Creative Writing and its Scope

Creative writing is the most expressive form of writing, where an author’s creativity and imagination power are emphasized. Stories, Novels, Poems, Scriptwriting, and Personal Essays are all part of Creative Writing. More than depending on real facts, the thoughts, and ideas of a writer are more implemented in the craft. This blog provides some Creative Writing tips and tools to nurture yourself as a Creative Writer.

Creative Writing For Beginners

Communication is the bridge for connecting networks, and Writers are the medium for that. So Creators with supreme talent is highly in demand. At present, fields like Social Media, Cinema, and Print Media are in thrive to have creative writers who have extraordinary thoughts and a vision to execute their ideas. The scope of creative writing jobs is increasing.

But is it easy to begin your career as a Creative Writer? If creativity is your Hallmark and Exploration is your stamp then the answer is ‘Yes’.Still, the majority of fellow writers have a dilemma of where to start. So, This blog ‘Creative Writing For Beginners:10 Top Tips” is especially for those who want to pursue a career in the field of creative writing.

Creative Writing Tips for Beginners

Creative writing – For beginners, it will be always a difficult task to kick off the journey as a creative writer. So here are the top 10 creative writing tips that will smooth your way.

1. Reading

Creative Writing For Beginners

Taylor Swift an American Singer Quote “Book Train Your Imagination To Think Big”. which is True! If you want to evolve as a creative writer you should have a plethora of words in your Vocabulary. Your content should be crisp and clear. Reading is the only remedy to improve your list of words. Not only books but also any piece of information such as magazines, newspapers, Social media, or anything you hold will benefit your career. 

Moreover, to develop creative ideas and to have variety in your content you should have knowledge about what is happening around you. You read more you learn more. To bring life into your content enough life experiences are necessary. It can only achieve through reading others’ work or having a look, at their piece of writing. You should know the work done by your fellow writers. So reading is an imperative creative writing tip.

2. Writing

Creative Writing For Beginners

At the initial stage of being a writer, one could always feel Writer’s Block. You will have a surplus number of ideas and feelings. But in the budding stage, as a creative writer, you can feel a block to pen down all your viewpoints. Therefore, to have a flow with language, you should write every day. So it is one of the main creative writing tips. Writing should be your daily routine.

In addition, daily writing makes you to familiar with more and more words. And the usage of new words in your content will help you to grab the attention of Readers. Moreover, you can understand the errors like punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes in your craft. The writing speed will increase and we could analyze the point where we are stuck while writing and can work over that.


3. Basic Idea of Content

Creative Writing For Beginners

 A writer should know the topic that he intends to write about. Maybe you are writing, a story or a novel, or a poem, you should know the plot, the characters, and the content that you want to discuss with the audience. Also, you can add any real-life experiences that are related to the subject. It will not only enhance the quality of the Writing but also make it more interesting.

One of the major tips for creative writing for beginners is, to pen down the start and the end of your script at the initial stage itself. So that,  a basic outline of the writing can be sketched and you can stick to your topic. Note down all the points that you want to share. Also, deliver only the required information, don’t stress too much in details. The audience can be bored.

4. Work on Your Imagination Skills

Creative Writing For Beginners

An Imagination Skill is necessary for Creative Writing. Another Creative writing tip is, you should use imaginative language in your content. To seek attention for your work, you should have the capacity to think out of the box. Moreover, the usage of Metaphors, Similies can bring extra beauty to your creation. An author’s perceptions and emotions should reflect in his work. Readers should experience the same emotions as the author.

For example,’ Junglebook’- the famous storybook written by well-known novelist Joseph Rudyard Kipling is a reference guide in Creative writing. The author put his heart and soul to create an ambiance of a dense forest. So while reading the book, the audience feels that they are in a jungle surrounded by wild animals. Whereas, In the case of personal essays, Motivating and Striking sentences that will hit a remark on the reader’s mind can be used.

5. Choose the Correct Environment

Creative Writing For Beginners

Considering the creative writing tips, one of the prominent factors is choosing the correct atmosphere to write. Most writers choose a calm and peaceful environment to kick off their Creative writing. But it depends upon the individual, it can be a beach, a park, or somewhere else. One should figure out their comfort zone. Additionally, there is no specific time to write, if you have a spark then start writing.

Furthermore, don’t try to write when you are frustrated. Your mind should be relaxed and composed to have Creative ideas. If nothing is in your mind give yourself some time to relax, don’t force your brain to develop ideas. After all, this is creative writing, not academic, there should be a natural flow of thoughts. Then only magic will happen, and your audience will hold back to your work.

6. Headings and Endings

Creative Writing For Beginners

Catchy Headings and Satisfactory Endings are important creative writing tips. If you are a beginner in the area of Creative Writing its essential to draw people’s attention. Publicity is an essential factor for a Creative writer. So, a Striking headline is mandatory. It will create curiosity in people that something is happening in this particular book or whatever content you are portraying. Also, headings are your tagline, so they should be creative and related to the content.

