Table of Contents
Hey, don’t you give up on the CPA test just because you find it difficult? Aren’t you aware of the benefits that it has to offer you? Then let us begin with enlisting the benefits of the qualifying test.
- Direct entry into MNCs
- Global recognition as an accountant
- In India CPA is equivalent to CA
- Alluring financial stability
Now, after knowing the benefits you surely wouldn’t want to give up on it right? So the question remains how to go about these exams? To answer this, there are CPA course you can do in the comfort of your home. CPA courses provide complete guidance on clearing the exam. However, it is the only practice that makes a man perfect. So as to practice your learnt knowledge there are many CPA Test Books. In this blog, the best of the CPA Test Books ensure to test your knowledge and pass with flying colours.
How do CPA Test Books help?
Generally, exams are tough but what CPA even tougher is first, the stringent timelines along with the test. Secondly, it is the types of questions that you get in it. Basically, there are three types of questions
- MCQs
- WC
Let us see one by one what you can expect in this type of question and how CPA Test Books will help you here
The objective type of question has three distractors in it. Even though we know the correct answer but our brain is bound to go toward distractors. This can be overcome only when you have enough practice to identify distractors.
Task-based simulations put the candidate into a situation that will be regularly faced by an accountant and will be asked what action one would take. The candidate can master it if the candidate’s brain is accustomed to this kind of situation. This can be done in two ways, namely, experience and practice.
Writing Communications. Here the judgement is on the candidate’s content and the legality of the writing. this kind of question intimidates some people. However, regular practice resolves this issue as well.
This blog will help you find the best suitable CPA Test Books according to your education and experience in accountancy
This blog contains the list of best CPA Test Books. As well as the features of each book along with its benefits will be discussed in detail. By the time you end up reading the blog, you will have one or two best-fit CPA Test Books for yourself
The top CPA Test Books:
1. CPA Exam for (For Dummies)- by Kenneth Boyd

The author has covered all four areas of the CPA test that is audit, finance, business and regulation. This book is for someone who has completed with studies years ago and has been away from college for a while. CPA Test Books for dummies gives a complete structure of the exam and scoring pattern to clear the exam. The author of this book, Kenneth is well experienced and in this book he has tried to bring the best of his knowledge that he has. The book is easily readable and gives a good overview of the CPA test. It has numerous practice questions which include MCQs and Task-based simulation.
With the book, the candidate also gets free online practice question sets.
It has the following features.
- 4000 exam question
- 164 CPA Task-based simulations
- CPA 101- tips and tricks to crack the exam
- Online practice question
- Strategies for managing time while studying for CPA
- Explanation for the answers to the question
Benefits of the CPA Exam for (For Dummies)
- Beginner friendly
- Makes the candidate through with the question
- Gives the real simulation of the exam with online practice question
- Makes it easy to crack the exam with tips and tricks
- Empowers the candidate to manage time while aspiring CPA
If these benefits convince you then get your copy and kick off your CPA studies.
2. Wiley CPA excel Exam Review 2021 Study Guide: Complete Set (Wiley CPA Exam Review)

This is a set of eight volumes, four of them are Wiley CPA test guides and the other four volumes are of Wiley CPA test practice set questions. The books are authored and compiled by the experts who design courses for Wiley CPA. This is a comprehensive set which contains learning material of about 2000+ pages. Along with the features that we will discuss further this book set has a pin code on its back cover. This pin code is for redeeming the online free test on Wiley’s website. However, access to this test is for a month for each section. The bonus part of this book is the cherry on top as it gives the student a complete experience of the online examination.
Now, let us understand the features that the book has to offer
- 2000+ pages of learning material
- 500+ MCQs per section
- 200+ task-based simulation question
- It covers each part separately that is auditing, business, finance and regulation
Benefits of these features
- The learning material is available in 600 bite-sized lessons which make it comprehensible
- The greater number of MCQs provides practice
- Task-based simulation helps students understand how the questions are worded and placed
- Since each part is separately dealt a deeper understanding of each of the parts is achieved and scheduling of the studies is also easy
The set of volumes is available right here
3. McGraw-Hill Education 2,000 Review Questions for the CPA Exam

