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Today English Language is in high demand in various sphere. Fluently Speaking in English and a good command over English Language has become mandatory in every profession, business, marketing and Spoken English Job Roles. Professionally or personally every person need to speaks in English.  Starting from pre- school education, elementary education to working professionals, we interact in English. Thus, command over the English Language is the need of the hour. In addition, Being a Universal Language English is widely used for communication between people of different background, culture and location.

Identify the Best Language Teacher

One effective method for identifying exceptional language teachers is to seek those who consistently explore innovative and diverse approaches to language instruction. These educators are always on the lookout for fresh techniques and engage in various activities and resources to capture their students’ attention and improve their language skills. While there is no magical formula that guarantees rapid fluency for students, there are several proven strategies that successful language instructors can employ to facilitate effective learning.

What are the different ways of Methods of Teaching English?

“Methods of Teaching English” refers to the various approaches used in the classroom to ensure pupils learn and retain information. Teachers can help their pupils remember what they’ve learned by using tactics that make it easy for them to understand and use the material simply and straightforwardly. Students may take what they learn in the classroom and use it in their lives and careers if they can understand information deeply and practice skills correctly.


Opportunities to make learning engaging, motivating, and entertaining for students can be found in many teaching approaches. They provide a helping hand to educators as they carry out their duty of directing students’ emotional and social growth. Teachers can cultivate a respectful, empathetic, and culturally sensitive classroom environment by applying effective tactics. 



They also adopt specific teaching strategies to prepare their pupils for standardised tests. The guiding concepts and philosophies of your classroom can differ according to your personal beliefs as an educator, the stated goals of your school, the subjects you teach, and other considerations.

Steps to Select Appropriate Methods of Teaching English

Learning Objectives 

The goals of the class or course should guide your approach to lesson planning and delivery. Have you considered what you want your class to take away from this session? Aligning with the curriculum standards and the evaluation criteria, learning objectives should be precise, quantifiable, and transparent. Various instructional strategies may be required to guide your students to mastery of the course material, depending on its intricacy and breadth. 

Learning styles


Students’ preferred learning styles should be your second consideration when developing a lesson plan. Students have different preferred methods of processing and retaining knowledge, known as learning styles. These methods can be visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, or verbal.


Educational setting


Your students’ learning environments should be your third consideration when making pedagogical decisions. The classroom, online platform, group size, noise level, accessible resources, emotional climate, and other physical, social, and psychological components of the setting where learning takes place are all part of the learning environment.


Criticism for growth

The learning feedback you give your pupils is the fourth consideration when picking a teaching style. Whether in grades, comments, suggestions, or praise, learning feedback informs students of their progress and performance.


Results of learning


The desired results in scholarly learning should be the last attention when determining instructional strategies. By giving up on a session or direction, your pupils should have acquired unique know-how, competencies, attitudes, and behaviours, referred to as getting to know results.

Top English Teaching Methods: Transforming Learners into Communicators

There are various Teaching Methods and approaches for proficiency in the English language that are effective and improve your English Writing and Speaking skills. You need to study and focus on the area of improvement, thus an effective way to improve your English.


From classroom discussions to English conversation classes,  method of Teaching the English language has changed and improved that dedicatedly work on your language skills. Teaching Methods have different strategies to overcome the weaknesses of learners. In addition, regular practice of Speaking in English with correct pronunciation and conversation boost your Spoken English skills. You will start speaking in English more Confidently.


Several Educational Institute like Henry Harvin provide Top Language Courses of different levels to improve English Writing, Grammar, Spoken English, Business English Writing, Creative Writing, Technical Writing, SEO Content Writing and more. These institute provide best training program, practical exposure, language conversation classes guided from professionally expert trainers to improve learners language skills. And after completion of Language Course, we provide extensive placement support to our learners. Henry Harvin Placement services provide best job opportunities at various  position in MNCs and other hiring Companies.

Significance of English Language in Today’s World

The significance of the English language in today’s world is vast and multifaceted. English is a Universal Language and plays a key role in various sectors such as public dealing, professional job roles, business, tourism, international relationships and personal communications. Mastering English Language skills is an essential element in every profession, trade and communication. 


