Want to know about teaching jobs abroad as an LGBTQ person 

Interested, We will tell you how.

Read On!

Globally, there are a variety of educational positions available. You should merely narrow your search based on your intended location or points of interest. We should all be familiar with the term “LGBTQ” before proceeding. The letters “LGBTQ” stand for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer,” an abbreviation for this group. Questioning is another way that some individuals utilise the Q.

There are also a lot of teaching job opportunities abroad for them and many countries offer some good packages for them. In this blog, I will tell you how. Some good countries to work with are:

  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Columbia

The above list is based on the laws, customs, and cultural attitudes within the countries. Also, teaching abroad opportunities is a key factor. So, in this blog, I will give you some more information that will be helpful for you.


There are many countries in  Europe that are good for LGBTQ + people. But, Spain is really good at taking care of and providing good teaching opportunities. Whether it is marriage for a same-sex couple or Adoption both is legal. Transgender people also can easily change their names after getting a medical diagnosis report or confirmation.

From the employment point of view, it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender

The Madrid city hosts pride parades in Europe and Spain, and in Barcelona where they have gay districts where many LGBTQ businesses are located. There are also a lot of teaching jobs in Spain.

In Spain, teachers can find paid volunteer opportunities in Spanish classrooms. If they hold a TEFL certification it is good for them.

teach English in Spain

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To teach in Spain the basic requirements are:

  • A TEFL certification
  • Knowledge of all kinds of English teaching Jobs.
  • Understanding of Visa laws.
  • Savings for start-up jobs. 

The above points will make teaching English in Spain easy.

What is a TEFL Certification?

  • TEFL is teaching English as a foreign language.
  • TEFL certified trainers can work in schools, colleges institutes, and universities.
  • TEFL program is for countries where English is not a primary language.
  • This certification is also beneficial for LGBTQ+ persons.
  • If they have TEFL certifications many countries give them equal job opportunities. And they can also get teaching jobs abroad easily.
  •    There is a lot of TEFL certification course in the market, which provides online classes. But we have to compare them on the basis of:
  • Accreditation
  • Curriculum and course spam
  • Course fee
  • Trainers
  • Projects
  • Certification
  • Job support.

Government Teaching Programs

  • There are a lot of government-run programs which provide student visas quickly.
  • Some countries like Australia, and Canada have a unique work agreement.


When it comes to South American countries that welcome LGBTQ+ persons, Columbia is among the best. This country has legally sanctioned same-sex marriage Since 2016. 

Additionally, Colombia has added a nationwide anti-discrimination law to safeguard LGBTQ individuals. Moreover, transgender people don’t need any medical testing to change their gender identity. So, you will get plenty of teaching positions here to start your career.

Many private schools in Columbia hire certified teachers and those with experience teaching English as a second language. Teaching in Columbia has many advantages. Allowance, housing, round-trip airfare, health insurance, vacation pay, and a bonus could all be a part of it.


Germany is also an LGBTQ-friendly country. Here gay marriages are legal and legal adaptation is also valid. Germany has been also open to gay people. It has also given many  Famous personalities and ministers.

Major cities like Berlin, and Cologne, host pride parades every year like Spain. They also organize LGBTQ film festivals. Cologne is a well-known city that connects events, sports, festivals, and business networks that connect the LGBTQ community.

There are many international schools in Germany that offer good positions to English teachers. Non-EU residents face a little more difficulty when they apply for visa programs.


In Asia, Taiwan is the most progressive country towards LGBTQ+ persons. Marriage for the same-sex couple has been legal since,2019. Discrimination in the workplace on the basis of gender equality is legal since,2007. Every year they conduct a pride parade that attracts visitors all over the world.

Taiwan also welcomes first-time teachers to private schools. To teach in public schools the candidate must be licensed and must have teaching experience. In addition to the salary teachers also get medical insurance, housing allowance, and assistance finding the accommodations and return airfare.