The authors of this book are Denis M. Stefano and Darrel Surett. Just as the name implies this book is a set of 2000 review questions and answers. Simply the book has a set of questionnaires likely to appear in the CPA test. Moreover, you can also find a detailed explanation of the answers. The questions in this book are in sequentially arranged according to the four parts of the book. The question is only MCQs based and there are no simulations in this book. This can be considered a disadvantage of the book and so it should not be the first book that you can refer to for CPA preparation.
After you are thorough with the curriculum and the questions asked this book will help you with rigorous practice on each of the sections of the test. Nevertheless, there are certain reviews which have to say that answers to some questions are wrong or misprinted. Make sure to use it as a practice set but confirm the answers using other sources.
So features of the book are quite simple
- 2000 review question
- Detailed answer to each question
Benefits of the book
- Rigorous practice
- Understanding the context with detailed answers
The drawback of the book
- Repetitive questions
- Incorrect or misprinted answers
Understand that apart from its drawback, this book is a must once you are thorough with all the CPA sections and curriculum for the exhaustive practice of the MCQs. So go ahead and get your hands on it if you are ready.
4. CPA Exam Secrets Study Guide: CPA Test Review for the Certified Public Accountant Exam Stg Edition

If you are preparing for CPA already you know that the preparation is quite daunting. This is in fact because of the CPA Test Books for preparation itself. The experts who write these books, write them in an academically sound language which is difficult to understand especially when you start to recapitulate the concepts. This book offers a perfect solution in this case under 285 pages it explains the concepts of each and every section of the CPA sections.
The better part of this book is not just the learning material but the techniques and tips of the authors. The editorial review of the book states that the authors are not only subject matter experts but also have in-depth knowledge of techniques to attempt the exam. They also claim that regardless of the time frame you have that may be in days or months, you are assured to get better results with the book.
Now let’s have a look at the features of the book.
- Simple language
- Summary of each section
- Tips and tricks to perform better in the examination
Benefits of the said features
- Concepts are understood easily
- Revision in one go of all the concepts
- Tips and tricks make the exam easier to crack and reduces the exam related anxiety
The major drawback of the book is it does not have the traditional preparation pattern for the test.
This means that it does not have questions for practice
However, if you are ready for the exam with previous preparation. This book will add the final touch to your masterpiece performance. Get it here
5. How to Pass The CPA Exam: The Guide for International Candidates.

CPA exam as we understand by now is originally from America. However, accountants all over the world attempt this exam as this is a prestigious qualification in the field of accountancy. Due to globalization, the number of people attempting this exam is increasing day by day. On the contrary, the guidance and resources required for clearing the exams are limited. This book is a knight in shining armour for international students in that case. The author Stephanie has written this book from her first-hand experience. Believe this author has truly nailed the game by clearing the CPA in less than a year. Currently, she is the operator of the website which helps students for the same purpose.
The features of this book are quite astonishing as well unlike others
- Checklist for the exam preparation
- Travel guide for exams
- Schedule for the preparation of the exams
- Important resources for the preparation of the exam
This book will serve as advice from your best friend when it comes to CPA preparation.
So let’s check out the benefits it has to offer
- Since it contains all the minute details you are saved from hours of internet surfing
- All your queries and doubts regarding the exam are cleared in a go
- You get the expertise from the experienced
- This is the most cost-effective way to prep up for CPA
This guide is a must if you are from India and preparing for CPA so get yours here
6. You Can Pass the CPA Exam: Get Motivated

The author of this book is Debra R. Hopkins. The author has tried to cover the most essential part of the preparation of CPA. Preparation for CPA is not just studying it is more about managing your studying plan and sticking to it till the end. Since CPA preparation is not a course so there are no mentors or teachers unless you opt for a CPA preparation course so there is no one to push you to make it to the end. Here the author has written it to mentor readers and keep them motivated throughout the process.
Along with preparation resources MCQs and task simulation, there is also a chapter after each lesson on how to keep it going. There is an audio of 60 minutes which most of the readers have found useful. The author also gives life skills to cope with the enormous stress of CPA test preparation
This book is one of a kind among all the CPA test books
Features of this book are as follows
- Preparation questions that are MCQs and simulations
- Easy bite-sized lessons
- Chapters on time management and coping with family
Benefits of this book
- Easy to understand the learning material
- Lot of practice questions
- You stay motivated to maintain a study-life balance
All About CPA | CPA Course Detail
7. Bisk CPA review

This is a four-volume set book. The bisk CPA review is the CPA test book that one must have. The special feature of this book is that it covers all the amendments that have happened so far. It is a comprehensive book that covers almost all the topics and has many practice set questions. The price of this book is hefty but believe it or not it has more to offer than the book itself. There are some tests that a student gets when he buys this book that the diagnostic test that helps him understand the level of his preparedness for the exam. The experts who have written this book have covered each and every topic in detail along with tips techniques and strategies for preparing and appearing for the exam. There are also weekly training plans and schedules available in the book.
The features of this book
- Detail of each chapter
- Amendments in the syllabus throughout
- Practice questions
- Diagnostic test
- Strategies and techniques for preparing for the exam
The benefits of this book
- Comprehensive textbook
- Diagnostic test assesses your preparedness
- CD-ROM helps in the preparation of actual exam
- You get hands-on with various types of MCQs and simulations
you will get this book right here
8. The Complete CPA Reference