Key advantages and applications of English Language:

  1. Global Communication
    1. English is a common language for people from diverse backgrounds to communicate effectively. It is the most widely spoken second language worldwide.
    2. It is primary language of diplomacy and international relations.
  1. Business and Trade
    1. Multinational corporations often use English for international trade, business negotiations, and corporate communications.
    2. Proficiency in English Language can enhance employability and career advancement.
  • Education
    1. English is used as universal language for instructions in many prestigious universities and academic institutions. 
    2. Most of the educational resources, scientific journals, literature, and technical manuals are available in English.
  • Digital Platform
    1. English dominates the digital landscape, being the most common language used on the Internet, social media, and digital platforms.
  • Media and Entertainment
    1. English is used for global news outlets, including CNN, BBC, and Reuters. It plays a crucial role in international journalism and media.
    2. Famous films, music, television shows, and top-author books are produced in English, making it a key language in the global entertainment industry.
  • Travel and Tourism
    1. It is commonly used language for tourists, enabling easier communication in airports, hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions.
  • Science and Research
    • Most scientific journals and papers are published in English, making it essential for researchers to understand and readable.

Modern Classroom Teaching Methods

People can frequently distinguish the finest language educators by their dedication to Modern Classroom Teaching Techniques. They always try new approaches and strategy to teach the English Language. In order to keep their students engaged and interested in the learning new tools to help them improve their English. 

Modern Modern English Teaching Vs  Traditional Teaching Methods

“Classroom” is a word that brings to our mind a setting wherein a teacher stands in front of a class of 30 to 40 students, delivering a lecture with a specific gravity in his/her voice. This is the traditional method of teaching that was prevalent when we were in school some two decades ago. However, things have changed over the years. Though it was one of the most Effective Methods of Teaching English to young students, it is no longer considered. This is due to various reasons such as:

  • the present generation gets expose to the world through Social Media
  • Their knowledge base is augmenting by the information available on the internet
  • The students nowadays are more impatient and to grab their attention, English Teaching Methods need to cater to their dynamic thinking process.

Modern English Teaching Methods have effective approach with the aim to improve learner language skills.  Teaching Methods are highly interactive and use result oriented strategies. The traditional methods of Teaching have shifted to role-plays, interactive games, conversation, short plays, short visuals to build confidence in the learners.

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In general, everything you teach needs to be relevant to the students’ environment, as students are the focal point of the teaching and learning process. 

In line with the words of W.B Yeats, ‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire,’ the teachers of the 21st century are implementing Effective Methods of Teaching to make learning more fun and easily understandable. 

Language teaching has its challenges. Most of the time, it is a foreign language that the learner can’t pick up from his/her surroundings, and you should teach patiently and systematically so that the students become confident and can read, write and speak the language effortlessly. 

The English language is the language of the world, and English teachers have changed their methods of delivery over the years to suit the present scenario. In this article, I will be discussing specific popular and efficient ways of teaching the English language, which fulfills the demand of modern learners. 

Primary Methods of Teaching English

According to Asher and James (1982), “Methods are the combination of techniques that are used and plasticized by the teachers in the classrooms to teach their students and approaches are the philosophies of teachers about language teaching that can be applied in the classrooms by using different techniques of language teaching.”

Here I will list out the Primary English language teaching methods. Some of them are Time Tested Practices, and some are new. 


Grammar Paraphrasing-

This method of teaching English is a classic one used since the 16th century. This approach was improvised for teaching the Latin language, which was not commonly learned and spoken by people. The method of teaching English focused on translating the texts in Latin to the native language and then gaining it, in line with the grammatical rules and vocabulary of Latin. The rote learning method is the most used method to learn vocabulary.

Later on, this method was used to learn other languages that were considered a second language. Thus, it applies to English as well. 

This approach lacks in the fact that it is not a very good way of teaching to communicate appropriately in English. 

Though this old-fashioned method has received a lot of criticism in modern times, many institutions still use it, especially by those who want to study English scientifically. 


Natural Method –

This English language teaching method, also known as the direct method, seems to be a response to the Grammar translation technique. In this process, the teacher who is aiming to teach English as a second language, asks the learner to think in English so that they can communicate in English. 

