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Are you inquisitive about the Korean language?

You’ve come to the right place!

We’re going to give extensive details you need to know about the Korean language

Let us understand about Korean Language and Korean Language Courses online. Korean is an incredible language.

Not solely is it lovely, but it’s additionally wide-spoken. 75 million folks around the world share this language. Learning it could lead to endless opportunities and advantages, however, which is the best Korean language course online that gets you to fluency quickly and effectively?

The following may be a comprehensive list of various materials for learning Korean. you’ll be able to provide it a go from the comfort of your home. 

In spite of what your current level is, you’ll be able to realize reliable resources to assist you to reach fluency in no time.

Top 12 Korean Language courses online

1. Henry Harvin – Best Online Korean Course

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The Korean language course online by Henry Harvin is structured to comprehend topics and lexis. Along with that, you will learn the basics of grammatical concepts to enhance and upgrade your skills. Henry Harvin will guide you in speaking the Korean Language as well.

 For Korean language tests the different levels are:

TOPIK Test of Proficiency in Korean is a written test that evaluates the ability of non-native speakers. The test weighs the proficiency in reading, writing, and listening comprehension in the Korean language. 

Following are the three levels of the test:-

•  Level 1 & 2 for Beginners-

Reading and listening to the basic Korean vocabulary grammar are the two sections in this level and more of the Korean language.

• Intermediate levels 3 & 4-

This level covers the Korean language which is combined with three sections: listening, reading, and writing.

• Advanced levels 5 & 6-

This level covers the skills of reading, writing, listening to sentence structure and formation as well as the vocabulary in a wider sense

10 in 1 Course Comprise of the following

  • Training- 
  • Projects
  • Internship
  • Certification
  • Placement
  • E-learning
  • Bootcamps
    • Hackathons
    • Membership

Trainers for Korean Language Course at Henry Harvin are:-

  • Skilled and experienced industry trainers with 11+years of working experience
    • Have been invited for more than 120 keynotes classes for the Korean language course online
  • Have conducted   more than 250 lectures and are currently impaneled as domain experts with Henry Harvin ® language academy

Henry Harvin Korean Language Course Fees

Henry Harvin® Korean Language Course Ranks in India by India Today

Henry Harvin  provides other language courses 

Spanish Language CourseGerman Language Course, Japanese Language CourseHR Generalist Course

Cities in India where Henry Harvin Korean Language Course is Provided:

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Online, Pune, Bangalore, Jaipur, Chennai, Kanpur 

2. The Ultimate 100-Lesson Course for beginners to learn Korean (Udemy)

udemy logo

There is a list of best-selling and vastly recommended Korean language learning courses on the online learning platform Udemy. One of the most liked Korean courses online is the fresh Language course at Udemy.

Learn Korean for Beginners:

 The conclusive 100-Lesson Course contains 100 high-quality beginner video lessons that teach, “how to read and write in Hangul”, “how to speak and sound like a native Korean”, and “how in daily conversations we can use basic Korean words and phrases ”.

The course includes of 5.5 hours of video content, along with over 100 downloadable resources, it is accessible full lifetime and a certificate of completion.

This course is suitable for:

  •     No prior knowledge required, so basically for absolute freshers
  •     The course provides understanding and picking up on basic Korean conversations
  •     Learners looking for a regulated, fast, and easy way of learning Korean

Udemy Korean language course fees-$109.99

3. 90-Day Korean – Best Online Korean Course

90 Day Korean logo

The 90 Day Korean is a well-organized and deep Korean language program. Instead of depending on outdated approaches, this website outline fun classes that get you to understand the language fast.

It teaches you Korean through engaging stories. So, even doubtful learners can get something out of their studies.

As the name propose, this website promises you language comfort in a lesser span of time, but it does need a great time investment on daily basis.

With this course, You’ll be able to speak and write Korean after 240 hours. In this manner, you’ll need to spend over 2.5 hours every day on your language studies. 90 Day Korean is the best language program for that If you’re looking for an intensive online course.

90-Day Online Korean language course fees:-$247 per year

4. Korean Class 101 – Best Online Korean Course

KoreanClass101  logo

KoreanClass101 uses audio podcasts to teach Korean.

