Management is nothing more than motivating other people

Lee Iacocca


Are you student ? or perhaps a parent of one ? If yes, this blog could make a difference between how you live your life in the future. Today I am gonna tell you about a course rarely known by people especially students around the world but just as vital as any undergraduate degree. THE MINI MBA.

Lets start with the elementary 5 W’s -:

 What is Mini MBA?

Basics In Management


Basics in Management

I am sure most of you must have heard what an MBA is but don’t have a clue about mini MBA. Well, it is a training focused on the fundamentals of business management. This program provides an introductory insight into business related fields.

Why Mini MBA?

This program prepares students as well as professionals for what might be a further exploration, or just a foundational understanding of the management area. This Junior MBA is also the perfect complement to a full-time MBA.

For Whom is the Mini MBA?

The Teen MBA is for anyone who is keen in management studies and for those interested in studying longer term for a career in this area, or looking to supplement their business education. It is even a great program for teenagers as it gives them an insight in the professional world.

When should you do the Mini MBA?

This course can be done anytime, be it whether you are a student in school, university or whether you are a professional in that field. This is a complementary program to MBA which if done enhances your skill set in that field.

Where to do the Mini MBA?

A Business School in London

Many universities and companies have Mini MBA program but I feel that Henry Harvin’s Teen MBA program is a set apart from the others. Henry Harvin Teen MBA has helped me a lot in learning in a joyous and fun way.

Some other Junior MBA sites are-:

Aros Business Academy –

International Business Management Institute –

Now the main question that arises is that what do we actually learn from this course?

Unlike many other courses , in this , we don’t learn things only for professional life but can even use them in our daily life. Here is the list I made of the essential Skills gained by this course -:

1.  Enhancing your leadership qualities

A Leader is always apart from the crowd

A good and motivated leader is a salient part of the team. A leader has to understand his/her employees enough to motivate and inspire them. Through Mini MBA courses , you will learn key techniques that are designed to help you better understand your employees or team members. This would help in keeping your team members motivated every day.

Roselinde Torres , an expert on leadership tells what it takes to be a great leader

2. Effective decision making qualities

Take full responsibility of what decisions you make

Decision making is essential both in work and daily life . The better decisions you make the better outcomes you get. Decision-making plays a major role in management. It is perhaps the most important component of a manager’s activities. This course demonstrates how to make good decisions ,but we all know that making the best decision every time is inevitable. So apart from this , students also get to know how to take care of their decisions , be it good or bad.

3.  Improving  your team management skills

Business Colleagues Together Teamwork Working Office

It enhances your team building qualities, i.e. Making sure the right person is doing the right job. This increases the employee production rate which in turn also helps in providing employee satisfaction. Mini MBA courses provide experience to students for these situations, as this quality improves only with experience and time.

4.  Helps in effective Communication 

Presenting data or information in an effective makes other people interested in that topic. So effective communication skills are of high importance anytime and anywhere . This course shows students an insight in the business and corporate world.

5. Improving your research skills

Here, research is shown in form of statistical tools

Always backing up your research with statistical data , charts and case studies are more convincing than without them. It is even more interesting analyzing this type of research.

Hope that all of you got to know something from this blog. 

Comment down below what do you think is the most essential Mini MBA skill .

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