Table of Contents


Worldwide businesses were adopting the best python course for data analysis online in their business practices and its process has accelerated post the pandemic. It gained tremendous traction as governments and health care institutions embraced it to overcome organizational obstacles and provide long-lasting solutions.


Let us have a glance at the Top 10 list of the best online courses and specialty programs for learning the foundations of the best python course for Business Analytics and equipping them with the required know-how about the proper tools and approaches. It will open the door to higher chances for all learners from both free and paid resources of the best business analytics courses, training, and certifications accessible online.

1. Henry Harvin – Best python course for data analysis

Henry Harvin  Contact No :  +91 9891953953 | Chat on Whats App with Henry Harvin 

Henry Harvin Online Classes

The top-ranking Institute for Business Analytics with Python Course is Henry Harvin Education. Business Analytics with python course helps aspiring managers to get expertise in statistical evaluation in the corporate world. This course helps students, entrepreneurs, finance professionals, software developers to deliver data-driven data science. It recommends problem-solving skills. ROI made easy with programming tools.

The Special features of Henry Harvin

Python for Business intelligence course online with python course helps to develop business skills for next-generation managers, professionals. It can be easily accessed to all software and tools for startups and established entrepreneurship. Henry Harvin Business Analytics with python course and advanced Excel explores, analyzes, and solves problems. The aspirants can develop goal-oriented business strategies.

They can understand Henry Harvin Business Analytics techniques with business intelligence systems. Henry Harvin’s Business Analytics course online is one of the popular and demanding professions both in the local and international job market and also highly paid professions. The aspiring learners with no coding experience learn the statistical study of the structured data and become efficient Business Analysts course online with the help of Henry Harvin‘s trainers.

Henry Harvin BusinessAnalysts course provides hands-on practical experience with 5 +projects. The learners can learn  Multi-Domain Business Analysis optimization. They can learn website trend analysis with marketing, stock holding, market prediction ith Financial Analysis. They can get exposed to the basics of Exchange Traded funds with tips on investments, returns, and finance strategy. Henry Harvin Business Analytics with python offers a Membership program. The course offers E-learning access which includes recorded videos, ppt, case studies. An internship program offers Henry Harvin or with their collaborative firms with a duration of 2- 6 months. Job alerts are also sent to self-paced job seekers regularly. To develop the interview skills mock-up interviews are conducted for future job openings.

Working hours:open-closes 10 pm

Contact No:09015266266


Other Henry Harvin Courses

Cities in India where Henry Harvin Business Analytics Course with R is Provided:


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2. Wharton’s – Best python course for data analysis Online

Contact No : +215.898.2575

Wharton logo

Wharton’s Business Analytics Specialization‘s Best Python Course for Business program was created by the Wharton School. It is for aspirants who are interested in learning how big data is used to make business choices. They can discover how data analysts define, forecast, and inform all business choices. Wharton school’s program is designed to help participants get a thorough knowledge of how big data and analytics are applied in four important areas: marketing, Human resources, talent management, operations, and finance.

The special features of Wharton school’s Business Analytics course online

The aspiring will be able to build new data-driven business strategies, engage in analytics dialogues, transfer to a new career path. They can enhance their own business with this knowledge. It will be an excellent advantage if they have a working understanding of the fundamental capabilities of Microsoft Excel. Wharton school is one of the best data analytics courses.

 Course duration;20 weeks /2 to 5 hours per week.

ration;20 weeks,2 to 5 hours per week. 


Course Fees And Duration :

Course Fees: USD 2,800

Duration: 6 weeks online, 4-6 hours/week

Address :  Penn Wharton China Center
World Financial Center
West Building, 16F
No. 1 East Third Ring Middle Road
Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100020, China States

Location: China

Website link:

3 Excel to MySQL –  Best Business Analytics Specialization Coursera Review with Python Courses Online

Contact No : +1-866-221-0634


In collaboration with Coursera, Duke University offers Analytic Techniques for Business specialization. This course is offered by Coursera. The curriculum will teach how to analyze data, develop forecasts and models, design visualizations and explain the findings using sophisticated tools and its methodologies including Excel, Tableau, and MySQL.