 For those people who want to teach in Eastern Asia,, Japan is the best choice. It is also a progressive country towards LGBTQ+ persons. Japan also deals with great tolerance towards the LGBTQ+ community. Some cities like Tokyo have banned discrimination on the basis of gender in jobs.

There have been a lot of gay music artists and politicians in Japan since,2012. The yearly Tokyo Rainbow Pride Parade has attracted thousands of people. While same-sex marriage has not been legal in Japan till now, but then also they support marriage equality.

English teachers are in high demand in Japan, so, it’s easy to find a job as a new one or as an experienced teacher. There is also a great offer to teach in summer schools.

teaching english in japan


Thailand is the most unique country in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. It is the most tolerant country towards the LGBTQ+ community. However, the country’s law is not so tolerant. Marriage for same-sex people is not legal. Although they support it not legally.

Marriage for same-sex couples is not legal and transgenders cannot change their gender. Thailand also hosts beauty pageants for LGBTQ people and also in the cities there are a lot of LGBTQ+-friendly hotels and bars. In Thailand also you can find a lot of teaching jobs but the thing is they don’t pay much.

Lawmakers are trying their best so, that same-sex marriage will sooner be legal in Thailand. They are also trying for some more rights for them. Thailand has a variety of teaching jobs ranging from ESL trainers in private schools as well as a TEFL certified and experienced teachers in public and international schools.

Before teaching abroad anywhere it is very important to research. For doing research you can search around the websites, for laws of the country. Are they LGBTQ + friendly or not? Use websites to get a snapshot of websites such as Equaldex, to get the knowledge about legal protections of the country.

Presently, there are numerous teaching positions available overseas. It is an exceptional opportunity to begin. Whether a trip, a new employment, or a career change is always beneficial.

Upon completing your initial year of teaching abroad, you will clearly understand whether you wish to remain in that location or venture out for a few more. Numerous nations offer LGBTQ+ individuals more favorable employment prospects.

The matter at hand is how much money you are capable of earning. Numerous nations remit a substantial payment. However, before that, we shall examine the overseas teaching employment prospects.

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Teaching jobs abroad: Considerations

  • First of all, if you want to apply for jobs abroad the most important thing is the visa. A visa is the key to working anywhere successfully. The best way to work is a working holiday visa.
  • Additionally, career breaks are possible overseas. Consequently, if you are departing from your typical 9-to-5 job. Additionally, one can acquire international experience.
  • There are numerous employment opportunities for those over the age of fifty. It is a viable option if you are contemplating a career change or establishing a new location.

    Visa Programs

The visa program required to work abroad is a working holiday visa. It serves between the age of 18-30. After college holiday visas are a great way to work with.

If you are planning to work after 35 years of age then you can go for a work visa. If you are on a career break then your experience and education are very much considered.

How you Can get a Working Holiday Visa

If you don’t want to work permanently then a working holiday visa is a great option. The most important thing about this is that you can easily get a work visa. But, there is an age limit that is valid only for 35 years.

Steps by which You can easily apply for Jobs Abroad

Finding a post: The most important step is finding a post. LGBTQ persons can also find a post they want to work for. There are a lot of websites which will tell you.

Networking: LGBTQ+ persons can also start networking to find a job. Either you can make your groups on social media platforms or you can join LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a perfect way to start with. You can start connecting with CEOs, and startups.

What is a TEFL certification?

  • TEFL is teaching English as a foreign language.
  • TEFL certified trainers can work in schools, colleges institutes, and universities.
  • TEFL program is for countries where English is not a primary language.
  • This certification is also beneficial for LGBTQ+ persons.
  • If they have TEFL certifications many countries give them equal job opportunities.

   There is a lot of TEFL certification course in the market, which provides online classes. But we have to compare them on the basis of:

henry harvin tefl
  • Accreditation
  • Curriculum and course spam
  • Course fee
  • Trainers
  • Projects
  • Certification
  • Job support.

