
In today’s ultra-competitive dog eat dog marketplace and corporate environment, quality is an essential and recognizable element in products and services. The establishment of a process-based system within an organization that improves quality and reduces defects and errors give organizations that edge over others. Six Sigma, the methodology that envelopes organizations as complete systems, is the key to success for firms.

Lean Six Sigma is a method that uses a collaborative team effort to improve outcomes. It is a management approach to improving business performance that has combined two individual methodologies of Lean and Six Sigma. Both management strategies have experienced proven success worldwide in a variety of industries and services. This is done by systematically reducing waste and reducing variation. This process combines Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma to get rid of eight different types of waste. These include Defects, Over-production, Waiting, Non-utilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion and Extra-Processing.


Not only process defects and waste are removed through Lean Six Sigma, but it also brings about overall organizational cultural change. It allows the mindset of employees and managers to change to one that focuses on growth and continuous improvement. This is done through process optimization. This change in culture and mindset maximizes an organizations profitability and enhances efficiency.

For the gainful employment of Six Sigma, a combination of tools from lean manufacturing and six-sigma have to be used. A few of these include kaizen, value-stream mapping, line balancing and visual management.

Benefits of Lean Six Sigma to organizations

Lean Six Sigma provides various advantages to an organization. Through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma, the following beneficial outcomes will accrue to an organization: 

  1. Increase in profit: Due to eliminating waste and improving the quality of production, Lean Six Sigma reduces costs and thereby enhances profitability for organizations. General Electric made profits exceeding $2 billion due to following Lean Six Sigma.
  2. Standardized and simplified processes: Owing to value stream mapping Lean Six Sigma eliminates waste and unnecessary steps to streamline production. Processes get simplified, are easier to follow and are less likely to lead to error. They also decrease costs reducing overhead expenses.
  3. The decrease in error: With simplification in processes and investigation into the main causes of error and waste in organizations, Lean Six Sigma reduces errors, defects and miscalculations.
  4. Employee Performance: Lean Six Sigma emphasizes the importance of ideas and observance of individual employees to overall success in an organization, increasing the feeling of self-worth of employees and motivating them to perform better.
  5. Customer satisfaction: Lean Six Sigma enables companies to increase improvement in processes and quality of their products, leading to better products at a lesser cost to the consumer. This enhances consumer loyalty to the company.


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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification
This certification can certainly boost your career

Benefits of Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification to your career and your organization

There are numerous benefits that Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification has both to you personally as an individual and also to your organization. The Six Sigma Greenbelt is used for enhancing quality in organizations that deal with either manufacturing or process quality. The advantages are substantial to your profession as well as your general business knowledge. Some of them are listed below.

Career Advancement

Having a Lean Six Sigma certification allows one to progress on one’s career as it signals to employers that you have that specific skill set. Competition for jobs can be severe. Having proof that you have awareness and can apply Lean Six Sigma can make you stand out.

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Helps create managerial and leadership ability

One will have a thorough understanding of measuring and quantifying financial benefits, Once one achieves Lean Six Sigma certification. Lean Six Sigma trains you to be a leader. One becomes equipped with the techniques and knowhow to cut costs and increase revenue. One learns how to streamline and improve the efficiency of business processes. Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts become change agents within organizations. They improve processes and also the quality of products and services.


The Lean Six Sigma certification and training helps one attain a culture for improvement and helps process management. Certified Green Belts better understand the steps to be taken to fix the broken process and eliminate waste.

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Improve business processes and sustain quality improvement

Certified Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts know to identify the characteristics of an organizations business processes. They can measure, analyze, control and improve them. They also can conduct a review of current processes and gain a clear idea of their impact on quality performance. They also will have the ability to monitor processes to confirm that there is no deviation from the mean and take corrective measures in projects.

Applicability across Industries

What is the true worth of a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification? Lean Six Sigma techniques apply to electronics, aerospace, BFSI, IT, telecom, HR, marketing and many other industries. Being Six Sigma Greenbelt certified leads to better career prospects and better salary. The exam required to achieve this certification in tough to pass and employers and recruiters are well aware of this fact. This is the reason that such certified people have enhanced worth as employees.

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Ensure Compliance

Process errors are reduced to insignificant numbers with the rigorous standards of Lean Six Sigma. This ensures that organizations resort to applying Lean Six Sigma when evaluating products or services. Certified professionals help companies attain and conform to international standards while maintaining a profitable business.

Gain hands-on experience in quality management

During the certification process, candidates get experience with live hands-on business projects which give the experience of implementation of principles to real-life situations. So, as a certified Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt, you will gain experience even before you enter the industry.