The special feature of Excel to MySQL

This course looks at how data analysis techniques are employed by companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon. This course has an overview of data analytics best practices and identifies essential KPIs and so on. even with no prior understanding of business analytics can take this course.

Course duration -5 months,4-6 weeks each course,3-5 hours each week

4 . Advanced Business Analytics Specialization  -the University of Colorado (Business Analytics Course Online)

Contact No : +1 303-492-1411

University of Colorado

Advanced Best Python Course for Business  Specialization is one of the best data analytics courses offered by Coursera. The curriculum of this course focuses on teaching real-world business analytical abilities and can use data to solve difficult business challenges. By this course, the learner will learn practical skills such as how to extract and manipulate data using SQL code. And how to discuss, interpret, and predict analytical results and how to think about business analytical problems. The aspirants should have a basic grasp of Excel and a high-level understanding of programming instructions.

The special feature of Advanced Business Analytics Specialization 

This course is an intermediate level that requires statistical knowledge. Introduction to data analytics for business, predictive modeling, and analytics, best python course for Business Analytics Courses online for decision making, communicating business analytics results, and advanced business analytics capstone are the 5 courses that are the specialization in this course.

Course duration 4-5 months /3-4 hours per week

Course Fees And Duration :

Course Fees: USD 2,800

Duration: 6 weeks online, 4-6 hours/week

 5. Data Analysis and Presentation Skills : Best Business Analytics with Python Courses Online

Data science logo

Data Analysis and presentation skills and its  Pwc Approach Specialization is offered by Coursera. It is designed to provide hands-on data analysis training so that the learner can comprehend data, use data analytics tools and make successful business intelligence presentations. And also Excel, PowerPoint, and other standard data analysis and communication software.

The special features of the course

It is not essential to have a prior understanding of the best python course for business analytics or statistics is necessary.  It is essential to know PowerPivot and MS Excel. It consists of five courses.  This PWCapproach provides  Data-driven decision-making, problem-solving with Excel, Data visualization with advanced Excel, effective business presentations with PowerPoint, data analysis, and presentation skills.

Course duration 21 weeks /3-4 hours per week.

Course Fees And Duration :

Course Fees: USD 2,800

Duration: 6 weeks online, 4-6 hours/week

6. Nanodegree  program: Best python course for data analysis

Businesss Analytics

Business Analytics course online- Nanodegree program offered by udacity.The learners will learn basic data abilities that can be used across several departments and sectors are the specialty in python for business intelligence Nanodegree. This program Primarily focuses on using SQL, Excel, and Tableau to collect and analyze data, create business situations and present the results.

The special feature of Python for Business intelligence Course Online.

This program is an introductory curriculum that requires no prior expertise. This is appropriate for people who are new to data analysis and who wish to learn how to do small-scale data analysis and exploration. It focuses mainly on projects in which students get the concepts of their learning into practice and improve their talents.

Course duration is 3 months/ 10 hours per week.

Course Fees And Duration :

Course Fees: USD 2,800

Duration: 6 weeks online, 4-6 hours/week

7. Business Analytics Fundamentals – Best python course for data analysis

Businesss Analytics

Henry Harvin Business Analytics Fundamentals by Babson College are offered by edx. The business Analytics Fundamentals certification program is to teach the principle and applications of Henry Harvin business analytics. This program teaches basic and practical skills and knowledge for analyzing and understanding data, successfully presenting the results, and drawing meaningful data conclusions.

The special features of Henry Harvin Business Analytics course online Fundamentals

This program covers the most up-date modeling approaches as well as sophisticated Excel features. The topics that are covered in this program are  Data collection, data visualizations, descriptive statistics, basic probability, statistical inference, and creating linear models. This course provides a deeper understanding of the Henry Harvin business analytics Course Online and it would take a hands-on approach. Being a beginner course, only a basic understanding of Excel is required and no prior knowledge or skills in business analysis are required.