Along with the headings, satisfactory endings are also a must. The audience should not have any questions in their mind while they finish off their reading. Always try to resolve the subject in the end. Keenness can be sustained in certain situations. For example, if you are focusing on a Thriller Series or investigation stories or have any plans to take a second part for your work. But most of the time, endings should be acceptable and agreeable. Finally, at end of your, writing you should have delivered whatever you intend to say.

7. Research and Relevance

Creative Writing For Beginners

Nowadays, the majority of people are interested in the field of Creative Writing. There are enough people who have brilliant ideas. So to persist and sustain in the area of Creative Writing, your content must be relevant and strong enough. Before writing on any subject you should research and find out the relevance of that particular topic at present. 

For instance, if you are writing a poem or an essay, the significance of the topic should be checked thoroughly. Also, in the case of story writing, the author should know the plot of the story,i.e the era in which the story is happening, the characters, their accent, costumes, etc. To have a successful career, your work should get noticed. So always research your content and find out the relevance of your craft.

8. Find Your Niche

Creative Writing For Beginners

As a Creative writer, you have to find out your niche. It is one of the fundamental creative writing tips. To improve your skill in creative writing, it’s paramount to identify your cup of tea. Maybe you are a good storyteller or an excellent essay writer or an exceptional versifier, try to amplify your talent in that zone where you are superb. Maybe you are a multitasker, but it is always good to have hands on a specific area. It helps to get focussed.

In addition, you have to read and follow the works done by other writers. It gives an overlook of their ideas and vision. Apart from that, we will get to know, how they portray a particular topic, their mode of narration, and how they add elements to bring creativity. So always follow the work done by your companions. It will eventually help us to develop our talents. 

9. Magic Of Freewriting

Creative Writing For Beginners

Creative writing is an area where a natural flow of writing should happen. There will be days when you can’t even pen down a single word. The adrenaline rush of our thoughts can occur at any time, anywhere. So it is always good to practice freewriting. Especially for beginners, unlocking the ideas in the initial stage can be a bit difficult. Free writing will be one of the best Creative writing tips in such situations.

It’s better to have a small book or notepad in your hand so that, you can instantly note down the points when you have a trigger in your mind. Keep it as a draft. Further, elaborate on such points. Not only notepads or books but also there are online apps that help you to write down your feelings. Apart from these, freewriting is also beneficial for memorizing your thoughts.

10. Keep your Style

Creative Writing For Beginners

As a writer, you should always focus on your style. There is an ‘n’ number of people who are passionate about writing. To evolve as one of the best creative writers always stick to your writing style. Yes, you can follow other writers but don’t copy them. Build your own identity. One should analyze your work by identifying your style.

In addition, some of the writers do not reveal their names, they use ‘Pen Names. Because they like to identify themselves through their craft. And still, have enough followers. So it’s not about the name it’s about having a distinct style. Uniqueness can be done in many ways. For example, it can be done through the language used, the way of narration, the Toughness of words, etc. Like these focusing on each nook and corner, you can create your style.

Creative Writing Tools

Other than these ten top Creative Writing tips, there are several online tools to enhance your ability and to get expertise in the area of creative writing.

1. Evernote

Creative Writing For Beginners

Evernote is an easy and well-organized software used to take notes. Sometimes we will not have paper or a book to write down our thoughts. So in such situations, this app benefits a lot. The only thing you need is a cellphone, and you can save your plans, ideas, photos, audio, and even web content. Moreover, the information you saved will be secured and can be shared on Social media. A free version of the app is available.

2. Canva

Creative Writing For Beginners

Designing Posters, Logos, Images, Book covers, etc are all part of Creative Writing. All these make our content more attractive and creative. Canva is considered one of the best graphic designing tools. There are a plethora of professional templates in Canva which we can work on. Apart from that, as a  creative writer, you can create your own templates. The app is very user-friendly and free of cost. Designing experience is not required, all you need is the power of creativity.

3. Hubspot Blog Ideas Generator

Creative Writing For Beginners

As a beginner in Creative writing, you can get stuck with ideas, and many questions may pop up in your mind. The queries like, what topic should I start ?, What should be the title? Is my content relevant? so on, can trouble you. Here is the solution. Hubspot’s  Blog Ideas Generator will help you to find a suitable topic or title for your blog. All you need is, to mention ‘nouns’ related to the subject you intend to write. The app provides at least 5  unique topics for a week. The blog ideas generated for a person will not get shared with someone else.