The technique aims at building a connection between thought and expression. It required the teacher to strictly prohibit the student from using his/her native language. The learner is supposed to perfectly express himself/herself in English, with proper accent and usage of grammatical skills. 

This method of teaching English is used in modern times and is useful in teaching to communicate in English. As the student thinks and talks in English in real-life situations, they learn the language accurately, and there is no rote learning or translation. This might take some time, but whatever is learned has a long term effect on our memory. 


Audio Lingual –

Audio-Lingual Method

This method of teaching English was initially called ‘the Army Method,’ as it was devised during the second world war when it became necessary for soldiers to learn the language of their opponents. It resembles a direct method in a way. This approach is based on thinking in the language and expressing thoughts in the same. And in the process, learning happens. 


The Teaching process is based on Skinner’s theory of behaviorism and his representative experiment of operant conditioning. According to which a positive reinforcement helps in learning new things. 


In this approach, the student is supposed to learn the language’s structure and everyday usage rather than emphasize understanding the words. Patterns of commonplace discussions are taught, and the learners repeat it, followed by testing. This process is carried on until the student answers correctly. 


To sum up, the process of the audio-lingual method is characterized by conventional drilling of set phrases which are used in daily communication, and grammatical rules are not emphasized upon, the vocabulary taught is contextual, the technique uses audiovisual aids. It focuses on pronunciation, and, lastly, any correct response is immediately reinforced positively. 


The method of teaching English is used until now and is suitable for learning to communicate properly in English or any other second language. Still, extensive relearning and memorization led to a lack of routine learning of English, which developed an obstacle in diverse communication. 

Find below the Graphical Representation of a Comparison Between the Three Methods.

Humanistic Approach –

Humanistic Learning - YouTube

During the 1970s, teaching and learning course underwent a radical change wherein the learner’s innate potential and acquired skills were the focal point of the education process. A few teaching methods were devised based on this idea, and these were grouped under the title of the humanistic approach. 

Top 9 Methods of Teaching English Language in 2024

Whether you’re a novice educator or a pro veteran, you realise that tailoring instructions to each pupil’s precise strengths and weaknesses permits them to reach their most excellent capability. Here are a few a success teaching techniques that might function as inspiration for your unique study room exercise and offer your students an enriching knowledge of experience.

  • Grammar-cum-Translation Method

The grammar-cum-translation method’s capabilities are explained by its name. When it comes to grammar-focused English language instruction, this is among the most common approaches. That being said, a great deal of interpretation is involved. This approach is the traditional, or “old style,” way of studying a language.


Here is a method of instruction that several countries use. The basic idea behind this approach is that students can quickly translate different sentences once they have mastered all grammar principles. However, many educators see this method as flawed since it disregards the spoken form of the language and the importance of communication skills. Plus, students can’t use the target language for direct thought.


Thus, it prevents establishing a direct connection between ideas and their manifestation. Therefore, the technique focuses on developing excellent writing abilities rather than enhancing the student’s conversational aptitude in the target language.

  • Communicative Language Teaching 


This method is currently widely used as the standard for teaching English worldwide. This is partly due to its goal to expose students to a wide range of authentic contexts in which they must apply their language skills. Lessons are, therefore, more practical than theoretical, and teachers emphasize students’ ability to communicate fluently rather than accurately.


This method is characterized by using real-world resources and engaging classroom activities. Teachers should make sure their students have plenty of chances to communicate meaningfully with one another. Additionally, CLT classes frequently make use of students’ own life experiences.

  • Technology-based learning

Incorporating technology into the classroom can help teachers save time and improve student learning. Students have access to electronic devices such as tablets and PCs, which they can use to read, research, and even play instructional games. Thanks to cloud computing, Students can access their documents and other resources anywhere. One effective distance education method is using virtual classrooms powered by video conferencing software. This can be a lifesaver for pupils with trouble paying attention in a traditional classroom setting.

  • Task-based Learning

Students learn best when they work together on relevant, communicative projects, the basic idea behind task-based learning. The problem with many task-based learning exercises is that they don’t have any practical, meaningful relevance to actual life. Due to increased pressure on ESL educators to design more relevant and goal-oriented lessons, the structure and content of these skill-based activities may undergo significant transformation in the next decade.