Course duration is 4 weeks /4-6 hours per week.

Course Fees And Duration :

Course Fees: USD 2,800

Duration: 6 weeks online, 4-6 hours/week

8. Statistics for Business Analytics and Data Science A-Z

Businesss Analytics

Statistics for Best Python Courses for business and Data Science A-Z is offered by Udemy. It will teach the fundamentals of statistics in preparation for a career in data science. This course incorporates real-world business issues to demonstrate and this information can advance the career.

The special features of statistics for business analytics and data sciences-Z

This program covers the Z test, The central limit theorem, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, statistical significance. This program is for everybody who were interested in learning statistics from the bottom up. 

Course duration is 7 hours of on-demand video 

9. Business Analytics Micromasters Certification (Business Analytics Course Online)

Business Analytics Micromasters certification by ColumbiaUniversity offered by edx is a set of four graduate-level courses. This course provides knowledge, skills, and insights. They improve company performance through data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and explanatory and predictive modeling.

The special features of Business Analytics Micromasterscertification

There are four master-level courses which include analytics in python, data, models, and decisions in business analytics, demand, and supply analytics, and marketing analytics. These courses include video lectures, quizzes, programming assignments,peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums.

Course duration is 12 weeks per course .there are four courses.8-10 hours for week.

10. Strategic Business Analytics Specialization (Business Analytics Course Online)

Strategic Business Analytics Specialization by Essec is offered by Coursera. This course is for the students and professionals who are interested in using business analytics methodologies and big data in real applications. This course encompasses a wide range of analytics techniques across several industries, such as media, communications, and public service.

What is Business Analytics ?

Business Analytics is the systematic analysis of a company’s statistical data to gain insights into past performance records, ongoing business operations, and industry trends to foster strategic planning and data-driven decision-making capabilities and drive its growth.

Descriptive Analysis-This Descriptive Analysis uses historical data to recognize trends, inconsistencies, or patterns used to profit an organization.

Diagnostic Analysis – It is the analysis to understand why the observed event took place. It involves conducting test hypotheses to draw fact-oriented conclusions.

Predictive Analysis – this is the interpretation of information to forecast potential outcomes and improve risk assessment and management.

Prescriptive Analysis-This involves testing and comparing outcomes to determine which has the potential for success.

 Business Analytics is an investigative approach that gives answers to what, why, when, and how of business operation. At its core, business analytics with python courses is an advanced learning tool for business leaders.  

The special features of Strategic Business Analytics specialization 

The learners who complete this course will be full-fledged specialists in big data management with a thorough grasp of how data can be leveraged for strategic benefit. They were able to mix, modify and evaluate data sets. This curriculum consists of 4 courses. They are foundations of strategic business analytics, Foundations of marketing analytics, Case studies in Henry Harvin Business Analytics  with Accenture, and Capstone project.

Course duration is 16 weeks /2-5 hours per week.

The learning benefits of Business Analytics with python courses online

The aspirants can explore the opportunities in Business Analytics. They can analyze the prospects of the business analytics courses with python online with the study of business models. They can solve challenges in business using analytics tools such as python and advanced excel. They also get the knowledge of Data collection, hands-on experience in solving complex business problems. They can learn about Data Measurement and core Henry Harvin business analytics with industry experts. They can communicate business objectives hands-on with customers with advanced programming tools such as python and MS Excel. In Business Analytics goal-oriented business strategies are adapted to excel. In a way it expresses the planning and monitoring of customers’ hand -on data by accessing, integrating, analyzing customer Data. Business analytics with python course sharpen financial decision-making skills to drive the company’s ROI.


