. Henry Harvin provides outlining of each aspect of the language with all the tools. The sessions include 8 hours of interactive classes with monthly brush-up sessions. The total fee for the course is ₹ 15000.
Machine Learning Course Using Python | CMLP Certification
Machine learning involves making a computer learn from data and analysis. It is essential for the development of artificial intelligence. To learn ML, you must practice hands-on projects regularly. ML helps to make data-driven decisions and derive appropriate solutions for them. The duration of this program is also 32 hours, and the fee is ₹ 15000.
Data Science with Python Course
Python is an essential language for Data Science. This program will lead you to the prospects of data and analytics techniques required in this industry. Â
The course duration is 32 hours with an instructor and 24 hrs of brush-up sessions. The total fee for the course is ₹ 15000.
To know about more courses on analytics visit here.
Final Takeaway
Now you know the levels of the Python project ideas, and you can practice them thoroughly. Companies prefer skilled developers rather than degree holders. So, we recommend you get a certification in Python to gain industrial knowledge. If you are already a coder, it is easy for you to grab the concepts of python. Even if you are not from a coding background, you can learn this language by giving it a few hours a day.Â
Learning this language can open many opportunities for you. Also, you don’t have to wait for any validation in the market. If you desire the required skill and basic technical knowledge, companies will hire you. All they need is a problem solver and a team player. So if you are thinking to begin your journey with Python programming language, do it now.Â
Ques 1. What skills should I have as a Python Developer?
Ans. You must have a good understanding of how a python framework works. To start with, you must be familiar with python 2.0 and python 3. Another skill to master is RESTful APIs. To add on, have an understanding of the Django framework. A developer must be able to provide scalable solutions with the deployment of the package code.Â
Ques 2. How difficult is Python language to learn?Â
Ans. To start with this language is easy, but to master it with all the technical knowledge is challenging. If you already have prior knowledge of other languages like Java and C++, it might be easy to grab the concepts. But if this is your first programming language, you will face some difficulties.Â
Ques 3. Can I learn Python language on my own?
Ans. The answer is yes and no. The basic understanding is available on the internet for free. You can follow some channels on youtube or subscribe to Github. But to gain industry knowledge, some sort of certification is necessary. To start with, you can build a base via the internet and then enrol in a course.Â
Ques 4. How much time must I spend learning Python language to master it?
Ans. It depends on your learning cycle. If you can give 4-5 hours every day, it is sufficient. With this pace, you can learn this language in a few months.Â
Ques 5. Is there any checklist to follow for python language?
Ans. The BASIC checklist must include-
Syntax- Functions, modules, shell, loops, etc.
Web Development Frameworks
Object-oriented programming concepts
The thing to make sure of is that you have relevant problem-solving skills. Also, the employer will select you based on your knowledge base and soft skills.