In earlier days, a Writer had to choose between a good dictionary and one that was portable. However, today one can rely on the online dictionaries available for free or a fraction of a cost paid otherwise to buy a 20 volume set of Oxford dictionary which can give anyone a major backache!

Writers, readers, and lexophiles, or anyone performing any sort of research or writing work can find a wealth of information using online dictionaries.

Following is a list of the top 10 online dictionaries which can help you understand words and help you fall in love with them with time!

1. Rhymezone — it is certainly one of the finest and most popular dictionaries on the web at the moment. It is an extremely quick and easy way to find words but it offers a whole lot more than that. You can find synonyms, antonyms, and even homophones. It can also be used very effectively while writing poetry and prose. It has the capability to return pictures, documents, and multimedia related to the word entered. Rhymezone can also be customized to perform your most used functions by default.

2. Bartleby — is widely acknowledged as one of the most comprehensive references on the net today. One can find everything from encyclopedias to inaugural addresses of the presidents of a country. Bartleby also has more than 1,00,000 contemporary and classic quotations.

3. Google Dictionary — no online dictionary list can be complete without including the Google Dictionary. It is offered in a wide variety of languages and includes special features like voice pronunciation, definitions, example sentences, and related phrases. It is also regarded as amongst the most expansive and best online dictionaries and is further backed by solid brand recognition.

4. VISUWORDS — is an online graphical dictionary that creates diagrams between words and concepts and thus helps create a relationship between the two and help understand their correlation to one another. It certainly is one of the most unique and stand-out online dictionaries on the web.

5. Urban Dictionary — is more popular as a slang dictionary and helps writers who are trying to communicate through cultures. It is a crowdsourced online dictionary for cultural words and phrases as well as slang that is not commonly found in standard dictionaries.

6. Gutenberg — also known as Project Gutenberg, is an online library of over 60,000 e-books that are available for free! It is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive books from different genres and encourage the creation and distribution of e-books.

7. Merriam-Webster — it is one of the respected and admired dictionaries and is made up of a dictionary, thesaurus, a Spanish to English translation, and a medical dictionary as well. It does not have a lot of features but does get the job done for basic word search and translation.

8. Collins Dictionary — is one of the best platforms for writers since it has more than 4.5 billion words repository! It comes with some very unique features that can help someone master his or her grammar and fluency. These features include Thesaurus, Video, Translator, and Scrabble. 

9. Dictionary — it is one of the oldest Online Dictionaries and has been in existence for the last two decades. Its features include  —  audio pronunciation, idioms, synonyms, word origins, and slang phrases, among others.

10. Macmillan — this is one of the best dictionaries to go to if someone wants to learn something new and interesting every day. It is fully integrated with features such as Thesaurus and Synonym finder and a ton of other related terms. It also provides stars and colors for displaying how frequently words are used in English.

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