
“Coming together is the Beginning,

staying together is Progress,

and working together is Success.”

An apt thought I believe to be the best skill for Junior MBA Course – Team Management

What is Team Management?

Team Management is the quality of a person to effectively administer a group of people who work together, to perform a task. It involves one’s ability to identify problems and solve conflicts among the team.

It involves various aspects such as

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Setting of priorities and objectives

The Teen MBA and Junior MBA Course at Henry Harvin aim at inculcating and developing such skills in students.

Why is it an Important Skill?

  1. Team Building

Efficient team management promotes team building at the work place. Identifying and utilising the abilities of your team members will result in increased efficiency and timely completion of the project.

  1. Satisfaction of the Members of the Team

Proper management of the team will reduce conflicts amongst its members, creating a positive and healthy work environment. There will be a sense of trust between them and they will be able to easily help and rely on each other.

  1. Learning

Every member of a team is unique in his or her own way, and possesses a talent that others might not. When effectively managed, the team members will understand and trust each other, and they will exchange ideas with each other and in this way, they will be able to come up with solutions and smoothly complete their project.

Being an effective team manager will be beneficial to you as well in the Teen MBA and Junior MBA Course,

  1. It will help you in dealing with difficult people you come across in your life
  2. It will help you to communicate with people and easily put forth your opinion to others
  3. As a team manager, you are a leader for you fellow team members, who look up to you. In a strive to live up to their expectation, you tend to work with all effort in order to deliver the best result possible, and would hence better yourself

How Can You Effectively Manage you Team?

  • Spend time with your team. Get to know and understand them. This will create a bond of trust and understanding between you and them.
  • Be transparent with them. Regularly give them positive feedbacks of their work and motivate them as it will boost their confidence.
  • Try and identify the potential of you team members and assign them work on that basis. This will increase their efficiency while doing the task.
  • Encourage them to voice their own ideas and listen to them.

I believe Team Management is and essential skill for you in the Junior MBA course, as it enables you to work well with others and it will also be an effective tool in tackling problems in every walk of life.

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