This might originate from anywhere, but it needs to focus on the kids and their interests. Considering the importance of teamwork and the skills required in the future should make you reevaluate your approach to task-based learning.


Student interests should be encouraged to be considered within task-based learning, and outdated and overly theoretical task-based activities should be replaced with more contemporary alternatives.

  • Cooperative Learning

Teachers have come to see the value of collaboration as an integral component of the learning process due to virtual learning. “cooperative learning” refers to a teaching method in which students do assignments in smaller groups. The assignment may be anything from answering a quiz to penning a full-length novel.

Students with varying levels of aptitude for learning can complement one another in these types of events. It fosters taking charge and positively contributing to the task’s practical completion. Additionally, it motivates students to help each other out and contribute where they can to reach the final objective.

  • Content and language-integrated learning (CLIL)

Learning a second language with a more traditional academic discipline (such as biology, history, or science) is central to the CLIL method of instruction.

Instead of focusing on the needs of the target language, language classes are structured around the requirements of the first topic. As a result, keeping students interested and ensuring the integration is apparent are of the utmost importance. However, there are many ways in which the CLIL approach can be utilised to re-engage students who have lost interest in studying a language and to collaborate across subject areas.

  • Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)


A broader method of instruction known as Collaborative or Community Language Learning encompasses CLL, which stands for cooperative language learning. When implemented in the classroom, CLL aims to maximise the usage of cooperative activities in which students work in pairs or small groups. Therefore, it is an approach to language instruction that emphasises the students rather than the teachers.


All of the language-studying sports in a CLL elegance are based on encouraging students to engage with one another as much as possible. It is predicted that scholars will collaborate and talk with each other to finish assignments. The teacher is liable for each leading and collaborating in mastering sports.

  • Inquiry-based learning

Students in an inquiry-primarily based school room work independently on initiatives, pose questions and search for solutions to their inquiries, all within the spirit of gaining knowledge through exploration.


During these periods, professors serve as resources, but ultimately, students are expected to solve issues and find knowledge independently. They may present and explain the ideas in their terms after learning them, which helps them remember them. After that, they can go through the levels at their speed. For students, this means actively participating in what they are studying.

  • Gamification

One of the most effective methods of instruction is gamification, which incorporates game mechanics into the classroom. It is a great tactic to help with both memorization and reinforcement.


In the classroom, gamification can employ game-like platforms to disseminate information, create class competitions, and reward students with points or badges for their accomplishments. This method makes classroom time a thrilling adventure, increasing students’ motivation to study.

Methods of Teaching English Language under the Humanistic Approach are:


methods of teaching English, language teaching methods

This method of teaching English is based on the fact that the mind has great potential and can memorize information by suggestions. This method uses certain principles of memory to teach English as a second language. 


The learners are provided with chunks of new information in the original language (English in our case), and it is read aloud with classical music in its background. This activity is known as a concert reading. 

The idea of suggestopedia is to provide a relaxed atmosphere for the mind to learn and retain that information. This method is useful if the learner is shy or apprehensive. 

The supporters of this technique include Georgi Lozanov, whose methods have become Accelerated Learning Movement. 

Silent Way

methods of teaching English, language teaching methods

This method of teaching English, also known as the Natural approach, is based on the idea of how human beings learn to speak their mother tongue. Caleb Gattegno devised this method of language teaching. According to him, the teacher should be silent as much as possible, but the students should be motivated to speak the language.

The silent way method uses elements such as color charts and the colored Cuisenaire rods, etc. Certain principles on which this method is based are:

Learning happens when the learner learns to discover new things about the foreign language and is creative rather than repeating what is taught.

Learning is encouraged by physical objects in the surrounding.

It is based on problem-solving 

This method of teaching English is perfect for beginners or young learners of English.

Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response:

This method involves acting out language rather than speaking. It can be through mimicry or only responding to audiovisual cues. Games like ‘Simon says…’ or the charades are classic examples of this method of teaching. 

This method is a fun way of learning language and therefore is very useful. 

Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)

This method applies to schools where most of the important subjects are taught in English. This is prevalent in modern classrooms. The focus is on the content, and the lessons are tailored to suit the student’s needs and preferences. 

CLIL is effective in teaching students the real-life application of the English language as a means of expressing culturally.  