Government Teaching Programs

  • There are a lot of government-run programs which provide student visas quickly.
  • Some countries like Australia, and Canada have a unique work agreement.


LGBTQ+ individuals will find Columbia among South America’s most hospitable nations. As per wiki pedia, the legalisation of same-sex marriage took place in 2016. 

Protecting LGBTQ folks is also the goal of anti-discrimination legislation on a national level. A medical exam is not necessary for a transgender person to transition between genders.

ESL instructors and certified educators can obtain employment in private schools in Columbia. Numerous advantages accrue to educators in Columbia. It may include a full honorarium, an allowance, lodging, round-trip airfare, medical insurance, and a paid vacation.


Germany is also an LGBTQ-friendly country. Here gay marriages are legal and legal adaptation is also valid. Germany has been also open to gay people. It has also given many  Famous personalities and ministers.

Major cities like Berlin, and Cologne, host pride parades every year like Spain. They also organize LGBTQ film festivals. Cologne is a well-known city that connects events, sports, festivals, and business networks that connect the LGBTQ community.

There are many international schools in Germany that offer good positions to English teachers. Non-EU residents face a little more difficulty when they apply for visa programs.


Taiwan is the most progressive nation in Asia with regard to LGBTQ+ individuals. Legalisation of same-sex marriages occurred in 2019. Gender equality-based workplace discrimination has been legally protected since 2007. An annually occurring pride parade, it garners the attention of tourists from around the globe.

Additionally, Taiwan welcomes novice educators to private institutions. A candidate for employment in public institutions is required to possess both a valid teaching license and relevant teaching experience. Teachers receive medical insurance, a lodging allowance, assistance in locating accommodations, and return airfare in addition to their salary.


 For those people who want to teach in eastern Asia, for them, Japan is the best choice. It is also a progressive country towards LGBTQ+ persons. Japan also deals with great tolerance towards the LGBTQ+ community. Some cities like Tokyo have banned discrimination on the basis of gender in jobs.

There have been a lot of gay music artists and politicians in Japan since,2012. The yearly Tokyo Rainbow Pride Parade has attracted thousands of people. While same-sex marriage has not legal in Japan till now, but then also they support marriage equality.

English teachers are in high demand in Japan, so, it’s easy to find a job as a new one or as an experienced teacher. There is also a great offer to teach in summer schools.


Thailand is the most unique country in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. It is the most tolerant country towards the LGBTQ+ community. However, the country’s law is not so tolerant. Marriage for same-sex people is not legal. Although they support it not legally.

Marriage for same-sex couples is not legal and transgenders cannot change their gender. Thailand also hosts beauty pageants for LGBTQ people and in the cities there are a lot of LGBTQ+-friendly hotels, and bars. Here also you can get teaching jobs easily.

According to the government of Thailand,  Same-sex marriage will soon be legal in the country. Furthermore, they are advocating for additional rights on their behalf. There is a wide range of teaching positions in Thailand, from those for experienced and qualified TEFL teachers in public and international schools to those for English as a Second Language trainers in private schools.

Thorough research should be conducted before teaching abroad in any location. To learn more about the country’s laws, you can look them up online. Do you know if they are LGBTQ+ friendly? Learn about the country’s legal protections by looking at websites like Equaldex.

There are a plethora of opportunities for international educators right now. It is an excellent chance to begin. You can use it for any endeavor, from starting a new profession or career to planning a vacation. Once you’ve taught overseas for a year, you’ll know whether you want to stay or see more of the world. The LGBTQ+ community has more favorable employment opportunities in several nations.

How much money you can make is the next question. Payouts are substantial in several nations. The first thing we’ll do is look into the teaching jobs that are out there in other countries.