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Better Understanding

Formal training and certification provide a better understanding and insight into how to fix problems and apply the theoretical methodology. Employees unacquainted with Lean or Six Sigma may not fix the right issues and may not know how to look for them. When units are skilled in Lean Six Sigma, they can succeed by concentrating on the best way to enhance processes.

Eliminate errors for your firm

From the viewpoint of the firm, attaining Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification can make an employee indispensable as such individuals attain the ability to identify and cut out repeating errors. These errors would have resulted in poor customer satisfaction and damaged the image of the business. Certified Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts can reduce customer complaints, complaints resolution time, spending and cost overruns.

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Organizational growth

The application of Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification is the sure-shot way to improve an organization. A firm needs to have a large majority of people who are trained and understand the methodology. In such firms, it is easier to drive initiatives and new projects that improve processes. Analytical skills that can help gauge the root cause of the problem and be analyzed before acting is what team members need. In this way, organizations can reduce waste and promote the innovation of processes to reach their goals.

Strategic Benefits

Six Sigma green belt professionals use a strategic oriented approach in taking care of and handling particular projects. Organizations can have their complex matters treated with professionalism by employing a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. Complicated problems can be taken care of in a shorter time frame by employing a Lean Six Sigma certified Green Belt. The root cause of problems can be discovered apart from solving problems and other internal failures can be prevented from happening.

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Benefits of professional development 

Lean Six Sigma Green Belts are equipped with various skills that benefit not only the company they work for but also individual everyday interactions. The Green Belt training allows one to discuss complex problems confidently, solve problems and provide recommendations.

Financial Benefits

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification gives one confidence in reducing costs for their respective organization and finishing projects. Reserve funds per project are the cost that most organizations need to pay to complete projects on time. However, reserve funds are not required when using the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt principles.

Customer Benefits

Lean Six Sigma Green Belts guarantee consumer loyalty by providing quality goods and services. Green belts enhance the organization’s reliability and attract new customers by providing the best quality goods and services in the market.

Competitive Benefits

Advertising and sales pitches of firms can also use Lean Six Sigma Green Belts. By Employing Six Sigma Green Belt principles organizations will enhance their business performance ahead of competitors. The process of decision making in organizations will also simplify because Six Sigma gives the organization the necessary expertise and confidence, considering that Six Sigma revolves around the accumulation of information.

Professional and career advancement with Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification

A well-structured Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course helps candidates to attain expertise in the areas of problem-solving, handling complex processes and using a strategic approach not only to help one’s organization but also in day to day interactions.

Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification causes an individual to boost self-confidence in handling critical compositions of projects, leading to career growth through promotions and increments.

Understanding and utilizing the Six Sigma Tools and Techniques

This is one of the most important objectives of the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification. Management professionals learn to map processes by identifying areas of improvements, using Six Sigma, and this objective is invaluable to organizations. These Six Sigma techniques will aid you throughout your career.

The Strategic progress from Lean Six Sigma green belt training

Through a strategic approach, Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts attain the successful completion of both the manufacturing process and complex problems in a short period. This eventually increases efficiency. Six Sigma methods also play a prominent role in recognizing the problems and stopping them in early stages leading to savings of recurring failure costs.

Lean Six Sigma is like an identity card for your area of expertise. With it, you can demand the right compensation for the value that your work generates. Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt methodologies can be applied in diversified industries like advertising, marketing, manufacturing. Hence, there is a huge demand for certified Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt professions. 

Cost reductions with Six Sigma processes

Numerous firms focus on hiring Lean Six Sigma certified professionals specializing in the areas of management of quality, testing, process handling. However, the moot point remains why do companies prefer Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts. The reasons include the fact that these professionals put in their best metric strategies, increasing profitability, avoiding problems at an early stage, increasing sales, providing feedback to the customer etc. All this in turn leads to cost savings for organizations.

Customer satisfaction with Lean Six Sigma Knowledge

There is an enhanced focus on customer service, especially among Lean Six Sigma professionals. Higher sales come from reduced costs, increasing quality and enhancing customer experience. Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification trains candidates to look deeply into all aspects from a customer perspective before implementing manufacturing and sales processes.


DMAIC refers to a data-driven improvement methodology. It is used for improving, optimizing and stabilizing business processes and designs. DMAIC is the core tool to drive Six Sigma projects. However, DMAIC is not exclusively used for Six Sigma alone and can be used in a variety of other applications and processes.

Six Sigma Greenbelts are conditioned with DMIAC in stages. They begin with DMAIC methodology and end with achieving desired Six Sigma results. 

Elaboration of D.M.A.I.C

The D stands for Define. This step intends to clearly announce the business problem, goal, potential resources, scope of the project and high-level project timelines.

The M stands for the measure. This step intends to measure the specification of a goal or problem.

The A stands for Analyze. This step intends to identify, validate and select the root cause for elimination.