This is a comprehensive book. it covers the fundamentals of accounting. This book was not written for the purpose of preparation for CPA test but to serve as a reference for the CPA.
It includes the fundamentals and all the concepts in a manner that brushes off the already attained knowledge. As a certified public accountant, you will face numerous challenges in day-to-day accounting. This reference book will serve as a guide in facing all the challenges. Now you must be thinking about why it is enlisted in the CPA test books listicle.
Well even if you are a would-be CPA you still have to know the fundamentals and challenges. Moreover, this book can help you with simulations as this whole book is in the form of questions and answers which makes it readable and understandable even for a would-be CPA. Nevertheless, this is not the book you should start the preparation with but once you are prepared enough this book will give you a wealth of practical knowledge. Going through this book before the exams will give you an edge over the competitors
Features of this book, it covers the following
- Accounting standards codification
- International financial reporting standards
- Risk assessment
- Quality control
Benefits of this book
This book assists the CPAs in overcoming their day-to-day challenges and when it comes to CPA aspirants it serves as a guide on task simulation questions. Its detailed solution also helps in brushing off the fundamentals of accounting.
You will find this right here
9. At least know this CPA review 2021

It is not a single but a series of books. This is 45 pages book, yes you read it right. It is a 45 pages book. The idea behind such a small book is to make it easy for the learner. Usually, each section of the CPA test book is at least 300 pages, some might have even more than that which makes it difficult for the student who wants the summarize the whole section at once. The publishers have also focused on other areas such as lessening the page margins and stuff, and decreasing fonts to make it lighter. The author has focused more on the retention of the students than the concepts themselves. This is because 300 pages of learning material are not memorized by the students. To achieve this the authors have eliminated redundancy and included many examples.
The only drawback in this reference guide is that until now it is only available for financial accounting and reporting 2021 edition and auditing and attestation 2022 edition.
You can get both of these editions here
Again you should not use this book to begin your preparation. This is just to summarize the sections.
10. How to Pass the CPA Exam: On the First Try

This book is the strategy book of the CPA test books. This book does not contain any study material related to CPA but strategies and routines required for the preparation of the CPA test. This is again 42 pages book that entails the strategies And tips for clearing the exam in one try. The author Kary R. Shumway has applied the same tactics, routine and strategy to clear the exam on the first try.
The book aids in forming a pattern for studying for the exam, it can be considered a generalized strategy to clear any exam. This book along with a textbook can help to get through the CPA test. Consequently, this is a small book than being read in one afternoon.
So, get your hands on this one here
To sum this up
CPA qualification adds a feather to the hat of accountants. The career shoots up once an accountant has qualified for the CPA exam. Something worth so much cannot come easy and so is the case with this. The preparation of the CPA is stressful and causes an investment of time and money. If you are resolute to qualify for this exam, then you have to utilize the combination of good courses and CPA test books. Remember just a textbook of the CPA test books is not enough you have to get the strategies for studying from the experts in order to excel. So while choosing the CPA test books make sure one of them has enough learning material that is textbooks, practice books that have many questions to practice and finally a book that dictated techniques and strategies from an expert to clear the exam
Hope this article gives you enough choices in each category. All the best and do not let the stress distract you from your goals, results will be worth it all.
Also check this Review video:-
Recommended Reads
- Top 10 CPA Courses in Bangalore
- CPA Salary in India and USA
- 10 Best CPA Courses in India
- Top 10 CPA Courses in Delhi
- Top 10 CPA Course in Online
Q1. How to prepare for CPA test?
Ans: Take up a course on CPA preparation and start referring to 2-3 CPA test books.
Q2. How much time does it require to qualify CPA?
Ans: It may vary from person to person but there are people who have in less than a year
Q3. What are the preparation strategies for CPA test?
Ans: In the above listicle, you will find certain CPA test books which have strategies from the experienced experts
Q4. Can a person who has not been studying for a while, prepare for the CPA?
Ans: Even if the person is not in touch with academics for a long time and has experience as an accountant can prepare with the help of a CPA test books.
Q5. How many attempts do we have for CPA test?
Ans: There is no restriction to the number of attempts but once you have qualified for one section you must qualify for all the sections within 18 months.