Communicative Language Teaching

This broad term is an accepted standard of teaching English in modern times. It does not focus on grammatical fluency. Instead, it emphasizes on communicating the meaning of the message; in other words, it focuses on how well a person (non-native speaker) can deliver in the English language. 

The various characteristics of this method are:

  1. Interaction in English language results is a proper understanding of the language. 
  2. Students are taught strategies to understand English.
  3. The experiences of the students are focused on making up the content of the lessons.
  4. Authentic text in English is used for teaching
  5. Principled Eclecticism: This refers to the variety of teaching methods, depending on the aptitude of the learner. Different methods are put together to suit the requirement of the student. 

Any single method has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore it may not be suitable for a specific learner, so the teacher in this approach uses a combination of techniques to make the language understandable. 

This is the most contemporary method of teaching a foreign language and is very useful. 

Basic Approaches to Teaching English 

  1. Task-Based Approach – This approach focuses on competencies the students want to develop and is based on the idea, why is English taught? Rather than what is shown. So here, the language is learned by doing certain activities and relating English to daily conversation. The tasks given range from ‘ordering in a restaurant’ to ‘reviewing a movie,’ and the grammar and vocabulary revolve around the job itself.
  2. Project-Based Approach – as a teacher, you need to ask yourself why your students have come to learn English. Now keeping their requirements in mind, you need to devise a project which the learner works on. The project might be a role-play or a presentation.
  3. Lexical Syllabus – In this approach, the teacher is supposed to develop the student’s vocabulary, which is specific to their needs. The word list, if found to be big, is categorized under different headings. For, e.g., the coronary syndrome is terms related to medicine, and so their word list will consist of these words. 
  4. Usage of Smartphones in the Classroom – Smartphones have become an inevitable part of our existence. It also provides many essential tools to students like a dictionary, reference apps, or grammar apps. The only thing is that we must guide students about how to use it. 

Effective Methods for Teaching English

Effective teaching methods are essential for fostering a positive learning environment and enhancing student understanding. Here are some key strategies:

  • Active Learning

Active learning involves engaging students directly in the learning process through activities like discussions, problem-solving, and group work. Hands-on learning gives a clear understanding and an effective approach to teaching students.

  • Differentiated Instruction

This can include providing various types of content (videos, readings, hands-on activities) or adjusting the pace of lessons.

  • Use of Technology

Integrating technology into the classroom can make learning more engaging and accessible. Tools like interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online resources are modern learning approaches. 

  • Formative Assessment

Regular formative assessments, such as quizzes, polls, and informal check-ins, help teachers gauge student understanding and adjust instruction accordingly. 

  • Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom, traditional lecture and homework elements are reversed. Students watch lecture videos at home and engage in interactive activities in class. This approach can free up class time for more personalized learning experiences. 

  • Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning encourages students to work together, promoting social and cognitive skills. Group projects, peer reviews, and study groups are common methods. 

  • Gamification

Incorporating game elements into lessons can make learning more enjoyable and motivate students. 

  • Constructive Feedback

Providing timely and specific feedback helps students understand their progress and areas for improvement. 

Effective Teaching Methods can address different learning styles, keep students engaged, and foster a deeper understanding of the subject. By being flexible and responsive to student needs, teachers can create a more effective and dynamic learning environment to enhance English Language.

Operative Tips for Teaching English to Beginners 

Teaching English to young learners or novices is always a challenge. Especially English as a foreign language is taught to groups who are either monolingual or may be multi-lingual but not native speakers. We need to be more careful and need to keep in mind a few things when teaching English to beginners. 