Teaching positions overseas: Things to think about

  • The visa is the first and foremost requirement when applying for jobs abroad. The ability to work legally in any country requires a visa. An ideal method of employment would be a working holiday visa.
  • Going overseas for a career break can also be a viable option. Therefore, if you are trying to break free of the grind of a 9 to 5. Gaining worldwide experience is another option.
  • People in their 50s and beyond have several employment options. Consider it if you wish to move on your own or take a break from your job.

    Visa Programs

The visa program required to work abroad is a working holiday visa. It serves between the age of 18-30. After college holiday visas are a great way to work with.

If you are planning to work after 35 years of age then you can go for a work visa. If you are on a career break then your experience and education are very much considered.

How you can get a Working Holiday visa

lets get started

One excellent choice is a working holiday visa, which does not require a permanent employment commitment. So, the most crucial part is getting a work visa. But receiving it is so straightforward. However, you can only do it if you’re at least 35 years old.

Steps by which you can Easily Apply for Jobs Abroad

Finding a post: The most important step is finding a post. LGBTQ persons can also find a post they want to work for. There are a lot of websites which will tell you.

Networking: LGBTQ+ persons can also start networking to find a job. Either you can make your groups on social media platforms or you can join LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a perfect way to start with. You can start connecting with CEOs, and startups.

Internship Programs: There are a lot of internship programs that are run by several colleges. The visa options for those who are doing internships are much more accessible than actual work permits.

Hiring: some agencies hire workers from around the world. Going through the agency is much more comfortable as they make all the necessary arrangements. But you have to be very careful and you should read the contract very carefully.

What are the Salaries for the English Teachers?

The salaries for English teachers depend upon their qualifications, positions, and experience.

1. Asia: Japan  $1,500-$2,000 USD/month, China $1,200-$ 2,8000 USD /month, and South Korea $ 1,800-$2,000 USD /month.

2. Europe: Chezh Republic $700-$1,100 USD/month, Spain $1,200-$1,800 USD/month, Germany $ 1,100-$2,000/month.

3. Latin America: Argentina $600-$1,500 USD/month.Mexico $500- $800/month.chile $ 750-$1,000 USD /month.

4. Middle East: U.A.E $1,800-$ 5,000 USD/month, Qatar $1,600-$4,000 USD/month.


Looking for a teaching position abroad? Asia is a great choice. You can put away 30%-50% of your paycheck in Asia. The local currency in which you are paid and the exchange rate of dollars also play a role.

America and Europe.

English language instructors are in high demand in each of those nations. Pay is good in both nations. Saving will be a bit of a challenge for the new instructors. Salary expectations for LGBTQ+ English teachers are high as well.

Middle East 

The Middle East pays the highest salary in the teaching world. The Middle East includes the Gulf countries and like Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain. The U.A.E pay the highest salary in the world. The salary is  $1,500-$ 4,000 USD/ month.

They also pay a lot of benefits to the teachers like health insurance and paid vacation. and flight tickets. But, the job opportunities in the U.A.E are very competitive. Many schools hire teachers only if they have good experience, extra qualifications, or an addition to the TEFL certificate.

Initially, the remuneration for educators is relatively modest in less developed nations such as Morocco, Turkey, and Jordan. The Gulf states and the UAE offer competitive wages, so you should consider applying. 

Although the countries may be in close proximity, salaries for teaching positions overseas may vary. Gulf countries pay their instructors a higher salary due to the countries’ demand for highly qualified and experienced educators. Obtaining a TEFL certification does not guarantee a high salary.

How to Make a Good Salary?

You can’t expect an appropriate salary to be independent of a country’s cost of living. The nation will be fantastic to pay, even if the wage is low. Many educators are searching for a job that pays well enough to put some money down. You should use specific websites that might be helpful to you whenever you are looking for a job.

Suggest some Tips on how to Negotiate a Salary Offer

The LGBTQ+ community receives an appropriate salary in several nations.