4. Scrivener

Creative Writing For Beginners

At present, the majority of people like to write online. But the hardest part is, managing and organizing the work. Scrivener is an app, that will be beneficial to writers in such situations. In this app, you can file your writings in one single digital book and notes can be added to each. Moreover, there are settings for updating and finding out the history of your work. As an author, all these help you to properly manage your writing schedule.

5. Writing Challenge

As discussed earlier, having creative ideas is the most difficult issue faced by Creative Writers.’Writing Challenge’ is a game-based app that will help you to trigger your creativity. The app includes daily writing challenges with fresh ideas. For example, hints,  and keywords will be given, you should develop them for finishing a task. A timer will be set for completing the activity. Stories and random topics are included, which will help beginners to expand their creative ideas.

6. Noisli

Creative Writing For Beginners

Music always creates magic. Listening to music helps us to get relaxed and composed. At least a few people like to write in a background where a piece of soothing music is played. This app is for them. The app offers a wide variety of sounds like drizzling rain, the Rustling of trees in the forest, and so on. In addition, one can create a playlist according to the environment they need. All you need is to make ‘Noisli’ your chrome extension. So enjoy the music along with the writing.

Importance Of Editing and Criticisms in Creative Writing

As an incipient in Creative Writing, all these Creative Writing  Tips and Tools aid you to build up your skills in Creativity. Along with that, to evolve as a good creative writer you should possess 2 major Qualities.

  1. Good Editing Skills
  2. Positive Attitude Towards Criticisms.

1. Good Editing Skills

Creative Writing For Beginners

Excellent Content with High Readability should be your main target as a writer. A reader should experience flawless reading. For that, there should be no grammar and spelling mistakes. In addition, Paragraph Breaking, Usage of simple sentences, Keyword distributions, Font and Font style everything should take into consideration. All these can be rechecked and reanalyzed in Editing.

Furthermore, any unwanted data that affects your credibility can be avoided at this time. Editing always delivers a better final product. So as a writer you should have hands-on talent in editing. 

2. Positive Attitude Towards Criticisms

Creative Writing For Beginners

Criticism can be considered as an eye-opener. Be it positive or negative, always take Criticism as Feedback for your writing. Moreover, when we discuss our content with others a Reader’s point of view can be evaluated. For instance, if we are writing a story, considering the opinions of our peer group, an ‘X’ factor can be added, of which we are unaware. Sometimes, that extra element can create a huge difference. Criticisms also help to eliminate errors and to include more information. Not only it will help you to improve your work, but also boons you to evolve as a Creative Writer.

Career as a Creative Writer

Creative Writing becomes an interesting and promising field nowadays. The number of creative writers has increased. Previously, Creative writers were categorized as those who write stories, poems, autobiographies so on. But now, due to the influence of social media, a vast number of opportunities developed. Social media become a budding platform for many content creators and marketers. So a person with Creative talent has a great chance.

Moreover, sectors like Marketing and Communications, Advertising, Copywriting, Seo Writing  Films, Proofreading, etc are in the need of Creative Writers. But apart from all these, if you want to establish yourself only as an author, it is also beneficial. If your work gets noticed, your career can take it to another level.

Finally, Creative Writing is a demanding career, for Beginners, it can be a challenging one to start. But, if you get trained in a Creative Writing course it will be always advantageous.

Here is one of the best institutionsHenry Harvin.

Creative Writing For Beginners

Henry Harvin’s Creative Writing Course ranked number one by The  Statesman. The course curriculum is based on a Well Framed Syllabus and Practical Training. Some of the important features of the course are,

  • Live Online Classes.
  • 1 Year Gold Membership with the Writing Academy.
  • Internship and Placement Assistance.
  • Assignments and Projects to gain skills.
  • Techniques to improve vocabulary.
  • Course Certification is recognized by the American Association of EFL, the Content Writing Association of India, and many more.

So if you are hardly in search of a Creative Writing Course Henry Harvin will be a good choice.


Creative Writing is a Talent. To have imagination power and to put down all your ideas into words is not an easy task. But, if you have a thrive to become a creative writer and want to unravel all your blocks, all these Creative Writing tips and tools will help you.

Nowadays, Creative Writing become an assuring career with a great scope. If you have a  Creative Streak, A Passion to write and the interest to flourish as a writer then don’t hesitate. Start Practicing these Creative Writing tips, it will uplift your potential as a writer and support you to conquer your dream.

Recommended Reads


 Q.1 What is Creative Writing?

Creative Writing is a form of writing which emphasizes the creativity, emotions, and ideas of a writer. Ex: Writing of Stories, Poems, Autobiographies so on.

Q.2 Is Creative Writing an easy task?

It is not that difficult, but one should have innovative ideas and an interest in writing to become a Creative Writer.

Q.3 What are the job opportunities of a  Creative Writer?

A Creative Writer can work as a Blogger, Author, Film Maker, Content Creator, Marketing Specialist, Copy Editor, etc.

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