  1. Keep your instructions clear and straightforward – Always remember while giving instructions to your new batch of students, that it should be simple and broken down into short sentences, it need not be too formal or courteous. If you want to sound polite, simple words such as ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ will do, because the learners in the early stage will know only a few words of English and too formal language will be overwhelming. 
  2. Encourage the novices to listen and then speak. You should motivate the students to listen to the pronunciations, pay attention to the grammar, and develop a vocabulary before they start speaking English. However, you will find many of the learners try to begin speaking in the language as soon as the classes commence. But there will be few who would wait. You should smartly plan your lessons so that the beginners are equipped with sufficient English knowledge and can communicate soon. 
  3. Drilling and repetition – The students need a lot of repetition and drilling to learn sentences carefully. It may seem monotonous but is an efficient method of teaching. Say the sentence, break it down, go back and forth and repeat it till the new learner understands it and learns it. 
  4. Avoid metalanguage – Do not use terminologies as the new learners do not know how to use them while communicating. E.g., irregular verbs, the learners are not sure about these or their usage. So it is better to use visual cues for better comprehension. Try to find out how much they have understood by asking relevant questions or asking them to explain again. Do not ask the question, ‘Do you understand?’. The learners, when asked this question, maybe reluctant to reply correctly or may even believe that they have understood everything. 
  5. Keep in mind that the students are fluent in their language – Do not forget that your students, while speaking broken English, will try to think in their language and translate it into English while speaking. Point this out to them, try to teach them to maintain a flow and rhythm, and deal patiently. 
  6. Do your homework correctly – When starting a new class prepare well with the topic and keep many related activities ready. Plan out clearly how you will introduce the topic, break the ice, and make your students express. 

Think of the probable challenges you may face and keep a solution ready. This makes teaching effective and learning fun for new learners. 

Benefits of Having TEFL Certification in India

  • Make Engaging Educational Resources

You will become well-versed in the steps involved in developing high-quality educational resources after receiving the certification. You will learn what you need to know to create digital and text-based educational resources. You can simply identify your students’ preferred learning methods and adjust your approach accordingly. Usually, specialized teaching tactics will be covered in TEFL courses.

  • Enhances your Readiness for the Classroom

Those inquisitive about teaching English as a foreign language can get basic training by earning a TEFL certificate, as mentioned earlier. You may additionally begin your teaching profession with self-guarantee thanks to the know-how. You benefit from an exquisite TEFL certification, which covers powerful teaching strategies, lecture room management, and lesson-making plans.

Those just out of college or entering the teaching profession will find this schooling worthwhile as they get their feet moist in the classroom. A TEFL degree gives you a more nuanced view of teaching pupils from varied cultural backgrounds and languages, even if you already have some teaching experience. 

  • Awarding with Professional Recognition

Without any educational background, hundreds of foreign schools and institutes use native English speakers to instruct their students in the English language. Having no prior experience or a four-year degree is no longer an obstacle to getting work as an English teacher overseas after completing an approved TEFL course. The doors to opportunities for teaching English abroad will open for you after you get your TEFL certification.

Those interested in teaching English as a 2nd language overseas will find a stable grounding in ideas and practice in this certification program. So, to build a stable foundation in essential coaching capabilities, including curriculum construction, lesson plan formation, and different pupil-targeted coaching processes, a TEFL certification software consists of everyday realistic guides, even offering a superb, palms-on academic experience.

As a result, it facilitates the purchase of knowledge, competence, and information vital to becoming an incredible educator capable of presenting students with stimulating studying surroundings.

  • Earn a Great Salary while Travelling the Globe 

Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a thrilling career route. You can see stunning places, consume delicious food, learn about fascinating cultures, and earn a residing concurrently. It appears to be an implausible provide.


However, most instructors have no official teaching qualifications except a TEFL certificate. In other words, when a fresh, competent educator like yourself enters the field, they establish themselves as a serious contender. 

If qualified to teach English as an overseas language, you could earn significantly more than the average TEFL graduate and paint at prestigious establishments. Teachers with certification can also find paintings in international colleges and schools, wherein they can command a competitive wage and experience beneficial benefits packages. Among these perks can be a salary exempt from taxes, housing provided without charge, or even paid airfare.

  • It makes you a more effective educator for your students.


For the benefit of your students, it’s critical that you not only feel in a position and prepared to train but also carry out at the best level viable inside the study room. Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) is set, to support students to grow to be talented readers, writers, and audio systems of the English language.


However, the necessities and methods of gaining knowledge for each learner are particular. What works best for them as learners and how they absorb information might vary greatly depending on age, culture, and native language. That is the role of an excellent TEFL credential. The top course will teach you concrete strategies to build meaningful relationships with students from all walks of life, allowing you to assist them in their pursuit of English language proficiency.

