In 1892, the world saw the first animated film “Pauvre Pierrot” by Émile Reynaud. Émile Cohl made the first fully animated movie Fantasmagorie in 1908. Dadasaheb Phalke, the Father of Indian Cinema and the first Indian animator made the first stop-motion animation film in 1914. In 2023, animation is everywhere and the scope of learning Animation Design is sky-high.

scope of learning Animation Design
Pic courtesy: Clipart Library

Over the century, Animation and the scope of learning Animation Design have evolved many folds. From the Banyan Deer movie to the Amul advertisement, to ZooZoo, Chota Bheem, Bahubali, Bal Ganesh, Mahabharat, and Teddy, the Indian Animation industry has come a long way. It is one of the fastest growing industries in our country and the world over. Animation has grown into an inherent feature of the media and entertainment industry.

What is the scope of Animation Design in India?
Pic courtesy: Cinema Express


Scope of learning Animation Design

The entertainment industry abroad and in India is making use of Animation in a big way. Our entertainment sector is the second largest in the world. Animation Design and VFX are gaining immense popularity with today’s youth. This is thanks to their use in gaming, entertainment, art, and education sectors to name a few. Animation is prevalent in the advertisement sector, media, gaming, movies, education, construction, and engineering industries for projecting visuals. It holds true in any industry to create life-like visual projections. An estimate of over 30,000 professionals are required in the animation sector every year. It is safe to say that the scope of learning Animation Design in India is immense and there is a wide choice of animation design courses to choose from.

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