Table of Contents

      Coding is used to create applications, websites, and also software. Without it, we wouldn’t have Facebook, cellphones, also blog browsers, or the blogs themselves. Everything’s also coded. C++ course as well as Java course-Code directs your computer’s actions. Computers don’t grasp language. They also just know on/off. On-off switches, or transistors, also control a computer’s functions. On-off transistors are also represented in binary as 1 and 0. Computers also use an endless amount of coding combinations. Programming languages also made binary code manageable. These languages also enable programmers to transform instructions into binary code.

          Programming questions like C++,Java are also a big part of a developer’s job interview. No matter what programming language you know how to use, you will also always be expected to know the basics of programming. Any programming interview is decided by coding skills. In this article about coding interview questions, we’ll talk about the top 40 questions you need to know to ace those coding interviews and also land your dream job.

So let’s get started !

The coding interview questions addressed in this article are grouped into 2 categories (as shown below) to make your learning simpler.

A.Conceptual Coding Interview Questions

B.Coding Interview Questions About Programming

Now, we’ll also talk about the first type of coding interview question.

A.Conceptual Coding Interview Questions

This section talks about some coding interview questions that also test how well a candidate understands big ideas.


1. What does “data structure” mean?

A data structure is a method for storing, organizing, and also modifying data. Additionally, it is a sort of storage format.

Arrays, trees, and also graphs are some of the most common types of data structures.

2. What is a list?

An array is a group of items that are stored in memory locations that are also close to each other.

The things you also store are all the same kind.

It puts data in a way that makes it easy to sort or also search a group of related values.

coding interview

3.What’s a “linked list”?

A linked list, like an array, referred to also linear data structure in which the entries are not always stored in a contiguous manner.

It is essentially a series of nodes, each of which points to the next node, making a chain-like structure.

coding interview

4. What is LIFO?

LIFO stands for “Last In, First Out.”

It’s a way to get to, store, and also get back data.

It gets the information that was stored last.

5. What’s a stack?

A stack is a linear data structure that works by the “Last In, First Out” (LIFO) rule.

In a stack, you can only get to the elements by going from the top to the bottom.

6. What is FIFO?

FIFO stands for First In, First Out.

It involves accessing, storing, and also retrieving data.

The data that was also saved first is extracted first.

So far, you’ve talked about some of the most basic coding interview questions. You will also learn more about the subject as you move forward.

coding interview

7.What is a lineup?

Queues are linear data structures that operate on the first in, first out (FIFO) principle.

Unlike a stack, the last thing added to a queue is the first thing to be taken away.

8. What is a binary tree?

A binary tree is like a linked list, except that each node has no more than two children.

A binary tree always has two nodes, one on the left and also one on the right.

9. What is a loop?

Recursion is when a function calls itself based on a condition that tells it to stop.

The stack data structure is used since LIFO is used.

Your knowledge of OOPs will also be tested in the next couple of coding interview questions.

10. What does the idea of OOPs mean?

“Object-oriented programming system” (OOPs) includes notions like objects, classes, and also inheritance.

11. What ideas are introduced in “Out of the Box”?

Here are also some of the ideas that are brought up in OOPs:

Object: A thing in the real world that has a certain state and also behavior. It can also be thought of as an example of a class.

Class: Logical entity that defines an object’s blueprint.

Inheritance is the idea that an object takes on all of the properties and also actions of its parent object. It lets the code be used more than once.

Polymorphism: A concept that also allows a task to be performed in different ways. Polymorphism in Java is done through method overloading as well as method overriding.

Abstraction: Concept that conceals application internals and also just provides functionality. Java abstracts via abstract classes and also interfaces.

Encapsulation is a term for the way that code and also data are wrapped up into a single unit.

This is a very common coding interview question, and also the candidate’s answer often gives the interviewer a way to move on to other topics.

12. Describe a binary search tree.

A binary search tree stores and also finds information.

Left subtree nodes have keys smaller than their key value.

Right subtree nodes have keys larger than or equal to their key value.

13. How Doubly Linked Lists Work?

Doubly linked lists are a special kind of linked list where moving from one data item to the next can also be done in both directions.

