People don’t clearly understand content writers’ work or job responsibilities. So what does a content writer do? Let’s find it out-

The job of a content writer is to structure print and digital content for companies that deliver information or present the products or services they offer. To create content that accurately depicts company ideals, content writers often research the material required for each article or product description. They work closely with a content manager and clients to write as per the particular company’s editorial style. An influential writer works independently and consistently fills deadlines.

Most content writers have an undergraduate or master’s degree in English or journalism. However, it is possible to enter the field without a degree if you start as an intern or show writing proficiency with a portfolio of your write-ups. To succeed in this role, content writers must know how to use various writing and publishing programs, such as Google Docs, G Suite, and WordPress. Strong attention to detail and the capacity to work under pressure are crucial.

What is a content writer?

A content writer specializes in producing relevant, engaging written content for websites. Every website is designed with a specific target audience and requires well-written, informative, and generally, high-quality content to speak to that audience. Often, the content that a content writer will create will contain keywords focused on enhancing a website’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Keywords are specific, business-related words or phrases that internet users may enter when searching for particular services or products. By targeting these, content writers maximize the opportunities that people will find their content when they enter related terms into search engines.

Content marketing is a field that has proliferated in recent times, and as such, content writers are in high demand. So, according to CMI, 78% of the increase in success for content marketers over the past year is attributed to higher quality content creation. And a whopping 47% of marketers are now outsourcing their content.

At its most basic level, content is information. On the websites, it can appear in a variety of forms, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Web pages
  • Social media posts
  • Video/audio content
  • White papers
  • Press releases
  • Email marketing

Content writers are exclusively in written content, and a good content writer will hold the skills to write for most or all of these online mediums. A good content writer will have a profound understanding of the purpose of a specific type of content to produce high-quality work.


The content should engage a specific audience: existing customers, prospective customers, stakeholders, employees, or investors. Therefore, content that is well-written and researched, with a creative writing style, is not performing its job if it doesn’t speak to the targeted audience.

Qualifications for Content Writer

  • A proven record of excellent writing establishes in a professional portfolio.
  • A flawless grasp of the English language, including idioms and also current trends in slang and expressions
  • Ability to work independently with much or no daily supervision
  • Strong interpersonal skills and interest in communicating with clients, colleagues, and management
  • Ability to work on multiple projects with various objectives simultaneously
  • Strict agreement to the style guides of every company and their policies for publication
  • Good time management skills, including listing, scheduling, and adapting as the requirement
  • Proficiency with IT skills, especially in writing apps and software, such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint
  • Fellowship with each client’s requirements and the company’s brand image, products, and services

Content Writer job summary

A good job description starts with an attention-grabbing summary of your company’s role and responsibilities. Your summary should offer an overview of your company and duties for the position. Outline the types of activities and responsibilities needed for the job so job seekers can dictate if they are qualified or if the job is fit for them.

Example of a Content Writer job summary

For example, a company requires a talented Content Writer to develop compelling blog posts, white papers, product descriptions, social media content, and web copy. They want someone to support them in expanding their digital footprint and giving them more value through online content. 

The ideal candidate should have an accomplished track record of delivering pieces that boost engagement and drive leads. Therefore, this position needs creativity and the capacity to use data-driven insights to write better material. The well-established candidate should also be detail-oriented and committed to fulfilling tight deadlines. Preference will be given to those with an impressive writing portfolio, a degree in English, and relevant work experience.

What Does a Content Writer Do?


No matter who the client is or what content is required to be created, every content writer must do their research. Primarily, in most cases, the content writer will collaborate with a subject matter expert they aren’t familiar with, so extensive research is essential to ensure the content created is accurate, up to date, and in line with the company’s existing requirements. Good research creates good content writing.

2. Developing SEO Writing

SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go create algorithms that level some aspects of writing, such as keywords, how the content is laid out, language structure, and the style used within the content. 