  • You will not be paid the salary of an entry-level teacher until you are one. You can discuss it with them if your income is higher than anticipated. Professionally tell him how you are eligible for the job.
  • Always use facts to show why their offer does not meet your expectations.
  • After all, they will say no, so, always wait for the next opening to come. 
Also Read: Top 15 Free TEFL Certification in 2021

Here is a list of Some Countries According to the Salary they  Pay to the English Teachers

  1. The United Arab Emirates
  2.  Japan
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. Kuwait
  5. Oman
  6. Taiwan
  7. South Korea
  8. China.
  9. Vietnam

 You have to always keep in mind that a high salary is not everything but you have to compare it with the local cost of living which makes teaching abroad easier.

What are Your Qualifications to Teach English Abroad

Your salary is directly affected by your qualifications. For example, if someone has done a master’s TESOL then he will get a high salary compared to the person who has done TEFL. There are a lot of factors upon which the salary depends.

What type of Schools will you Teach?

Your salary very much depends upon the schools you teach. If you are working in a private school then you will be paid more as compared to the public school. If you are working in an international school then your salary will be even more.

If you are teaching at the university level then again you will be paid more.

If you are working for a business firm then again you will be paid much higher.

Best Places for Teaching Jobs Abroad

Saving more money and getting a handsome salary can be the key factors for teaching abroad. With the help of the best TEFL certification, you can get better options.

So, let the work begin!


If your dream is to travel abroad exploring new countries then teaching jobs abroad is a good option. Earlier people used to think that it was very difficult but these days

Nothing is impossible. Technology makes it easier.

There are a lot of websites through which you can do a little research and plan accordingly. Now, in this blog, I have mentioned the LGBTQ+ people. Now, what is an LGBTQ+ person?LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. First, you have to do a little research about the country where you want to work.

There are a lot of countries in the world that offer good opportunities for LGBTQ+ people. Like, Spain, Germany, and Japan. Columbia Thailand, Vietnam. These countries give some extra benefits to them.

Spain is a very popular country in Europe that provides good teaching child opportunities for the LGBTQ+person.In Spain, same-sex marriage is also legal as well 

Columbia is also a South American country and there also a lot of opportunities are there for the LGBTQ+persons

Child adaptation is also valid.

In Germany also in the same way Gay marriages are legal as well as child, adaptation is also legal after marriage.

In Japan which is an Asian country, there is also LGBTQ+ a lot of good opportunities are there. Right from the reservation in the job to same-sex marriage, everything is legal there. I hope you will get some good information from the above blog and it will help you a lot in finding teaching jobs abroad.

Recommended Read


Q.1 What is the salary of TEFL?

Ans. Although pay for teaching English abroad can vary, one can anticipate a respectable wage. In high-income nations, educators may earn a monthly salary ranging from $2,000 to more than USD 5,000. Your TEFL salary will be contingent upon your qualifications, position, and the nation in which you instruct.

Q.2 Is seeking a career at TEFL difficult?

Ans. Obtaining one’s initial TEFL position is the most difficult. After gaining at least one year of teaching experience, everything becomes more straightforward. However, the TEFL industry is not dissimilar to any other in this regard. Furthermore, the TEFL industry benefits from the overwhelming demand for English language learners.

Q.3 Is the TEFL instructor profession in demand?

Ans. TEFL instructors are in high demand in Taiwan, China, Japan, and South Korea. Exploration of North Africa and Latin America is also warranted. It is expected that demand in Europe will decelerate in the future.

Q.4 Does TEFL provide value for students from India?

Ans. An English speaker with an accredited TEFL certificate can obtain employment as a teacher anywhere in the world. Employers recognize an individual with a TEFL certificate qualified to instruct English overseas. However, we firmly believe that obtaining a TEFL certification is utterly indispensable.

Q.5 Does TEFL qualify you to teach in Dubai?

Ans. While some schools in Dubai prefer instructors to have a bachelor’s degree in the subject they intend to instruct, most schools prefer instructors to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Teaching experience, a TEFL certificate, and a valid teaching license are also required.

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