Therefore it is suitable for both beginners and intermediate level learners.

These listening resources (podcasts) are not just only useful, but they are entertaining as well.

In extension to podcasts, KoreanClass101 also uses PDFs and live conversations to help you grab the basics of Korean.

Online Korean Class 101  course fees:-$23/month

5. Opti Lingo – Best Online Korean Course

OptiLingo logo

A list of useful Korean resources wouldn’t be complete without Opti Lingo. This scientifically tested learning program takes you to fluency speedily. You’ll begin speaking on a primary day. Opti Lingo’s methodology has helped thousands of language learners reach perfection.

This tested technique presents high-frequency phrases in exceedingly stress-free surroundings, thus you’ll know how the natives speak. This is often why Opti Lingo is the best Korean language program.

When you’re not using the program, OptiLingo’s weblog offers nice content.

Discover Korean culture, get tips and tricks for finding out, and read about the advantages of learning.

Optilingo  Korean language course fees:-e $234

6. Talk to Me In Korean– Best Online Korean Course

Talk to Me In Korean logo

If you want a soft, easy learning source for Korean Language, then Talk to Me In Korean is one of them.

It is a beautiful learning source. Its pleasing user interface makes it easy to understand for Korean beginners. Talk to Me In Korean offers an elaborated learning curriculum for long-term learners.

Their method is a good blend of digital resources and physical books.

It’s also one of the few websites that included social media into their teaching practice. You can learn a lot of slang and colloquial phrases, as well as be introduced to the most famous K-drama through their site.

Talk to Me In online Korean language course fees:-$62.88/year

7. italki – Best Online Korean Course

italki logo

italki offers learners an easy platform to connect with Korean professors. Where You can choose your tutor and the number of hours you’d like to spend practicing speaking. This is a great resource, as through italki you learn Korean directly from natives.

Here you can work on micro details of speaking, hence Your pronunciation will definitely improve. And you can get personalized help with the language. But every tutor charges a different hourly rate, so you have to be aware of that.

8. Glossika– Best Online Korean Course

Glossika logo

The use of AI in language learning is on the increase. Glossika brings this innovative technology to a Korean language learning program. The system helps the learner perceive words and their meanings. It conjointly provides you samples of after you ought to use your vocabulary. By introducing you to sentence structures ahead of time, you’ll learn them effectively. Glossika conjointly uses spaced repetition in its program.

Glossika Online  Korean language course fees:-$30.99

9. LINQ – Best Online Korean Course

LingQ logo

The best Korean language program is the one that offers the learners fun-filled learning. LINQ features a range of appealing materials, where You can choose the topics that interest you, like, politics, food, and traveler books. Build your language lessons that involved subjects that will keep you motivated. LingQ uses, blog posts, Youtube videos and Netflix shows that keep you active and entertained. This is perfect for beginners and intermediate learners alike.

10. Pimsleur – Best Online Korean Course

Pimsleur logo

If you are facing difficulties with pronunciation or you’re looking for a hands-free, an easy way to learn Korean, then Pimsleur is a good option to learn Korean Language.  

It’s derived from linguist Paul Pimsleur’s study and approach to language learning. You’ll listen to a sequence of phrases that get broken down and repeated to you slowly, to support your learning. The drawback is that the phrases can be dated and the lessons can feel slow.

Pimsleur Korean language course fees:-$150.00

11. Clozemaster Pro– Best Online Korean Course

Clozemaster Pro logo

Once you learn the basics of the Korean language, the next important step for any learner is to practice the same.

Clozemaster Pro provides the learner the best environment to practice and brushes up on their sentence structures, grammar, and most importantly their choice of vocabulary.

That becomes easier when you put it into context. Although Clozemaster is suggested for the more advanced learner, it’s a demanding Korean language learning program nonetheless for further practice.

Clozemaster Pro Online Korean language course fees:-$60.00

12. Memrise – Best Online Korean Course

Memrise logo

Memrise is a great Korean language program, If you want to learn about how Korean natives speak, Memrise offers 100s of video clips of Korean locals in their course structure. This helps instructs yourself with accents, voices, and culture.

