“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”                                                                                              William A. Foster

You may be surprised to know that even every kitchen likely follows the “5S” method5S Means






when you routinely go through your fridge to toss products that are expired, you’re sorting.

Keeping everything organized in the same (Straighten), easy-to-reach place (Shine) ensures your kitchen is set in order and standardized.

Systematic cleaning ensures your kitchen is always a safe place to prepare meals

Following through on each of these means you are sustaining the discipline.

Six Sigma quality
Quality Means

Quality in manufacturing

  • a measure of excellence
  • a state of being free of defects, deficiencies
  • is consistent adherence to measurable verifiable standards to achieve uniformity of output
  • is Significant variations brought to satisfies specific customer or user requirements.

Quality practitioners are a special category of people who organize, manage, measure, calculate, observe and constantly try to improve processes.

Quality practitioners use different tools to achieve this and may seem to be in a world of their own. One of well recognized quality tool is Six sigma.

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a quality management tool used to help businesses improve current processes, products or services by discovering and eliminating defects.

The goal is to streamline the quality control in manufacturing or business processes hence there is little to no variance throughout.

Six Sigma’s is focused on eliminating defects and reducing variation.

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Key principles Six Sigma

Principals of Six Sigma
Six Sigma principles
  1. Focus on the customer.
  2. Identification and understanding of how the work gets done (the value stream).
  3. Manage, improve and smooth the process flow.
  4. Remove Non-Value-Added steps and waste.
  5. Manage by fact and reduce variation.

Six Sigma is very useful to

#Maximize customer satisfaction by minimizing defects.

#Define and Improve processes.

#Improve quality and achieve a zero defect performance.

#Design and redesign processes.

#Process management.

Six Sigma Training

Six Sigma training helps to use tools to improve the capabilities of organizations their business processes.

Also helps to control on the inputs leads which to control the outputs .

Lean Philosophy

a philosophical way of working which emphasizes the removal of waste within a process.

believes in creation of value for the end customer.

Lean management

focused on eliminating waste using a set of proven standardized tools and methodologies for organizational efficiencies.

are used during integrating of performance improvement system

Lean Principles

Six Sigma
Lean principles

1. Define Value

Value is what the customer is willing to pay for.

It is very important to discover the actual or latent needs of the customer.

By using different qualitative and quantitative techniques you can uncover :

#what customers want,

#how they want the product or service to be delivered and

#the price that they afford

2. Map the Value Stream

Uses the customer value as a reference point and identify all the activities that contribute to these values.

Activities which do not add value to the end customer are considered waste.

The waste can be broken into two categories:

  • non-valued added but necessary should be reduced as far as possible
  • non-value added but unnecessary should be eliminated

By reducing and eliminating unnecessary processes or steps, can ensure that customers get exactly what they want while at the same time reducing the cost of producing that product or service.

3. Create Flow

The follow up action is to ensure that the flow of the steps run smoothly without interruptions or delays.

Some strategies for ensuring that value-adding activities flow smoothly include:

  • breaking down steps,
  • re configuring the production steps
  • leveling out the workload
  • creating cross-functional departments
  • training employees to be multi-skilled and adaptive.

4. Establish Pull

The objective of a pull-based system is to limit inventory and work In Process (WIP) items.

Ensuring the requisite materials and information are available for a smooth flow of work.

Pull-based systems are always created based on the needs of the end customers.

By adopting the value stream and working backwards through the production system, can ensure that the products produced will be able to satisfy the needs of customers.

5. Pursue Perfection

Perfection makes continuous process improvement a part of the organizational culture.

Every one must strive towards perfection while delivering products based on the customer needs.

The company should be a learning organization and always find ways to get a little better each and every day.

Advantages of lean principles

Provides a framework for creating an efficient and effective organization.

Lean allows the managers to discover inefficiencies in their organization and deliver better value to customers.

The principles encourage creating better flow in work processes and developing a continuous improvement culture.

By practicing all principles, an organization can remain competitive, increase the value delivered to the customers, decrease the cost of doing business, and increase their profitability.

It is important to note

Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma

#Lean and Six Sigma are incomplete without each other.

#Both have their own unique features which need to be implemented together for better quality management production.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma

is a method that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation.

Purpose of  Lean Six Sigma

provides organizations the tools to improve the capability of their business processes.

increases the performance

Decrease the process variation  that ….

  • lead to defect reduction  
  • improvement in profits,
  • employee morale,
  • quality of products or services.

Benefits of Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma provides various benefits for organizations.

 It not only saves money

but also changes the attitude of employees and the functionality of the organization.

Through implementation of Lean Six Sigma, organizations can expect the beneficial outcomes like:

  • Increase in Profit
  • Standardized and Simplified Processes
  • Decrease in error
  • Employee Performance/Development
  • Value to Customer

#Six Sigma is a program, does not attempt at organizational culture change.

#Lean Six Sigma is both a program and a philosophy that attempts both.

How to implement lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma can be implemented by DMAIC methodology

Six Sigma
DMAIC wheel

DMAIC is a data-driven problem-solving approach for achieving Process excellence, it has 5 phases

Define        Define the Problem

Measure     Measure  the Problem

Analyze      Identify the actual cause of the problem

Improve      Try to solve the actual root cause of the problem

Control       Maintain or control

Steps for Successful Implementation lean Six Sigma

1: Create a Burning Platform 2: Put Resources in Place 3: Teach the Methodology 4: Prioritize Activities 5: Establish Ownership 6: Take the Right Measurements 7: Govern the Program 8: Recognize Contributions.

# Lean Six Sigma training

As per ASQ (American Society for Quality)  it is a fact based, data driven plosophy of improvement  that values defect prevention over defect detection.

Lean Six Sigma training helps to provide customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by reducing variation, waste and cycle time, while promoting the use of work standardization and flow, thereby creating an competitive advantage.

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It applied where variation and waste exist, and every employee should be involved.

The industry, domain, and subject-matter experts develop a generic criterion, in terms of pre -certification and post-certification effort & experience levels.

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