“Mini MBA Skills?! What does this mean? What is a Mini MBA? Why do we need skills for a Mini MBA? I don’t understand this.”

This is what my brother said when I told him about my next topic. I was surprised to hear this but, then I realized that even I wasn’t aware of most of these terms a month before.

Furthermore, if most of my readers don’t know these terms, then how are they supposed to understand this blog?

Hence, here I am to explain these terms briefly and list six skills that teenagers should acquire before enrolling for a Mini MBA.

Firstly, ‘MBA’, stands for Masters in Business Administration, it develops management and business skills in students.

Secondly, ‘Mini MBA‘, a program that provides an introductory insight into business and a foundational understanding of the area.

Lastly, soft skills (personal attributes needed for success in a job) are essential for teenagers who wish to pursue a mini MBA.

Soft skills are required in every field of work.

Here are the most important soft skills:

1. Communication:
Communication is the key to success.

Communication is the basic necessity of life, which is required by each individual.

One should know how to deal with different types of people calmly and elegantly.

There is no profession in this world, which doesn’t require human interaction. It’s better to learn how to communicate better sooner than later.

Here are some resourceful websites:

  1. helpguide.org
  2. entrepreneur.com


2. Positive Attitude:

Often when we’re stressed, we look for that positive face that makes us feel better. But why do we look at another person, when we can just look in the mirror?

When teenagers start working, they feel like the workplace is ‘too dull’ or ‘boring’. This is due to a lack of a positive attitude.

“In a sea of negativity, let’s be the ray of positivity”

Shruti Srivastava
3. Creativity:

Creativity is unique to each individual. No one can imagine the same thing and this is what makes you, you.

Companies don’t want copies, they want individuals. So creativity is our best option.

If Picasso would’ve been not creative, would he be this famous?


4. Self Motivation:

This point is pretty self-explanatory. Frequently, we don’t have anyone to share our thoughts with and end up even sadder than before.

Here is where the role of self-motivation comes in. Someone said that we are our cheerleaders and that person was correct. As we grow up, we will learn that our happiness depends on us.

We decide what our day will be like. We can either sulk because we were scolded or correct ourselves. Everything depends on our thoughts!


5. Stress Management:

Sometimes, we get a lot on our plates and it stresses us out. This is where stress management steps in and helps us cope with the stress caused due to deadlines, meetings, etc.

There are plenty of ways to manage your and some are listed below:

  1. Mediation; this may sound boring but it works like a charm when done correctly
  2. Exercise; our body release endorphin (often called the feel-good chemicals)
  3. Pause and breathe
  4. Stress Management Techniques


6. Team Worker:

Teamwork is the most essential skill required in one’s career.

Working together will enhance each individual’s skillset and well as serve as a bonding experience.

Working together will also provide different opinions and cause zero to a negligible error in the project.



“Soft skills get little respect, but will make or break your career.”

Peggy Klaus

These six skills play an important role in every job. Teenagers doing Junior MBA Courses just learn them before others, which in turn helps them when they apply for an actual job.

They are not only required by teenagers enrolled in Mini MBAs but also necessary for every person in the field. They display your professionalism as well as make this world a better workplace.


If you don’t wish to waste the precious free time this lockdown has offered you, please go check my last blog! It’s about what to do with this precious time!!


Let me know how helpful this blog was for you. Don’t forget to like, comment, and share!!

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