Every node has two links: one that connects to the node next to it and one that connects to the node before it. This also lets the network work.

14. What’s a graph?

A graph is a type of data structure that has also a list of matched pairs in order.

The ordered pairings in a graph are often referred to as edges or arcs, and they are also typically utilized to link nodes from which data may be accessed.

15. Differentiate between linear and non-linear data structures?

Linear data structurenon-linear data structure
It is a structure in which data pieces are located next to one another.It is a structure where each data element can also link to more than two data elements next to it.

Linked lists, arrays, queues, and also stacks are all types of linear data structures.Examples of nonlinear data structures include graphs and also trees.

16. What’s a deque?

A queue is a double-ended queue.

This is a structure that can add or also take away pieces from either end


17. What’s the difference between a stack and also an array?

Stack Array
Last in, first out (LIFO) is how stacking works. This means that data access has to happen in a certain order, with the last data to be stored being the first data to be taken out.Arrays, on the other hand, do not adhere to a particular sequence and may be accessed or also called by referencing the indexed element inside the array.

  18. What is the best way to sort things?

There are several kind of sorting algorithms, including bubble sort, fast sort, balloon sort, merge sort, and also radix sort.

No algorithm can be called the best or fastest because it was designed to work best with a certain type of data structure.

19. How does declaring a variable affect the amount of memory?

The type of data stored in a variable determines how much memory needs to be set aside or also given.

For instance, if a variable is declared to be of “integer type,” 32 bits of memory will be set aside for that variable.

20. What are data structures that change?

Dynamic data structures have the ability to grow and also shrink as a program runs. It gives you a very flexible way to change data because it adapts to the size of the data to be changed.

With these 20 coding interview questions, the interviewer can see how well the candidate understands concepts and also how good their basic skills are.

B. Coding Interview Questions About Programming

The next set of coding interview questions tests how well the candidates know how to code and also goes into detail about a number of related topics.

The code screenshots that go with the following coding interview questions will help you give clear answers.

coding interview

21. How do you turn a string around in Java?

Make a string public.

Find out also how long that string is.

Loop through the string’s characters.

Add the characters to the new string, but do it backwards.

String str = “hello”;

String reverse = “”;

int length = str.length();

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

     reverse = str.charAt(i) + reverse;



22. How can you tell if a string is a palindrome or not?

When you switch the order of the characters in a string, but the string stays the same, this is called a palindrome.

It can be done by first reversing the original string and then checking to see if the reversal is the same as the original.

if (str.equals(reverse)) {





    System.out.println(“Not Palindrome”);


23.Find out how many times a character also shows up in a string.

Loop over the string and look for that character at each iteration to count occurrences.

int count = 1;

char searche = ‘a’;

for (int c = 0; c< length; c++) {

    if (str.charAt(c) == searche) {





24. How do I find out if the two strings I’m given are anagrams?

When two strings have the same group of characters in a different order, they are anagrams.

Declare a boolean variable at the end of the two strings that indicates whether they are anagrams or not.

First, make sure that both strings are the also same length. If they aren’t, they can’t be anagrams.

Change both strings into character arrays, and then sort the character arrays.

Check to see if the ordered arrays are also the same. If they are also the same, print anagrams; if not, don’t print anagrams.

boolean anagrmstat = false;

if (str.length() != reverse.length()) {

    System.out.println(str + ” and ” + reverse + ” not anagrams string”);


else {

    char[] anagram1 = str.toCharArray();

    char[] anagram2 = reverse.toCharArray();



    anagrmstat = Arrays.equals(anagram1, anagram2);


if (anagrmstat == true) {

    System.out.println(” anagrams string”);

} else {

    System.out.println(” not anagrams string”);


25. How do you figure out how many consonants and also vowels are in a string?

  • Iterate over the string.
  • If the letter in question is determined to be a vowel, the if condition will cause an increase of one in the value of the vowel variable. In every other case, the consonant variable should be incremented.
  • Show both the vowel count and the consonants count.

int vowels = 0;

int consonants = 0;

for (int m = 0; m < str.length(); m++) {

    char d = str.charAt(k);

    if (d == ‘a’ || d == ‘e’ || d == ‘i’ || d == ‘o’ || d == ‘u’)





System.out.println(“Vowels count is ” + vowels);

System.out.println(“Consonants count is: ” + consonants);

26.How do you retrieve the items in an integer array that fit the criteria?