Best Institute for TEFL Course- Methods of Teaching English

You can get the updated and recognised TEFL Certification Course from Henry Harvin Education. It is one of the most renowned training institutions, and you can do it online or in a conventional classroom setting. Training 360 has ranked first in the training industry.


Henry Harvin provides a wide range of courses that are popular today, including TEFL, dual courses in MA English, and content writing. Your teaching and communication abilities, as well as your core strengths and the options available to you, will be significantly enhanced by taking the one of the best methods of Teaching English which is TEFL certification course online.


The course consists of 14 rigorous TEFL modules and lasts 120 hours (eight to twelve weeks) to complete. On top of that, when you finish the course, you’ll get a certificate that people worldwide will recognize.


The learning management system (LMS) materials are yours to keep from the moment of purchase. In addition, you will be awarded a Hallmark CTRW Certificate in your name, which is recognise worldwide.


Teachers are the torchbearers of a civilized society. For ages, teachers have used different methods, approaches, and styles to suit the child’s requirements. Teaching English as a second language is a challenge as we can see that for non-native speakers, various methods need to be devised.


In India, English teaching is an exciting task, as we are multi-lingual and have a diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Still, general thinking identifies the English language as a mark of being literate. So teachers of this century put together all the methods of teaching English to find the best one for our country. Although too much use of visual aids and gamification of education are still not widespread in our country.


Modern Approaches of Teaching English Language is interactive, creative, easy to understand. These Teaching Methods are highly effective approaches to boost a command over the language.

Also, Check this Video

Recommended Reads-


Q1. How can I become a trainer for teaching the English language?

Ans. You need a basic degree in English, education, or any related field. Also, TEFL or TESOL certifications are required to work as an English trainer.

Q2. What is the Communicative Language Teaching method?

Ans. In this method, the main focus is on communication and interaction. Students learn from real-life scenarios rather than memorization.

Q3. Where can I find the best course for TEFL or TESOL?

Ans. Henry Harvin offers the best courses for becoming a certified trainer of the English language. They offer online two-way interactive courses at very nominal prices.

Q4. Are there any apps to learn the English Language?

Ans. Yes, there are many apps such as Duolingo, Babbel, Mondly, etc. These all are the audio-lingual apps.

Q5. How can I improve my skills after becoming an English language trainer?

Ans. You can attend workshops, conferences, and master classes. Keep networking with your peers so that you can stay updated with best practices. Also, you can enroll in certification Courses.

Q6. How does CLT stand out from other approaches? 

Ans. CLT emphasizes the use of language in real-world situations, making it practical and relevant. 

Q7. Is grammar a primary concern in CLT? 

Ans. Grammar is not the central focus; it’s woven into the activities as needed.

 Q8. What kinds of activities are typical in CLT? 

Ans. Role-playing, group conversations, interviews, and tasks that require problem-solving are typical in CLT. 

Q9. What sets the Natural Approach apart from other methods? 

Ans. It aims to learn language naturally and deeply, focusing on understanding and communicating first, with grammar coming second.

Q10. How is grammar approached in the Natural Approach? 

Ans. Grammar is not directly taught but is learned incidentally as learners engage with the language.

Q11. How does a TEFL program work?

Ans. Teaching English to speakers of other languages is known as TEFL. It boils right down to teaching the ones whose first language isn’t English the basics of studying, writing, and speaking English.

Q12. How can I know if I am qualified to take a TEFL class?

Ans. Everyone is welcome to enrol in a TEFL direction. There is no particular qualification that has to be met. One can enrol in a professional TEFL path if one has a bachelor’s diploma in any subject and fundamental English language information.

Q13.Can I pursue a TEFL certification in India?

Ans. Teaching English to audio systems of other languages, occasionally known as TEFL or TESOL, is quickly becoming popular in India. Aspiring and current educators alike are the usage of TEFL training to improve their careers.

Q14.Does TEFL need IELTS?

Ans. Although TEFL programs are not necessary to administer the IELTS, having it on hand will help you prove your English proficiency for immigration purposes or if you intend to study abroad.

Q15.What is the syllabus for TEFL?

Ans. A syllabus’s material typically mirrors the instructor’s views on language and its acquisition. The sequence of grammatical concepts may inform the development of a course outline.


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