The world of technology and business is growing rapidly. To accelerate in business analytics training or data analytics tools, join and pursue the best course in Business Analytics with Python online.  We can understand the organizational structure of this python for business intelligence merges data from each department. So these were the 10 Best Business Analytics with Python courses online classes, expert advice, experts training & Certification and to remain competitive in the fast-growing market and achieve the goal of a successful career.


Q.1. Why business analysts should learn Python?

Ans: It has a relatively simple syntax.
It has plenty of great learning resources.
Python is very popular

Q.2. Do Business analysts use Python?

Ans: yes, business analysts require python skills.

Q 3. How is Python used in business analytics?

Ans: Python can be used to manipulate data, streamline workflows and create a visualization

Our first teachers for all our financial knowledge are our parents, but to be a financial analyst Certified professional is altogether a step higher. There is a shloka in Sanskrit

“Shanyash kanaysh vidhyamartham ch sadhytae,

Shantyagae kurtu Vidhya kantyagae kurtu Dhanayam.”

Which means

“Knowledge should be gained through minute-by-minute efforts. Money should be earned utilizing each and every resource. If you waste time, How can you get knowledge? If you waste resources, How can you accumulate the wealth”

In simple words, it is important to learn the utilizing time and resources in order to gain knowledge and wealth. In modern times this study is called a financial analysts Course.

What is a Financial Analysts Course?

 A Financial Analysts Course means you are being certified in Investment banking, mutual funds, derivatives, portfolio management, equity/debt research, financial services, fund management for large institutional investors, and the banking industry. The main focus in the course is on analysis and research sides as compared to accounting.

Importance of financial Analysts Course

After becoming an expert and a professional financial analyst- 

  1. You play a vital role in the organisation in making the financial decisions based on data.
  2.  Companies look upon you to examine data and providing actionable information on 



         – stability


  1. You evaluate businesses , projects, budgets and other finance- related transactions to determine their performance and suitability.

The Financial Analyst Course is the beginning of a great career, so let’s study! 

Top 10 Financial Analysts Course in U.S.A

The U.S.A is the third-largest country by land area and population. It is a product of large-scale immigration from many countries. It can proudly boast about the quality of education so most of the students from all over the world prefer studying in the U.S.A. Studying in the U.S.A gives a rich cultural experience. The tuition fees are expensive here but there are many financial aid plans including loans, grants, and scholarships that are available. Top 10 Financial Analysts Courses available here are.

This is a Certification program from one of the topmost India’s online educational institutes. Main highlights of the course are

-It is ranked top in the industry by Trainings 360.

-You get hands on training on financial analytics using R 

– The main focus is on learning with the projects 

-You get regular job support , Interview Skills preparation and career services.

– You become a part of the alumni network with 23,000 proud Henry Harvin alumni

-This course is recommended byIIM Ahmedabad and IIT Bombay Alumni

-It is trusted by corporates such as Abbott Pharma, Avon Cosmetics, Host oks, NTPC, SABMiller,Apollo Tyres, Deloitte, Fidelity Investments.

– You become a  Certified Financial Analytics Practitioner  

-Get One year membership of Henry Harvin Finance academy along with benefits as

*E-learning access which means recorded videos, PPT,Case studies

* Internship is conducted with Henry Harvin or partner firms

*Job opportunities are given regularly on mail

*Full support is given in clearing Interviews with startups and Top Corporates.

 Course Duration – 24 hrs brush up sessions 

Cities in India where Henry Harvin Financial Analytics Course with R 

Hyderabad , Ernakulam , Mumbai , Coimbatore , Surat , Ahmedabad , Delhi , Indore

1. Northeastern University – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

Contact No : +1 617-373-2000

Northeastern University Financial Analysts Course logo

 Financial Analysts are well-compensated and have bright prospects in the modern job market.

The certification course at Northeastern University provides graduates with skills to succeed in the financial industry. University provides special benefits to complete your Financial Analysis Certification Course

1. It has a strong support system from the beginning of the course which aids in career, academic and financial aid counseling.