When you apply these features as part of a marketing strategy, the rank increases on search engine pages. Moreover, the goal is to be placed on the concealed first page. Even then, the higher the placement, the more likely the website will attract an audience. 

How vital is SEO Writing, and what can a content writer do? Research notes that as many as 90% of searchers never go the further first page.  Have in-depth conversations with the marketing team to learn better those keywords that need to focus on the marketing campaigns. 

3. Creating SEO-Grabbing Headlines

Titles, or headlines, of the writing, should be attention-seekers. But headlines should also include researched keywords. Search engines give attention to the keywords in your headlines as much as they do in your writing.

The writers need to analyze the headlines about similar topics on Google. Which keywords stand out? They need to embed these keywords into the headlines. Write several headlines before selecting the best that’s both attention-grabbing and full of valuable keywords. Here are three examples:

  • 12 Simple Ways to Generate Traffic to Your Website
  • Guide to Create a Website in A Single Day
  • Try This One Simple Way to Lose Weight Quickly

These examples create curiosity, use keywords that are linked to the article, and simplify the reader’s life.

4. Editors and Proofreading

Sometimes the advice or existing copy offered to a content writer is somewhat lacking. The content writer will have to navigate through poorly written content to edit and polish it. It can be exhausting, but it is essential to a content writer’s job.

Content marketers in Social Media Services promote the need for both a content writer and a content developer to captivate the audience’s attention. Experienced content writers will have been through a job where their skills are expanding too thin for a fee that doesn’t highlight the workload involved – when a company has a content developer, the content writer’s work is to be more focused to ensure they deliver their full potential.

5. Content Repurposing

Good content writers can compose one piece of writing, revise it, and deliver that same information differently. Doing so saves time and effort as they aren’t writing new, longer content regularly. 

At the same time, reusing content pulls a broader audience. For example, turning a blog post topic into a video will attract someone who will listen to that topic rather than read about it. Another example is extracting data from a white paper and creating a more visual infographic. A third possibility is converting a press release into several social media posts.

Besides, maximize the value of your all-essential information on a topic by offering it in front of as many people as possible.

What Types Of Writing Does A Content Writer Do in Job Include?

A Content writer creates writing skills for several types of writing that include:

  • web content
  • social media posts
  • blog posts
  • ebooks
  • white papers
  • press releases
  • books
  • guides
  • product descriptions
  • podcast outlines & scripts

Each of these types needs a specific approach to writing. So, as a content writer, you can develop your skills in these areas or specialize in two or three types to become a demanding specialized writer.

How do you start as a content writer?

The straightforward way to get your foot in the door is to apply to a content writing service or to venture on contracts via a freelance job board. Moreover, content writing services work hard to build lasting relationships with businesses and clients that consistently require content, and their writers provide that content.

Freelance job boards are more generic sites where writers make a profile and compete for jobs directly posted by clients. These clients may be individuals or organizations, and you will usually find that content writing is just one of the services clients need – they may also need web designers, video editors, and all other specialist services that can be done remotely.

Content writing services typically offer better job opportunities and make it easier to take jobs. Freelance job boards are often provided by established, experienced professional writers, and you may find it challenging to compete with them when you are starting.

An excellent content writer should be more than just another servicer or employee. They are a company’s partner in achieving success online. Further, they can generate perfect results that can be used in their portfolio to showcase the ability to create quality, fascinating content that spreads and engages many customers.


What are the duties and responsibilities of a Content Writer, and What does a content writer do?

Ans: A Content Writer is generally responsible for researching topics, maintaining style guides for a company’s content, and also writing content that aids drive conversions based on the company’s goals.

What makes a demanding Content Writer?

Ans: A good Content Writer must have excellent research skills since they will be required to grasp various topics, what customers are searching for, and what the company needs. They also need to have strong writing skills since they will write different types of content to help their firm sell products and services.

Who does a Content Writer work with?

Ans: A Content Writer often works with a marketing team, supervised by a Marketing Manager who ensures content is produced on time and fulfills the organization’s needs.

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