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Wouldn’t it be great, if you are about to build software, where you can use the code of other software for partial development? Couldn’t it be helpful, if a bug from your source code is removed, and updated by some other programmer? Thus, such a kind of programming exists? Yes, it does. Open-source programming is a solution that users can share and modify because its design is publicly accessible.
Thus, open-source solution provides collaborative, effective, and time-saving development of Open Source Software.

Open-Source Programming
“Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation, and consensus.” – Simon Mainwaring
This statement tells us how important it is to collaborate and cooperate to bring change and fast results in any sector. Thus, the same motto is behind the Open-Source programming approach.
Open-source programming works on the principles of open exchange, shared participation, transparency, and community-oriented development.
In simple words, Open-source software provides users with the source code that they can enhance, modify, study, or debug.
The real hero behind the benefits of Open Source Software is the open-source programming languages that provide developers to build great source code and apps.
Open-Source community of developers maintains Open-Source projects and Open-Source Languages.
This benefits programmers in resolving issues in a fast and reliable way. When he searches on the internet for the solution, the community can help to solve the problem. Programmers develop Open-Source libraries. This library assists other programmers in their projects This saves a lot of time except for the projects which start from scratch.
Some of the best Open-Source Programming languages are:

1. Python:
An Object-oriented and high-level programming language that is syntax-friendly. It is free and available to everybody as it is an open-source language. It is a general-purpose language that can help to implement several problems. So it is a popular language for web development and machine learning.
Henry Harvin Provides courses in Python that cover basic and advanced programming concepts in Python.
2. Ruby on Rails:
A web-development framework that can be used both at the back end and front end. Its easy-to-use syntax and open-source approach make it popular amongst programmers. Some of its features are: it is faster, stuff migration allows avoiding problems and it uses metaprogramming to write programs.
3. PHP:
It is an open-source scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages for various websites and it can be embedded in HTML. It is very easy to code in PHP and also provides very advanced features.
4. Swift:
It is a general-purpose, object-oriented, and functional language. A new and easy language to learn. Thus, popular because of its speed, performance, and security.
5. Kotlin:
It is an open-source language available under Apache 2.0 license. Kotlin has gained immense popularity due to its compatibility with Java 6. It is used for Android development. It has been used by top companies like Netflix and Pinterest due to its features like null safety, operator overloading, and lambda functions.
Open-Source Software:
Open-Source Programming approach is used to develop Open-Source Software. This means source code is freely available with the software. Users can use this source code to study, remove errors, or for any kind of manipulation. Thus, the availability of Source code is the main benefit of Open Source software.
Licensing policies of Open-Source software are different from closed-source software. Open-source software grants permission to its users to use its source code and make any changes as per their requirements. Some open-source programs specify that any programmer who releases modified apps or software must also release the source code along with it. This is also called copyleft licenses and it must not charge any fee for the program’s code. Although, this doesn’t mean open-source software is completely free. Programmers have to release source code for free with the software but they can charge for software services and support.
Benefits Of Open Source Software:
Programmers or users choose open-source software over closed-source software because of the following benefits of open-source software:
1. Research:
As source code is available for free, it makes the life of rest coders easy. Coders can use the code, study the code or debug the code as per their use. This also benefits students, to study live projects and get used to industry or professional ways of coding. It is always in everyone’s profit when collaborative work takes place.
2. Authority:
Open Source Software provides users control over the code, so that code can work according to their requirements. In short, the users are the authors who make the code work according to their algorithm. This kind of authority makes sure every user knows how the code is working, can make changes, and get benefitted out of it.
3. Reliability:
Open-source programming makes its software dependable because users can inspect and modify the code. Programmers can anytime debug or remove errors while using the original source code which makes it reliable and fast. No need to depend on the original programmer to make the changes which will make the process long. Thus, the open-source way gives certainty to programmers.
4. Community:
The Open-Source Software community is built on the foundation of the collective development of end users. This is a rare kind of community to find. Its free, reliable use makes the community help each other.
5. Peer Review:
The code will not be stagnant for long because someone somewhere will be always using and updating it. This makes sure the latest version of the code will be upgraded and can be used in long-term projects.
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Open Source is a revolution. Revolution to change for the better, to collaborate to help each other, build the same mindset community which wants rapid solutions to their programs.
Open-source programming is a vision of a long-term mission of providing constant development and support to programmers and projects on a large community basis. This community can help you in finding time-effective, cost-effective, and quicker results.
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Q.1 Why opt for Open-Source Programming?
Ans. Open-source programming provides users with the source code of programs for free. Users can update, inspect, study, and do any manipulation for their purpose and share the updated code with the rest of the users. Overall, this programming benefits large-scale users.
Q.2 Is Open-Source Programming free?
Ans. Open-source programming makes source code available to users for free. But it costs for maintenance and support.
Q.3 Which are the Open-Source Programming languages?
Ans. Open-source programming languages are freely available. Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Swift, and C++ are a few of the open-source languages.
Q.4 Is Python an open-source programming language?
Ans. Yes, Python is an open-source programming language.
Q.5 What is Open-Source Programming?
Ans. Open-Source programming is making available the source code of a program or software for free. This helps users to study, inspect, modify, or update the code as per their needs.