Creative Writing is a knowledge-based profession. Even if you don’t have a Literature background or a degree in English, you can become a creative writer if you can express your thoughts through words. 

“Creative professionals who produce engaging content for websites, newspapers, blogs, books, journals, social media, application essays, training programs etc.”

Google considers content as one of the top-ranking factors. 58% of marketers agree that an original piece of article is more effective than videos in generating traffic. With the immense potential for professional growth, here’s a look at the top 5 careers in the field of creative writing:

1. Web Content Writer

Did you know: Nearly 70% of customers learn about products/services from an article instead of an advertisement.

A web content writer is responsible for composing content for websites, describing the products or services offered by a company, background of the company, customer reviews, email marketing, etc.


The content is written in short paragraphs with bulleted points and highlighted keywords to optimize it for the search engines. There are plenty of full-time as well as freelancing jobs for web content writers. 

2. Creative Content Writer

“To grow their business, tech start-ups need more web exposure and that’s where the content writers play an important role.” 


– Kapil Kumar, Content Writer.

A creative writer has to compose and arrange content for blogs, newsletters, testimonials, emails, business reports, presentations, etc. 

They develop and execute social marketing campaigns using the best writing practices for search engine optimization, web designing, and business trends.

3. Freelancer

A freelancer is tasked with content development, social media engagement, email marketing, and collateral development. 

  1. Social Media Engagement involves creating informative content for various social media platforms, posting and updating content regularly. 
  2. Content Development involves researching and creating engaging articles, proofreading and editing content, and promoting and sharing articles on Quora etc.
  3. Email Marketing involves creating and managing email campaigns, developing template designs and calls-to-action for email content. 
  4. Collateral Development involves creating marketing content such as videos, posters, smart brochures, customer case studies, White Papers, etc.

4. Blogger

A blogger builds a network of readers who trust his/her ideas. They earn through their write-ups and enjoy a loyal audience base who avidly follow their blogs.

“As a blogger, I write informative content for magazines, newspapers, social media sites, and the company’s website. A blog could be driven by a passion for a subject or love for sharing knowledge over various platforms.”
– Ramneek Jain, Blogger.

5. Scriptwriter 

A scriptwriter is responsible for composing scripts for videos, audios and training programs. They use fresh and interesting ideas to create engaging content for their target audience.


By choosing content writing as a profession, you hve opeaned numerous career opportunities for yourself. With experience and practice, you can learn how to organize, edit, optimize and create impressive write-ups.

“Henry Harvin Education provides content writing course that develops your writing skills and prepares you to make the most of these opportunities. Get in touch with our team today to know more about the course.”
-Kounal Gupta, CEO, Henry Harvin Education

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Henry Harvin Creative Writing Course Ranks #1 in India by The Statesman, India Today

Discuss the few basic difference between content writing and creative writing?

Creative Writing is the expression of feelings, emotions, ideas, and experiences. It goes outside the boundaries of any kind of literature. It is mostly meant for recreational purpose. The content includes diaries, poetries, journals, stories, etc. It is more dramatic and imaginative and mainly used in storybooks, magazines, blogs, novels, etc. Content Writing is an online form of writing basically used for seeing or promoting any product or service. It has a commercial purpose of persuading the reader to buy the product. It includes factual content based on research work. it works under the influence of the SEO. Check out the link to follow steps to write SEO content.

Give the scope of learning creative writing?

The scope in the feild of creative writing is endless. You can work as a poet, novelist, columnist, story writer, blogger, copywriter etc.

Can I get a full time job with my creative writing certificate?

A creative writing course upskills yourself and lands you in these different jobs profile.
1 – Creative writer
2 – Advertising copy writer.
3- Art Administrator
4- Web content manager
5 – Editorial Assistant
6- Web content manager
7 – Digital Copyy writer
8- Publishing copy writer

Give the careers prospect as a creative writing in India ?

Some of the existing job openings for the profile of creative writers in India are: Copy writer, Article writer, Author, Script writer


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