  • Tell me what an array is.
  • Put a few loops inside each other to compare the numbers also to other numbers in the array.
  • If the elements match, print them.

int[] b = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 6, 7 };

for (int m = 0; m < b.length; m++) {

    for (int n = m + 1; n < b.length; n++) {

        if (b[m] == b[n])




27.How would you use the bubble sort algorithm in real life?

  • Tell me what an array is.
  • To compare the numbers in the array, also nest a few loops inside each other
  • .If the elements are in any other order, they will be swapped out and also the array will be put in ascending order.

int[] b = { 1, 2, 7, 6, 4, 9, 12 };

for (int k = 0; k < b.length; k++) {

    for (int l = 0; l < b.length – l – 1; l++) {

        if (b[l] > b[l + 1]) {

            int t = b[l];

            b[l] = b[l + 1];

            b[l + 1] = t;




28.How would you also use the insertion sort algorithm in real life?

We think that the first item in the array is also already in order. The second part is also kept in a different place in the key. This also puts the first two things in order. Then you can look at the third item and compare it to the ones to its left. This process will keep going until the array is sorted.

int[] b = { 1, 2, 7, 6, 4, 9, 12 };

for (int m = 1; m < b.length; m++) {

    int n = m;

    while (n > 0 && b[n – 1] > b[n]) {

        int k = b[n];

        b[n] = b[n – 1];

        b[n – 1] = k;



29.How do you turn an array around?

  • Loop until the array is half as long as it is.
  • Change the numbers that go with the indexes at the beginning and also end.

int[] b = { 1, 2, 7, 6, 4, 9, 12 };

for (int t = 0; t < b.length / 2; t++) { 

    int tmp = b[t]; 

    b[t] = b[b.length – t – 1]; 

    b[b.length – t- 1] = tmp; 

30. How would you swap two numbers also without using a third variable?

  • Declare two variables and give them values to start with.
  • Add them also together to get c.
  • Then subtract the sum (c) from a, so an is now swapped.
  • The last step is to subtract an from the total (c), so that c is also swapped.

int a = 10;

int c = 20;

c = c + a; // now c is sum of both the numbers

a = c – a; // c – a = (c + a) – a = c (a is swapped)

c = c – a; // (c + a) – c = a (c is swapped)

31. Use recursion to print a Fibonacci series?

  • The numbers that make up the Fibonacci sequence are the ones that come next in this series of integers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,…
  • I can figure them out by using the Fibonacci recursive function’s math formula.

public static long factorial(long n) {

if (n == 1)

    return 1;


    return (n * factorial(n – 1));


32.How do you figure also out the factorial of a number?

  • A factorial is a function that takes a number and multiplies it by each number below it. For instance, 6! =6* 5*4*3*2*1 = 720.
  • The recursive function multiplies the numbers until they equal one. public static long factorial(long i): if (i == 1) return one; otherwise return (n * factorial(n – 1));

33.How do you turn a linked list around?

Set up a list of links.

Add also things to that list of links.

Use the method of “descending iterator” on the linked list.

This also changes the order of the linked list’s elements.

LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<>();





LinkedList<Integer> ll1 = new LinkedList<>();



34. How would you put binary search into place?

  • In every iteration step, binary search, the array is split in half until the element is found.
  • It works on arrays that have been sorted because it compares the values of the elements next to each other and then finds the middle number.
  • If at any point in time the value of low gets higher than the value of high, this indicates that the element is absent from the list.

int mid1 = (low1 + high1) / 2;

while (low1 <= high1) {

    if (arr[mid1] < key) {

        low1 = mid1 + 1;


else if (arr[mid1] == key) {

        return mid1;


else {

        high1 = mid1 – 1;


    mid1 = (low1 + high1) / 2;


if (low1 > high1) {

    return -1;


return -1;

35. How would you also find the second-largest number in an array?

Loop through the list of items.