You can also use their “mems” to create mnemonic devices that help you memorise the words. This can make your vocabulary studies more productive. 

Korean Language Learning Programs to keep away from

Not all Korean courses are created on the same page. Along with lots of great options out there,  some programs are also there which you want to avoid.

These popular apps keep people engaged, but adhere to old teaching practices, it can spoil your dream of learning a new language.

Be alert while using them.


While it’s probably the largest known language learning app, its efficiency is lacking. Duolingo’s Korean lessons are of low quality.

Mostly, you’ll spend your time typing the language and translating weird sentences.

Duolingo’s Korean courses do not put focus on the importance of speaking, so you will face a struggle to have conversations even after you put in a lot of time on the platform.  So It’s better than doing nothing because Duolingo isn’t a fast track to speaking Korean fluently.

Transparent Language

When you’re learning a language, unlimited memorization and dull drills will make you upset. And sadly, that’s exactly how Transparent Language works.

Instead of presenting you with the context of Korean words, this language learning program gives you single speech lists to memorize. Grammar and sentence structure is not a part of this course, so your lessons won’t get you far.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is yet another notable language learning program, but it is structured on imperfect concepts. The plus point of this Korean language learning program is that you hear native Koreans speak.

But at the same time their sentences are monotonous, boring, and it doesn’t cover context.

This smashes your learning experience, stalling your progress towards being conversational in Korean. For its sheer asking price, it should offer more.

Some more Language Learning Resources

If you want to speak like a local, then you’ll want a variety of language learning resources outside of online courses.

They’ll help you change things accordingly, revise your lessons, and make learning a new language more enjoyable.

Following are a couple of extra tools you should use to help you speak Korean even faster

Naver Dictionary

Naver is more than a Korean-defined dictionary. This website show-case high-frequency phrases, common expressions, and a collection of sentences to get you speaking as the natives do.

Naver also helps you to learn audio files and images. On top of that, you can use Naver Dictionary to give you daily vocabulary. This can be helpful if you’re on a specific timeline to learn Korean. 


YouTube is a great help when it comes to language learning. Even the best Korean language learning programs can take advantage of some additional video material. There are a good number of great channels for you to choose from. You can make a list of native Korean vloggers, and pay attention to their facial expressions as you watch their content. You can even learn more about culture, their slang, and other tips that will help get you to speak like a local. 


Many language learners swear by Anki for helping them reinforce vocabulary words. Anki is basically spaced repetition flashcard software. You have an option where you can either download completed decks of cards or make your own.

As you go through with the cards, the deck will adjust when you see the cards again based on how simple they are for you.

You’ll see harder cards more often, and easier cards less often.


Forvo is going to help you to know how to pronounce specific words in Korean, Forvo is the suitable Korean language program for that.

 The main feature of Forvo is to give pronunciation guidelines to help you reach fluency. They also include common phrases and useful travel expressions into their program.

Forvo is a trustworthy source for foreign language diction as it is home to more than 2.6 million users,  Speaking like a native won’t be difficult with this.

What builds the Best Korean Language Course?

There are two ways- right ways and wrong ways to learn a language. There is no need to follow just one method. In fact, we encourage you to try out as many resources as you can to learn Korean.

But there are some ways of learning that will slow you down and stop you from reaching your dream of learning a new language.

1. It Avoids Memorization

How many times have you seen a toddler memorizing vocabulary words?

They don’t do it because It’s not effective. You want a program that teaches you  new language and guides you to fluency. Not one that tries to stuff random words in your brain using false internet points and games. 

2. It Covers Korean Grammar Effectively

Grammar is an essential element of any language, it has a purpose and a place in learning any language.

Therefore its important to understand how Korean grammar differs from English, especially with concepts like honorifics, mood, tense, and aspects for verbs. moreover, Korean’s subject-object-verb (SVO) word order is different, too. All of these concepts are essential elements of any learning. 

You need to select programs that will guide you through grammar naturally, covering new concepts without considering it.

After all, mastering grammar isn’t the main aim of learning a language.