2.  Experiential learning is a part of the curriculum which is involved in both theory and practice.

3. You have an option of both online, on-campus, or a hybrid of the two.

4. It has an expansive global alumni network that provides connections and opportunities.

5. It works in 100% online format or in-person at the Boston Campus.

6. It will help you develop an understanding of how to prepare and interpret financial statements, create and manage budgets.

7. It will help you prepare for the Massachusetts CPA exam by earning 120 credits as it is industry informed curriculum.

8. You can connect with the extensive network of alumni, who are employed at organizations such as State Street, Bank. Of America, EMC, Verizon, Genzyme, and AT&T.

MSF in Quantitative Finance 

Full time-30 semester hours

Online also available 

2. University of Pennsylvania – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh 

Contact No : +1 215-898-5000

University of Pennsylvania logo

The Wharton school of finance is considered the world’s Powerhouse for financial knowledge. The alumni, students, and faculty over here is ready to take any financial challenge in their stride. The faculty and the research team over here is known for making groundbreaking research. It has experience of more than 120 years in the finance world.

“Wharton’s emphasis on rigorous and quantitative analysis is balanced against the importance of practical application. Everything we do has a reason, and that reason stems from problems that executives face in their jobs every day.” Professor Michael Roberts

Special features of the financial analyst course in this university-

  • You will be able to use the power of spreadsheets to map and predict data.
  • You will be able to create your own quantitative models.
  • You can read income and cash flow statements 
  • The basic understanding is developed between financial statement data and non- financial metrics which can be linked to financial performance.
  • 100% online courses are also available 
  • The schedule is flexible and adjusted according to your deadline.
  • You can start from a beginner level.
  • It is available in English, Russian,  Portuguese (Brazilian ), Korean.
  • You can choose from 4 different courses in Financial Analyst

*Course 1- Fundamentals of Quantitative Modelling

*Course 2-Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models

*Course3-Financial Acumen for Non- Financial Managers

*Course 4- Introduction to Corporate Finance 

Course Fees- $57,770

Degrees available- Bachelor, Masters , Doctoral and Postgraduate Certificate 

3. New York University – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

Contact No : +1 212-998-1212

New York University logo

 It is situated in New York as the name suggests so this financial analyst course can be done there or online. Highlights of this course

-You becomes an expert in Excel, key financial and corporate finance concepts.

– Full valuation model is learned to make on a public company.

-you can build an integrated 3 statement financial model. 

– Review of company presentations , earnings releases and financial reports to determine model drivers and assumptions.

– Students get a custom workbook with step by step instructions.

-Computer classroom with a PC for each student to work on.

-Small in person classes are given

 Course fees – $1195

Course duration-35 hours

4. University of Michigan – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

Contact No : +1 734-936-2938

University of Michigan logo

This course is mostly based on fundamentals of financial analysis as applied to both corporate finance and financial markets.Capital budgeting is the main focus of the course. The concept of risk is introduced and the CAPM is used to derive cost of equity and the weighted average cost of capital. You learn the concepts of competitive capital markets and market efficiency.You are taught the working of the financial markets using the trading room.The principles of equity valuation are also covered. In the end ,term structure and bond valuation are taught.

Course Duration -2.25 hours

 There are many more options to choose from in the U.S.A for the financial analyst Certification Courses but if you want to try an online course as it is easy and convenient. An online certification can be done anywhere and you don’t have to leave your present occupation .

5. Harvard Business School – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

Contact No : +1 617-495-6000

Harvard Business School  logo

It offers a unique financial analytics course taught by highly reputed  Professor Janice Hammond. She currently teaches Supply chain management in the MBA program and is program chair for theHBS executive education international women’s foundation and women’s leadership programs.Highlights of the program are

1) You learn to apply basic statistics to real business problems 

2) You strengthen your analytical skills before pursuing an MBA or other graduate program.

 3) You develop a data mindset to make more informed business decisions and advance your career.

4) You can craft sound survey questions and draw conclusions from population samples.

5) You will implement regression analysis and other analytical techniques in Excel.