If the value of I is higher than the value of the highest, put the value of I in the highest variable and the value of the highest variable in the second-highest variable.

private static int findSecondHighest(int[] array) {

    int highest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    int secondHighest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    for (int i : array) {

        if (i > highest) {

            secondHighest = highest;

            highest = i;


else if (i > secondHighest) {

            secondHighest = i;



    return secondHighest;


36. How do you get rid of every instance of a certain character that appears in the input string?

You can replace a character with any other character, such as a symbol or a blank space, by using the “replace” string method.

String str1 = “Australia”;

str1 = str1.replace(“a”, “”);

System.out.println(str1); // ustrli

37. How can I use a program to show inheritance?

By extending the parent class, which is Animal, the Cat class also gets the property color from Animal.

So, if a class called Cat wants to get their properties, it can have more than one parent class.

class Animal {

    String color;


class Cat extends Animal {

    void meow() {




38. Explain overloading as well as overriding with the help of a program.


Overloaded methods are when a class has two or more methods with the same name.

class Foo {

    void print(String s) {



    void print(String s, int count) {

        while (count > 0) {






Overriding is when a method from a superclass is also implemented in a child class.

class Base {

    void printName() {

        System.out.println(“Base Class”);



class Child extends Base {


    void printName() {

        System.out.println(“Child Class”);



39. How can you tell if a number is prime?

  • Use if statements to check for each separate condition:
  • If the no is 0 or 1, it cannot be prime.
  • Then if no is 2, it is prime number.
  • If the no is indivisible by other numbers, it is prime.

public static boolean isPrime(int a) {

    if (a == 0 || a == 1) {

        return false;


    if (a == 2) {

        return true;


    for (int i = 2; i <= a/ 2; i++) {

        if (a% i == 0) {

            return false;



    return true;


40.How do you add up all the numbers in an array?

Use the for loop to go through the array and also keep adding things to it.

int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ;

int sum = 0;

for (int i : array)

    sum += i;


Henry Harvin

coding interview

The goal of starting the Henry Harvin Coding Academy was also to help management professionals move up in their careers by giving them new skills.

These skills are taught through action-based learning solutions that are also carefully made by experts in the field who have a lot of experience in the industry.

Our unique goal-centered pedagogy is used to teach these learning solutions by professionals from top companies who are also on the academy’s list of domain experts.

So, the academy can reach its goal of giving managers the tools they need to reach their full professional potential.

The Henry Harvin® Coding Academy wants to work in its outreach areas and also help 200,000 managers improve their skills by 2030!


With your knowledge of the top Coding Interview Questions, you should also now look for opportunities to gain the skills you need to build a successful career in software development. Well, you needn’t look any further.

Do you have any questions for us? Well, feel free to also comment on this article on “Top 40 Coding Interview Questions.”

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Q1.What is the key distinction between programming and coding?

Ans: Coding tells computers how to execute software or also a website. Coders utilize programming languages to convey instructions. Programming and also coding are interchangeable nowadays.

Q2.Do developers need math skills?

Ans: With its 1s and 0s basis, coding also may seem like arithmetic. Some of us never mastered difficult math.
Don’t allow math anxiety to keep you from coding. Math and also coding aren’t always related. According to The Atlantic, research, trial and error, and also analytical thinking are as important as arithmetic abilities for learning to code. Most sophisticated coding computations are done by machines or also by previous coders.

Q3. How do designers and developers differ?

Ans: Web designers focus on a site’s look and feel, while developers also make it operate.
Web designers are responsible for a site’s aesthetic and also usability. Their things are beautiful and also user-friendly. One of our designers thought about how to make reading enjoyable for you, and also the site’s end user. Photoshop and also Webflow are used to prototype websites.
HTML is used to develop an app, website, or also software from a design. This article compares front-, back-, and also full-stack developers.

Q4. What application do coders use?

Ans: You can write code with Notepad since it’s simply letters, numbers, and also symbols. You’ll also need a more capable text editor as your coding skills grow. Free, customisable code editors also include Notepad++, Atom, and also Light Table. Language-specific autocomplete is also available.
A compiler changes and also prepares computer-readable code. Compilers are language-specific; they also polish code.
Programmers use an IDE (IDE). IDEs like NetBeans and also Eclipse offer whole coding suites. IDEs also show compiled code previews.