The main aim is ‘Speaking’.

Useless Korean software or programs will overemphasize it, and it will focus on grammar over speaking, which will only cause you headaches.

You want programs that focus on speaking while introducing grammar in a natural, pain-free way.

3. It Explains the Writing System of Korean

One of the biggest challenges faced by Korean language learners is its unique writing system. And you’ll require more than flashcards to get you there. Getting command of the language quickly means covering all 4 domains of a language: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. 

That means if you’re going to learn Korean, your software or program must cover the writing system. Otherwise, you’re missing a key part of the language.

4. It Covers Honorifics in Korean

You don’t need to use the most courteous forms of words always when speaking in Korean. Even though many programs will only teach you how to use formal Korean.

If you want to speak like a local, you need a program that makes you understand when and how to use Honorifics and when you can keep things conversational.

5. It Teaches Using clear Input

Clear input is the goldilocks zone of language learning. The material is not too tough so that you can understand it, on the other hand it’s not too simple, so you don’t get bored. Any essential Korean course is going to give you sufficient new material along with adequate support, helping you glide into fluency easily. 

6. It Focuses on High-Frequency Words and Phrases

Its not important to know every word to speak Korean like a local. In fact, most of us only use about 20% of our language on daily basis. So, don’t waste your time and energy with programs that cover way too much. You need words and phrases which you’re actually going to use. The best Korean courses focus on what you need to manage, so you start

speaking faster.


Why learn Korean language course online

•    Online Korean language classes mostly teach a variety of lessons on Hangul, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and even about Korean culture.

All of these are essential in mastering the Korean language and learning how to use it in everyday living or at least preparing you for your next trip to Korea.

• Need motivation? Sign up for Korean lessons online. A Korean language online course will have a schedule that will require you to “show up” regularly.

Soon, studying Korean will become a part of your daily routine.

And when you get momentum, learning long-term will be easier.

• Signing up for online Korean language courses gives you entry to a more structured way of learning. Similar to Korean textbooks, online Korean classes usually follow a curriculum that allows you to progress naturally in your Korean learning journey.

Recommended Reads


Q.1 Is the Korean Language easy to learn?  

Ans. Yes, Korean is one of the easy languages to learn. The Korean alphabet are made up of 14 consonants known as Hangul.

Q.2 How we can earn money with the Korean Language?  

Ans. After learning the Korean Language you earn money by working as freelancers in different domains like a translator, instructor, proofreader, etc. You can also earn money by teaching in any institute where a foreign language is taught.

Q.3 What is the validity period of TOPIK period?  

Ans. The validity period of TOPIK score is 2 years from the date of examination result announcement

Q.4 Korean is what kind of Language?  

Ans. The Korean language is a part of a northern Asian language known as Altaic which includes Japanese, Mongolian, and Turkish. Korean was influenced highly by Chinese. In Spite of being influenced by Chinese, in the 16th century Korean adopted its own style of writing.

Q.5 How useful is learning the Korean Language?  

Ans. Learning the Korean Language will help you to work in Korean Companies, as we know South Korea is one of the strongest growing economies globally and also the 7th largest economy in terms of export

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  8. Candidly speaking, Henry Harvin provides the best online Korean courses as it is scientifically designed to meet the various industry- requirements and helps in positively transforming our career.

  9. Online Korean language classes mostly teach a variety of lessons on Hangul, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and even about Korean culture and all of these are essential in mastering the Korean language and learning how to use it in everyday living or at least prepare you for your next trip to Korea.

  10. The Korean language is a part of a northern Asian language known as Altaic which includes Japanese, Mongolian, and Turkish. Korea was influenced highly by the Chinese. In spite of being influenced by the Chinese, in the 16th century, Korea adopted its own style of writ

  11. It was interesting to learn more about the Korean language course online.

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  22. After learning the Korean Language you earn money by working as freelancers in different domains like a translator, instructor, proofreader, etc. You can also earn money by teaching in any institute where a foreign language is taught.

  23. Henry Harvin Education offers approved certification for Korean language instruction. Once you’ve finished the Korean language training program, you can work as a teacher or a translator.

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