Course Duration- 8 weeks , 40 hours 

Course fees- $1,600

This course is a part of the three course Credential of Readiness program- consisting of Business Analytics , Economics for managers and Financial Accounting – available for $2250

6. XLRI Jamshedpur – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

XLRI Jamshedpur logo

It provides a executive development program in financial analytics –

This course blends easy to use statistical tools with complex machine learning tools and algorithms.It helps the students to develop a special skill set in analysing data. Students become experts in financial analysis using powerful tools like R and Python. Highlights of the course

  • You get certified by XLRI
  • You get  practical knowledge to perform financial analysis using R and Python
  • It is a well planned mix of theory and practical applications.
  • It helps in stock ,Rakeysh predictions to customer profitability.
  • The course helps you to perform exploratory and predictive analysis in Finance
  • Lectures are imparted by top and experienced faculty.

Course Duration- 4 months 

Eligibility for the course- *for Indian participation’s-Graduates/ Diploma holders in any discipline

*For International participants- Graduation or equivalent degree from any recognised university.

*Proficiency in English 

*Statistics/Mathematics as a subject up to class 12

*Working professionals with a minimum of 2 years of work experience 

#Great Learning is providing a PG program in Data Science and Business Analytics. Highlights of this program are

  • It is an online financial analytics course with a personalised mentorship
  • It gives a dual certificate 
  • This program is working in collaboration with Texas Mc Combs and Great Lakes
  • Tools used in the course are Python,Machine learning , Tableau, SQL,Data mining ,Predictive modelling
  • It is an industry relevant earning program for working professionals 
  • The studying patterns is convenient, weekend online classes with personalised mentorship format
  • It is acclaimed by faculties of UT Austin, Stanford , ISI and Great Lakes.
  • It prepares you for real life projects and makes you job ready
  • It is a program that delivers career outcomes like 48% average salary hike within 6 months of graduation from the program
  • Full support is given in recruitment process, there are drives conducted for the same
  • Mentorship is given completely 

Course Duration- 11 months 

7. Udemy – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

Udemy logo

It is a highly recommended online course by 365 Careers which is the best selling provider of finance courses . The company’s courses have been taken by more than 1,000,000 students in 210 countries.

If you’re trying to prepare for an eventual career in finance, but are still looking to round out your knowledge of the subject. The complete financial analyst course might be a perfect fit for you.” Business Insider

This is one of the testimonials for Udemy to help you decide the benefits of this course. Highlights of this course

  • The name of the course is – The complete Financial Analyst Course 2020 ,it includes tools like Excel accounting, financial statement analysis, business analysis,financial math, PowerPoint.
  • It helps you carry out regular tasks faster 
  • It helps you work with large amounts of data without difficulty 
  • It helps you to have better knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping principles 
  • You learn to build company’s Profit and Loss statement from scratch
  • You can create Balance sheet from scratch
  • A better understanding of 10 K reports
  • Better assess whether a project is feasible through the Net present value technique
  • To perform industry analysis you become an expert 
  • You understand what drives a company’s value

Course Duration- 18 hours on demand video, 13 articles and 431 downloadable resources 

Full time access , access on mobile and TV

Course fees- ₹9,600with a 30 day money back guarantee

8. IMARTICUS – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh


Here, they give  financial analysis pro degree in collaboration with KPMG in India It helps you build mastery across various functions within core finance.Highlights of the course

  • You learn job relevant skills such as financial statement analysis, modelling and valuation, equity research, transaction execution.
  • You are taught all the techniques of Excel and PowerPoint
  • Full career support is given, you are able to transform your career into various roles with finance
  • You can stand out in the crowd because of the Certification endorsed by the industry
  • Live facilitated instructions are provided to bring the best learning outcomes
  • It is approved by 360 degree learning courses
  • Experiential learning is given ,supplemented by 6 real world projects
  • They work by the principle of blended learning which means live training by senior faculty and experts from KPMG India is given.
  • The facility of LMS gives access to all the course material and self paced videos
  • Tech aided instructions are given
  • The placement portal of IMARTICUS serves to give you access  to extensive job leads and references.