I stands for Improve. Here one identifies, tests and implements a solution to the problem, in part or the whole.

The C stands for Control. Here one embeds the change and ensures sustainability. This is also called making the change stick.

Who are Six Sigma Greenbelts and their importance?

Lean Six Sigma certification is based on a belt system with certifications at different levels. These include Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt. Each certification is suited to the employees training, the experience they possess and time spent on projects. Of these, the very first level is Six Sigma Greenbelt certification. Lean Six Sigma Green Belts support Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification by analyzing and solving quality problems. They are involved in quality improvement projects. Lean Green belts also review data and suggestions sent by lower-tiered belts. 

Green belts often have enough experience to lead a project on their own and so are the workhorses of any business. 

Six Sigma greenbelts usually comprise mid-level management and executives. They report to senior management about the development of projects with inputs on cost control and time management. All green belts are concerned with quality and how it can be improved by detecting problems in the initial stages. Green belts always have a solutions-oriented approach to their work. They use strategic tools and models to solve problems. They are proactive planners who are directly connected with strategic decision making.  

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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt roles and responsibilities

Greenbelts have a good understanding of the overall processes and concepts within an organization. They assuredly get feedback and drive performance within a company. Greenbelts should focus on efficiently applying their projects so that client, departmental and company objectives are achieved. Greenbelts should also always support Lean Six Sigma black belts in completing their projects successfully.

Some of Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt’s primary responsibilities include leading improvement teams, working under the supervision of Six Sigma Master Black belt, analysis and problem solving, development of a project charter, team facilitation skills improvement; development of supplier, input, process and output.

Lean Six Sigma career paths 

The following are the major positions that organizations try to hire Six Sigma professionals into:

  • Process Development Engineer
  • Compliance Structural Engineer
  • Reliability Engineer
  • Lead Manufacturing Engineer
  • Operating System Specialist
  • Senior IT Project Manager
  • Lean Six Sigma Consultant
  • Warehouse Operations Manager
  • Business Process Analysts
  • Data Scientists

Pay-scale of Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts

The fact that Green belts can multitask increases their importance to employers who pay Lean Six Sigma Green belts much more than the average employee. According to current recruitment statistics, the average salary of a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt is $82,000 per annum. The salary varies according to the designation and exact job profile.

According to, a Greenbelt Senior Mechanical Engineer can earn $99,199 annually, a Manufacturing or Industrial Engineer can earn $81,255 annually, etc. Back home in India the average annual salary of a Lean Greenbelt is INR 10,12,781.

An important thing to note is that the salaries mentioned above are entry-level salaries and these are likely to go up substantially with time and experience. 

Career opportunities for Lean Six Sigma Greenbelts

A Lean Six Sigma certification shows that candidates have the appropriate training that leads to an increased capacity to improve business insights. In jobs requiring analytical skill, the certification is crucial and makes the candidate stand out. Certified Greenbelts have leadership skills that are in high demand which enhance career opportunities, promotions.

Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification implies that you have real-world knowledge and expertise that you can use. Therefore, while learning the methodology this knowledge should be applied. This will give candidates greater intuition about how to use this knowledge in real-world organizations and settings.

A Greenbelts methodology steers them to achieve quality improvement, cost reduction, increase in revenue across organizations, sectors and industries, especially as an operations manager.


Individuals do indeed get a shot in the arm and a boost to their career by undertaking Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt certification. However, knowing the right time in life to choose between undertaking the certification and choosing the right institute can make all the difference between attaining success and falling by the wayside. Also, as your organization’s dynamics, needs and requirements change it is important to keep oneself updated continuously and acquire newer certifications to keep one relevant. Having said that, the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification is certainly critical in terms of both salary and moving up the corporate ladder.


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Recommended Reads


1. What are the benefits of a Lean Six Sigma Green belt certification?

Ans. The Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt training improves the ability to confidently discuss complex subjects, effectively solve problems and provide useful recommendations. The certification gives you the confidence to effectively finish projects and reduce operational costs for your organization.

2. Will Lean Six Sigma help my career?

Ans. Learning Lean Six Sigma can help impact your career. The ability to add Lean Six Sigma certification to your resume proves your commitment to improving your business acumen, analytical skills and work output.

3. Is Lean Six Sigma the same as Six Sigma?

Ans. The primary difference between Lean and Six Sigma is that Lean is less focused entirely on manufacturing, but often shapes every facet of your business. Lean Six Sigma combines two approaches, which creates a powerful toolkit to address waste reduction.

4. What is Minitab?

Ans. Minitab is the standard software used for Six Sigma projects. It allows you to perform statistical analysis with graphical representations through pre-programmed mathematical calculations without needing to know the math required. It is the most popular statistical software option for Six Sigma projects. It is taught throughout the online Green and Black Belt Minitab versions.

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