Lazy Loading in React, Let’s first understand the concept “ lazy Loading” means it splits the code into smaller blocks, waiting for rendering on the webpage until the browser needs it.

It is not a new concept, it has been accessible for quite some time. Lazy loading is a component or a code that is loaded when needed. In easy terms, lazy loading is a design pattern that authorizes the user to load parts of the application on demand to lessen the initial load time, before learning React.lazy and React.suspense let’s analyze the idea of dynamic imports and code-splitting, how they perform, and how they make possible lazy loading in React.

What is Lazy Loading?

It is also called on-demand loading, Lazy Loading is an optimization technique for web apps. The entire webpage is loading and displaying to the user without stopping as in bulk loading. This concept helps in loading the required section and delays the go-on.

Infinity scroll is also one form of Lazy Loading in which the content of a web page is loaded as and when the user scrolls down the page. It is a technique being used by countless websites. One can become a certified professional by enrolling in a React Native Developer Course.

Measure the loading time by making use of a performance monitoring tool. As you think it probably returns a poor score, but the issue is that none of the website resources can be undone as they all are critical elements of the site in any way. This happens when Lazy Loading comes in. The common resources for lazy loading comprise:

  • Images
  • The third-party JS files
  • Bundle JS files
  • CSS files

lazy loading in react

Key Benefits of Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading has several benefits, some of the biggest will be discussed below:

  1. Keep away from unnecessary code execution.
  2. Lower the initial web page load time.
  3. Reduces the size of resources downloaded.
  4. Maintain the user’s bandwidth, while keeping in mind mobile data plans on devices.
  5. Keep up system resources, as a request is sent to the server only when needed.
lazy loading in react

How does Lazy Loading work?

Lazy Loading is the best way to uplift page performance. It may assist users in building well-planned solutions, Let’s discuss below:

  • Lazy loading authorizes server resources more effectively by loading the resources.
  • This is foremost for high-traffic applications.
  • A high-speed load time can be attained by using lazy loading.
  • It minimizes the code that must be downloaded when the page loads.
  • This can speed up the application load time significantly.

Let’s also discuss React specifically

It bunches the code and installs it at the same time, it is a satisfactory option, the reason React SPAs are very small and do not exert influence on the performance. It can also be mentioned as data fetching.

React brings two features with version 16.6 to Implement lazy loading in applications. Firstly they use code splitting and dynamic imports to permit developers to implement lazy loading for the application.

What if there is a huge application like an admin portal, customer portal, etc?

  • If it is a huge application it will cost a lot of data transfer leading to slow loading.
  • A customer login is unobtainable to specific features so loading wastes time and memory.

lazy loading in react

Implementation of Lazy loading with React

Implementing Lazy loading in this application users rely on two things:

  • React.lazy() function
  • Suspense component


It is the latest function in React that allows  React components at a slow pace through code splitting without help from any other source. It allows user to load components or modules, and refine the application loading time. Lazy loading in react performs only fault finding first, then quietly undoing the non-critical items. Until now we used react-loadable to execute this but now we use react.lazy() in react core.

Suspense component 

The suspense component needs the lazy function primarily used to enfold lazy components. Suspense component that React provides for handling loading state. It is to know about  UI to display the fallback while the lazy-loaded component loads. So the Lazy components wrapped up with suspense components. 

While Combining both React.lazy() and suspense component. The user can load components only when needed reducing the initial bundle size and upgrading the application. Implementing Lazy loading using these two components is relatively effortless and offers several benefits for users and developers. Keep an eye on monitoring performance and go for best practices to get the most out of this tool.

lazy loading in react

Advantages and Disadvantages of lazy loading and its implementation in React.

Furthermore, we will discuss the upper hand and downsides of Lazy Loading while implementing it in React.


  1. It reduces server load
  2. Improved SEO for (SPA)
  3. Upgrade developer experience
  4. Compatibility with browsers
  5. Painless integration with third-party libraries


  1. Reliability on network condition
  2. Increased complexity
  3. Possibility for loading Delays
  4. Restricted usefulness for smaller applications
  5. Delays may be noticeable to the users

Best practices or Effective approaches for Lazy Loading:

While executing Lazy Loading in a React Application, it is necessary to keep various considerations in mind to ensure constructive implementation let talk about a few considerations for Lazy Loading:

  • Test on Different Networks and devices

Test your application on the network condition range to assess the result of Lazy Loading. Compare how it performs on high-speed and slow connections on different types of devices.

  • Monitor Metrics 

Take advantage of tools like Google page speed insights or other performance to keep track of the impact of lazy loading on your application performance.

  • Focus on Critical Resources

Make sure that components load on time without relying on lazy loading. Critical content should be at hand for the Initial rendering to provide an effortless user experience.

  • Apply Fallback UI 

Implementing lazy loading with <suspense> provides a Fallback UI while the lazy-loading content is being loaded. This confirms that users obtain visual feedback during the loading process.

The Best Platform to Become Proficient in Lazy Loading- Henry Harvin:

lazy loading in react

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Thus to sum up there are some drawbacks of lazy loading but also huge advantages and optimum utilization of time and space. Lazy loading is a process for holding back some parts of a webpage mainly images and video until needed. The Technique of lazy loading can apply to almost all web page resources. By now we understand the use of lazy and suspense components provided by React to load components lazily. As Technology advances, Lazy Loading will play a major role. With the evolving importance of the digital landscape, mobile browsing Lazy Loading in React will be influential in providing fast and accessible experiences across several platforms.

Recommended Reads

  1. Top 12 React Native Books to Read in 2024
  2. 15 Essential Java Full Stack Developer Skills in 2024
  3. Best Job Guarantee Courses after Graduation
  4. Scope of Software Testing Courses in 2024
  5. Top 10 React Native Courses In India: 2024


1. What is ORM?

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper a small part of software. It is a technique for creating links between relational databases and object-oriented programs.

2. Discuss the use of the ORM tool.

ORM tool software is to assist OOP developers with relational databases. Users can use these tools instead of creating ORM software.

3. What is the use of lazy loading?

Lazy loading can assist in speeding up web page load times. It shortens the length of critical rendering.

4. Why does the name suggest Lazy loading?

The name suggests ‘Lazy Loading’ because it is an optimization technique and it delays loading unless required.

5. Discuss Lazy in React.

Lazy allows a delay in loading component code until it’s rendered for the first time. It has two Native features:React.Lazy() and React.suspense()


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