“The objective of the collaboration between IMARTICUS and KPMG in India is to bridge existing skill gaps and enhance job readiness for candidates so that they can be placed at global financial houses” Karan Mariah -partner CFO advisory , KPMG in India

Course Duration- 180 hours

Course fees-₹60,000 online fees

9. CFI – Best Financial Analytics Courses in Bangladesh

CFI  logo

CFI financial analyst course covers investment banking, financial planning and analysis, private equity, corporate development, equity research and other areas of corporate finance. Highlights of the course are 

-The name of the course is Financial Modelling and Valuation Analyst program.

-They have 12 required courses on topics ranging from accounting and finance fundamentals 

– Excel skills, the FMVA financial analyst certification will help you stand out in a crowded job.

– to join CFI financial analyst course first you enrol online and after that develop a study plan in the calendar

-The requirements to complete the CFI program are 

*7 optional prerequisite courses( accounting, finance, Excel skills)

*9 required core courses (financial, modelling, business valuation, intermediate finance and financial analysis topics)

*3 required elective core courses from a choice of 6( industry specific financial models, special topics)

* Complete each of the above required 12 courses with a grade of 80% or higher on the final assessment.

Select a suitable course according to your needs in America or online but let’s see the benefits of becoming a Financial Analyst .

Why become a Financial Analyst certificate holder?

Not only becoming a certified  financial analyst helps you stand out in your career but you learn to plan ahead  and better than rest of your colleagues 

  • Gain skills to move ahead in your career.
  • You get the confidence to deliver high quality work in this field.
  • You can assert yourself as a leader in front of many people.
  • You are way ahead as you have practical experience in performing advanced financial analysis. 
  • You supplement an undergraduate degree that wasn’t a business degree.
  • You supplement an accounting background. 
  • You can change your career in midlife too from one industry to another. 

It helps you to be noticed in a crowd and stand out as a star.

Financial analysis Course and Python

Python is a very versatile language with a simple syntax and a great readability. It is used for building highly scalable platforms and web based applications.It is the most popular programming language. The most important part of Python is its syntax – it is said to be closest to the original mathematics syntax which makes it perfect for playing around with numbers.

For a beginner it takes about six months to learn Python from a scratch. As Python is a number based and versatile programming language, it is used widely in the financial sector . It is used to build websites and web applications.Different sectors where it is used 

-Banking Sector-It is the best application to make banking software, it can be used online and offline.A lot of payment gateways can be made and maintained using Python. ATM software is also developed in Python which helps in fastest processing of transactions.

– Cryptocurrency Trading-Python is a program used to analyse past and present pricing data of crypto currencies to closely estimate pricing trends.Special Python programs such as Anaconda are highly suitable for data analytics and have made traders’ lives easy.

– Automate Stock Trading – Trading in shares requires a lot of data and thousands of numbers per day to become valuable information. Python helps to plot data accurately but it also helps to use most out of  the data in each trade.It is used to analyse the prices of the same commodity/ instrument/ stock in different markets.It can return the highest and lowest prices across markets in various parts of the world.

Python is a very useful language in a burdened industry such as finance. As it is a versatile language and due to its number oriented base there are many courses now available with both Python and Statistics for Financial analysis. The benefits of learning it together are 

  • You can pre-process , save and visualize financial data into pandas data frame.
  • You will be able to manipulate the existing financial data by generating new variables using multiple columns.
  • Apply the statistical concepts( random variable, frequency, distribution )into financial contexts.
  • You can build a trading model using multiple linear regression model.
  • You can calculate the performance of the trading model using different investment indicators.

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Certified Python Business Analyst (CPBA) course is a focused 32-hours instructor-led training and certification program that equips participants to explore+analyze+solve business problems using popular analytics tools such as Python & Advanced Excel.

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